The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.

As Jingyi snapped his fingers.

Several puppets rushed into the mouth of the poisonous salamander and played with self-destruction.

The internal organs were blown to pieces, and the poisonous salamander even had its brain blown open, leaving only a huge corpse lying in the camp without any movement.


The hair of the salamander was almost standing up, and it flexibly dodged the attacks of the puppets, holding a sickle and killing Jingyi.

His beloved spiritual beast was killed, and he wanted to kill Jingyi to avenge the spiritual beast.

Die now?

Nara Shikashin looked at the dead poisonous salamander and swallowed his saliva. The power of the puppet's self-destruction was really scary.

Jingyi slowly walked towards the dead poisonous salamander. This was perfect puppet material and could not be thrown away. As for the demigod?

He would get closer first.


Realizing that the instant body technique of the salamander Hanzo was too fast, the puppets along the way did not continue to attack and directly self-destructed. The powerful self-destruction shock kept coming and blocked the salamander Hanzo.

"Ah!!! Damn it, damn it!!!"

Watching Jingyi put away the body of the poisonous salamander, the salamander Hanzo was almost crazy.

Anyone who encountered this situation would be crazy.

Nara Shikashin suddenly began to sympathize with the demigod.

Isn't it better to waste time on the battlefield?

He had to come to attack the camp to kill himself. Now he feels good.

After solving the tricky poisonous salamander, Jingyi raised his hand and received the order. The remaining puppets quickly retreated to both sides and returned to Jingyi's side.

He took a look and found that more than a hundred puppets were lost in this wave, but it was not a loss to get a perfect material.

The puppets were somewhat limited. The puppets made from the corpses of these enemies could not target the salamander Hanzo, who was too fast.

Jingyi simply put these puppets away.

"Go to hell!!!"

The exasperated salamander Hanzo saw Jingyi put away all the puppets, and threw the sickle in his hand at Jingyi, and the sickle with the chain chopped towards Jingyi's face.

The salamander Hanzo followed closely behind, wanting to give Jingyi a fatal blow.

"Be careful!!"

Nara Shikashin exclaimed.

Jingyi raised his hand calmly, and the sickle that was about to chop him suddenly deviated in flight and fell on the ground next to Jingyi.


What's going on?

The attack missed.

Hanzo was stunned for a moment, and the next second, a strong suction enveloped him, pulling him towards Jingyi.

Not good.

Hanzo was shocked. He had never encountered such a strange attack.

Fortunately, the demigod was not a boast. In a hurry, Hanzo tore off the gas mask on his face, grabbed the iron chain in his hand and pulled it.

The sickle that fell on the ground chopped towards Jingyi's lower back.

Sure enough, Hanzo's combat awareness was not comparable to that of ordinary people. In this situation, ordinary ninjas would definitely panic, but Hanzo could easily resolve it.


A ball with green light blocked the deadly sickle, and the sickle made of a large amount of chakra metal broke abruptly.

It was broken.

How could this be possible?

Hanzo couldn't believe that his weapon would be broken even in his dreams.

"Golden Wheel·Reincarnation!!"

A golden light shot out at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye, piercing through Hanzo's body. The next second, Jingyi appeared in front of him, and his palm covered with green chakra pinched the demigod's neck and lifted him up.

"Who... who are you?"

Having his heart pierced, blood flowed from Hanzo's mouth, and he looked at Jingyi in disbelief.

Is he really a member of the Hyuga clan?

Are the people of the Hyuga clan so scary?

What on earth broke the sickle, and what on earth was that golden light, which was so fast that he could not react and directly pierced through his body.

"Your enemy."

Slowly lifting up Hanzo, to prevent him from digging out the inner lining of the salamander and releasing the poison, Jingyi said calmly:

"I'm sorry, I promised others that I would win this war."

"Cough cough!"

His vitality was fading quickly, and Hanzo had countless questions in his heart. He kept coughing up blood and insisted:

"Why... cough cough didn't you take action earlier, cough cough."

Salamander Hanzo is a suspicious person. If Jingyi had revealed his strength earlier, he would definitely not have launched the final battle.

It was because he thought that no one in the Konoha camp could stop him that he had to fight this final battle.

Who would have thought that the final battle would cost him his life.

"Because I am a medical ninja."

Jingyi grinned.


Medical ninja... Salamander Hanzo was so angry that his eyes widened, and he looked like he would not close his eyes until he died. After coughing up a lot of blood, he died completely.

Maybe he died of anger.

You dare to call yourself a medical ninja?

I am too embarrassed to expose you.

Nara Shika looked at Salamander Hanzo's expression before he died, and mourned for this demigod who would not close his eyes in his heart for three seconds.

It is also a pity for you as a demigod to meet such an unethical medical ninja.

"Senior, the rest is up to you. I want this guy."

The poisonous salamander is a perfect waste of materials, and so is the demigod himself. Jingyi put the salamander Hanzo, who had already picked up the scroll and died with his eyes open, into the scroll.

Even the sickle of the salamander Hanzo was collected together.

There is a lot of chakra metal in this thing, and this special metal is very expensive.

If it is refined and sold, it will be enough for Jingyi to buy a lot of puppet materials and parts.

"Okay, you take a rest first, and leave the rest to me."

The salamander Hanzo is dead, and the remaining ninjas of the Rain Village can't cause any trouble. This attack will empty the last assets of the Rain Village. It can be predicted that the Rain Country will be in chaos next.

But these have nothing to do with Jingyi.

His mission was perfectly completed.

He treated a large number of wounded people, gained the gratitude of a large number of ninjas, killed the salamander Hanzo, and brushed up a lot of reputation.

When these stories spread in the village, Jingyi had a protective amulet.

Anyone who wanted to target him had to consider the consequences first.

When Jingyi turned around, he found that the ninjas stationed in the medical room and the ninjas in the Anbu were looking at him with admiration.

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