The third generation of Hokage was in trouble.

Whether the third generation of Hokage would be numbed or not, Shizuka didn't care.

Anyway, he wanted 200 sets of equipment, because the number of ninjas in the Anbu would continue to increase in the next period of time.

Shizuka was ready to start a wave of explosive mode.

It is true that the boss opens his mouth and the subordinates run their legs off.

Shizuka asked to write an application, and the ninjas in the logistics department could only bite the bullet and write an application to the Hokage's office, and indicate Shizuka's request.

Soon, the application was sent to the Hokage's office.

Just after pacifying the people of the Sarutobi clan and returning to the Hokage's office, the third generation of Hokage, who had not yet sat down, saw this application.


The eyes of the Third Hokage, who was drinking tea, suddenly widened, and the tea in his mouth spurted several meters away.

Putting down the teacup in a panic, the Third Hokage quickly picked up the document and looked at it carefully. He thought he was dazzled.

Two hundred sets of equipment?

Instead of twenty sets?

Are you sure you didn't write an extra zero?

"Nonsense! Where did the Anbu get so many people?"

The Third Hokage's first reaction was that the Anbu was messing around, or more precisely, it was Jingyi who was messing around, asking for two hundred sets of equipment right away.

Didn't he know how much a full set of equipment for an Anbu ninja would cost?

Two hundred sets!!

It was enough to make the Ministry of Finance and the Logistics Department bleed.

"Send this application to the Anbu and let them review it carefully to make sure there are no mistakes. Don't just ask for two hundred sets of equipment right away. The Anbu doesn't have so many people."

After calling the guards, the Third Hokage threw the application to them and continued to review the documents.

Not long after, the guards came back, and he walked into the Hokage's office with a helpless look on his face.

"Hokage, the Anbu people said that this application was written correctly. Anbu Shizuichi is preparing to expand the scale of the Anbu, so he needs 200 sets of equipment. He also reminded me to tell Hokage to send the equipment as soon as possible, otherwise he can only take people to the logistics department to get it."

The Third Hokage: "........."

This kid is making trouble again, right!

The Anbu people rushed to the Shimura clan to arrest people, and scared the Shimura clan people enough. He talked a lot and finally appeased the Shimura clan people.

Turning around, Shizuichi came up with a new trick.

This time he didn't arrest people, but asked for equipment, a full 200 sets!

Bullshit equipment!!

Where did the logistics department get so much equipment for your Anbu?

If you want to expand, find a way yourself.

The Third Hokage decisively threw the application aside and selectively ignored it.

Anyway, there are definitely no two hundred sets.

After the application was sent to the Hokage's office again, there was no follow-up. Jingyi knew that the Third Hokage did not intend to approve this application and give the equipment to the Anbu.

Early morning.

Most of the people in Konoha fell asleep, and the village fell into silence. Except for some places where lights were still on, the whole village fell into darkness.

At this time, the hall of the Anbu headquarters was brightly lit.

All the Anbu ninjas who received the notice were present. More than a hundred people stood in the hall. At a glance, there were densely packed human heads and various animal masks.

Time is up.

Jingyi walked out of the passage leading to the office and walked step by step to the podium in the hall. Nara Shikako followed him.

Standing on the podium, looking at the densely packed animal masks below.

Jingyi coughed lightly and raised his voice:

"It's great to see you all here. Some of you may be seeing me for the first time. Let me introduce myself. My name is Hyuga Jingyi, and my current position is the deputy director of the Anbu."

"Tonight, the Anbu will have a relatively large operation. I hope everyone can be mentally prepared."



Tiger, wearing a captain's mask, stepped forward.

Jingyi handed over a list.

"Bring out the people on the list. From today on, they will no longer be members of the Anbu."

After Jingyi finished speaking, although the scene was still quiet, the pupils of many people's eyes revealed through the masks shrank.

Didn't they say there would be a special operation?

How did it turn into kicking people out?


Tiger didn't understand why Jingyi chose to kick some people out at this time, but the order came, and as a subordinate, he could only obey.

So one after another, people were pulled out. After counting carefully, wow, more than a dozen.

There weren't many people in the Anbu to begin with, and now more than a dozen of them were fired, which meant that the number of people present was reduced by one-tenth.


"Mr. Deputy Minister, what is the basis for you to expel us?"

Among the people who were pulled out, several complained indignantly, hoping that Jingyi could give them a reasonable explanation.

It is very difficult to enter the Anbu. For the ninjas of Konoha, working in the Anbu represents honor. Once kicked out, it is definitely the greatest humiliation for a ninja.

Looking at the people below who were not convinced, Jingyi smiled calmly, raised his hand and leaned on the table on the podium, looking down at them.

"Actually, the nicer way to put it is to expel them, because I give you a chance to pardon you. To put it bluntly, you have violated the rules of the Anbu, and you are all traitors!"

No way.

They are traitors?

For a moment, the whole hall was boiling.


The tiger standing below Jingyi shouted in a low voice.

The scene immediately became quiet.

Jingyi then continued: "As for why they are traitors? Let's not talk about the distant past. Since I entered the Anbu, these people like to run towards the Hokage's office building whenever they have something to do. I am very curious. The Anbu is no longer responsible for the safety of the Hokage. The safety of the Hokage has been handed over to the Hokage's guards. Why do you run towards the Hokage's office building for no reason? "

"The headquarters of the Anbu is very close to the Hokage's office building, really close. When you tipped off, couldn't you be more careful? You had to let me find out and make it difficult for me?"

At this time, those who protested and were dissatisfied lowered their heads and dared not say anything.

Because according to the latest regulations of the Anbu, their behavior is indeed considered a traitor to the Anbu.

Because these people secretly sent the intelligence information of the Anbu to the Hokage's office and handed it over to the Third Hokage.

"Since its establishment, the Anbu has always been a department directly under the Hokage. It has been less than a year since the Anbu was designated as an independent department. Some people do not abide by the new regulations of the Anbu and still circle around the Hokage. I can understand that I will not make things difficult for you. Take off your equipment, leave all your weapons, and leave on your own. You will no longer be a member of the Anbu. "

"I will personally destroy your files and will not leave any stains on your files."

"Everyone, please."

Having said this, those on the list can only take off their equipment and hand over all their weapons in frustration.

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