After a thorough understanding of the current situation of the Rain Country, Jingyi did not waste any more time and led his men straight to the Daimyo Prefecture.

Compared with other places, the Daimyo Prefecture is the only relatively safe place in the Rain Country.

After arriving at the Daimyo Prefecture, Jingyi went to meet the Daimyo of the Rain Country on behalf of Konoha. The

Daimyo of the Rain Country is very young, and it is precisely because of his youth that he is more courageous than the average Daimyo and supports the development of the Rain Village in various ways. Unfortunately, the final result still disappointed him. The countless financial and human resources invested eventually turned into a bubble.

It also caused the Rain Country to become a chaotic place.

After a brief communication with the Daimyo of the Rain Country, Jingyi left the palace where the Daimyo lived.

For the next period of time, he needs to stay in the Daimyo Prefecture, and the Anbu people will come forward to clean up the stray ninjas and rebellious ninjas who sneaked into the Daimyo Prefecture.

Only when the Daimyo Prefecture is completely calm will he leave the Daimyo Prefecture and go to find Jiraiya.

With the arrival of Jingyi, some stray ninjas and rebellious ninjas who sneaked into the Daimyo Prefecture were horrified to find that their good days were over.

All wandering ninjas and rebel ninjas will be driven away. Those who really want to live in the daimyo’s mansion need to prove their identity and origin, and make sure that they are harmless and not dangerous before they can stay.

As for those whose identities cannot be confirmed and those who have a record of danger, the Anbu will not let them stay. In just a few days, the unstable factors of the Rain Country Daimyo were basically cleared up by the Anbu.

Some wandering ninjas with clean identities stayed and responded to the recruitment of the Rain Country Daimyo. Jingyi did not interfere with the actions of the Rain Country Daimyo.

The Anbu is only responsible for protecting the safety of the Rain Country Daimyo, and the Anbu does not care about other things.

Not to mention intervening or interfering in the internal affairs of the Rain Country.

After the Rain Country Daimyo’s mansion was completely quiet, Jingyi left quietly.

Compared with the Rain Country Daimyo, he was more interested in finding Jiraiya.

The scattered puppets searched all places in the Rain Country, and some more suspicious places were marked down, waiting for Jingyi to go and check in person.

So after breaking into the nests of three rebel ninjas in a row, Jingyi came to a hidden valley.

There are various traps around the small valley.

Needless to say, this is Jiraiya’s masterpiece.

“This guy is really good at hiding.”

Jiraiya went to great lengths to avoid the villagers. Jingyi picked up two stones and threw them at the trap on the ground.


The triggered trap exploded instantly, and the explosion alarmed Jiraiya in the valley, as well as the future Akatsuki trio who were still growing.

The trap was triggered.

Since taking root in this small valley, this kind of thing has happened frequently. Jiraiya, who heard the explosion, rushed over immediately, followed by the three little guys.

When he arrived outside the valley, Jiraiya’s serious and tense face relaxed.

Because he saw the person standing outside the valley clearly.

Looking at Jingyi from a distance and giving him a middle finger, Jiraiya scratched his head awkwardly and smiled:

“Jingyi, why are you here?”

“Guess what!”

Jingyi easily bypassed a trap and walked to Jiraiya’s side. He took a look at the three frightened little guys and praised:

“Not bad, you have the potential to be a nanny to be able to raise three war orphans so well. It would be a pity if you don’t become the director of an orphanage.”

“”Ahem! Stop kidding, I don’t have that ability.”

Jiraiya was so embarrassed that his toes dug several holes in the ground.

“Come, come, let me introduce you to my three disciples. This is Yahiko, he is the oldest. You should be familiar with this red-haired one, his name is Nagato, he has the blood of the Uzumaki clan, and this little girl is Konan, she is a cute and enthusiastic little angel.”

“Yahiko, Nagato, Konan, this is my good friend, his name is Hyuga Seiichi, don’t worry, he won’t hurt you.”

After Jiraiya’s introduction and comfort, the three children walked forward with some fear and bowed to greet:”Hello”


Jingyi showed a friendly smile, waved to the three little ones and responded to them.

After saying hello, Jiraiya took Jingyi and walked towards the valley:”We are preparing to have dinner. You came at the right time. Come and try my cooking.”

There is a small wooden house in the valley. The small wooden house is well built. It has two floors and a large area.

You can tell at a glance that the people who built the wooden house worked hard and planned to live there for a long time.

The wooden house is very clean, and the stove on the wall burns firewood, making the wooden house refreshing and dry, without a damp feeling.

A fish more than one meter long is placed on the low table in the wooden house, and the roasted fish still exudes an attractive aroma.

It seems that Jiraiya’s cooking skills have improved.

When the Rain Country War broke out, the roasted fish made by Jiraiya was not so fragrant. For the three members of the Akatsuki organization, he, the nanny, has also taken great pains.

“Come on, come on, try it.”

Jiraiya enthusiastically picked a piece of meat with the least bones for Jingyi, and invited Jingyi to taste it and give his comments.

“Not bad, you have improved a lot compared to before. It seems that I was right. You do have the potential to be a nanny.”

After taking a bite of the fish, Jingyi gave a fair evaluation.

Although the taste is a bit strong, it is not bad to be able to eat such food in a ghost place like the Rain Country.

“Ah ha ha…….I knew my cooking skills had improved.”

After receiving Jingyi’s fair evaluation, Jiraiya laughed proudly, and almost put his hands on his hips and did a tactical backward move.

“Come on, come on, you guys come eat with us, sit down quickly.”

Jiraiya greeted the three disciples who were a little restrained and began to share the fish with them.

Feeling a little monotonous, Jingyi took out a scroll and took out a lot of fruits from it. Eating grilled fish alone was a bit greasy, and it would be much better with fruits.


Looking at Jingyi chewing an apple, the three little ones swallowed subconsciously.

In the chaotic Rain Country, let alone fruits, being able to eat staple food is already a very happy thing. Fruits are a complete luxury and more precious than meat.

Glancing at the three little ones, Jingyi took out some fruits and shared them with them.

Even with Jiraiya’s care, their lives were not much better, at least not comparable to those living in Konoha.

Resource scarcity is so helpless.

Many things can be bought outside, but Jiraiya was not at ease leaving the three little guys at home, so he had to make do. Fortunately, with Jiraiya, they will not lack staple food and meat.

For most people in the Rain Country, this is already a dream life.

Teacher, is it okay?

The three little guys looked at Mizutani on the table, their eyes full of desire, but they didn’t dare to reach out for it, so they could only look at Jiraiya.

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