Just as Jingyi was curious about this strange phenomenon, a toad bigger than a palm jumped out of the stream and looked around.

When it saw Jingyi, it quickly jumped towards him, opened its mouth wide, and spit out the letter in its stomach.


Use a toad to deliver the letter.

This should be Jiraiya’s work.

Orochimaru likes to use snakes to deliver letters. As for Tsunade, she also uses slugs to help run errands when she has nothing to do.

As long as the general location can be determined, it is indeed very convenient to let the summoned beast run errands.

“Did Jiraiya ask you to deliver it?”

Jingyi asked the little toad.

The little toad nodded, indicating that it was Jiraiya, and it was an errand boy.

Maybe it hasn’t grown up yet, and the little toad can’t speak yet.

After confirming that it was Jiraiya’s handwriting, Jingyi picked up the letter on the ground.

He opened the envelope and took out the letter inside.

Jingyi took a quick look.

This guy is so quick that he even asked the Toad Sage.

It’s a pity, I dare to say, do you dare to believe it?

The Toad Sage is indeed unreliable, and he threw a sentence to Jiraiya, the Sage’s Eye……..After opening the Sharingan, he fell asleep, which made Jiraiya very anxious.

Jiraiya had no choice but to find Jingyi.

After reading the contents of the letter, Jingyi threw the letter and envelope into the fire, lowered his head and said to the little toad lying on the ground:

“You go back and tell him, I don’t know, let him guess”


The little toad was a little confused.

Are you sure you don’t need to write a letter or something?

Just a message?

It seems that it can’t speak yet.

Jingyi continued to grill meat and ignored the little toad. The little toad had no choice but to jump into the river.

Since he can’t speak, he will find someone who can speak to communicate with Jiraiya.

So Jiraiya, who was eating at the base, was holding chopsticks in his hand and was about to start eating, and then he arrived at Myoboku Mountain.


Jiraiya, who hadn’t realized he was in Myoboku Mountain, picked up the colorful bugs with his chopsticks and stuffed them into his mouth like noodles. Jiraiya chewed the delicious food with a satisfied look on his face.

But after chewing a few times, his face turned green, and he threw away the chopsticks in his hand and covered his throat directly.


Jiraiya, who couldn’t enjoy the insect feast, vomited directly.

Gamashima, who was standing in front of the table, looked disappointed:

“It seems that Jiraiya doesn’t like the feast I made.”

Gama Fukasaku looked at his wife speechlessly. Jiraiya doesn’t like the feast you made. It’s not like you just found out today that this kid has been protesting your insect feast since he first came to Myoboku Mountain.


Jiraiya was vomiting a lot.

He was almost vomiting out the jaundice water.

“”Hello, Master Fukasaku, Master Shima.”

Familiar taste, familiar recipe. Jiraiya knew without even opening his eyes that he had come to Myoboku Mountain and accidentally ate a big bite of the insect feast made by Shima.

These disgusting things are the favorite of the toad, but Jiraiya can’t enjoy such deliciousness.

“Jiraiya, the little toad who delivered the letter for you said that the little fellow named Hyuga Shizuichi did not reply, but only brought one sentence.”

Toad Fukasaku said

“What are you talking about?”

After vomiting for a long time, Jiraiya felt that he was finally alive. With a little fear, he subconsciously stayed away from the dining table and the various strange insects on the dining table.

He was not worthy of enjoying this stuff.

Gama Fukasaku said:”The little toad came back and said that the other party said he didn’t know and asked you to guess it yourself.”



If I knew, why would I ask?

And guess it myself.

Jiraiya felt that Jingyi was either deliberately playing a trick on him, or he really didn’t know and was just guessing.

As for why he knew about Myoboku Mountain, is there any need to think about it?

Myoboku Mountain, Ryuchi Cave, and Shikotsu Forest are the three holy places that are neighbors. Is it strange to know some secrets from the Slug Sage?

Not strange.

After all, the Slug Sage is from the same era and level as the Toad Sage and the White Snake Sage.

It seems that if you want to figure out the connection between the Sage’s Eye and the Sharingan, you can only wait for the Toad Sage to wake up and ask again, or the owner of the Sage’s Eye will jump out himself.

But is this possible?

You have to know that this kind of circular eyes has the reputation of the Sage’s Eye because the last person who had this kind of eyes was called the Six Paths Sage.

The ancestor of all ninjas.

Sighing, Jiraiya said to the two toads:”Okay, Master Fukasaku, please take me back.”

Toad Shima said regretfully:”Don’t you want to stay and eat something?”

“No, no.” Jiraiya was so scared that his face turned green, and he quickly stepped back.

Gama Fukasaku rolled his eyes and sent Jiraiya away.

His wife was good in every way, but she was too enthusiastic. She always liked to treat others to the insect feast she made. Not to mention the toads in Myoboku Mountain, the key is that she likes to treat people to feasts.

This is a bit fatal.

After returning to Konoha, Shizuichi first came to the Anbu base, and after confirming that there was no problem with the operation of the Anbu, he went home with peace of mind.

At the same time, the Third Hokage in the Hokage Office Building had received the news that Shizuichi had returned.

“Jiraiya is unwilling to come back?”

Because there are many things to do, Utane Koharu and Mitomon En can’t just run to the Hokage’s office for nothing.

They both know that the Third Hokage asked Shizuichi to pass on a message, but they are skeptical. After all, Jiraiya is hiding from the people in the village, and it is still unknown whether Shizuichi can find him.

Thinking of this, Mitomon En asked curiously.

The result was a deep sigh from the Third Hokage.

“After arranging his work, Jingyi went to look for Jiraiya, and he found him, but Jiraiya was unwilling to come back. He wanted to stay and take care of the three war orphans.”

“This is just nonsense! There are no rules at all. He said he would not come back, so he did not come back. Does he still consider himself a member of the village?”

“It’s simply outrageous��

Utatane Koharu glared and couldn’t help cursing.

If Jiraiya behaved like this, it would definitely get him into trouble if it happened to someone else.

Don’t you want to come back?

Well, don’t come back, I’ll give you the traitor ninja meal.

You can just wait to be hunted down by the Anbu.

However, Jiraiya was a disciple of the Third Hokage, so he couldn’t give him the traitor ninja meal, so he could only curse.

“Konoha is one of the main culprits for the Rain Country becoming what it is today, and he himself is also a murderer who destroyed other people’s homes. Could it be that he wants to raise a few war orphans and resolve the grievances between the village and the Rain Country?”


Seeing that the Third Hokage’s face looked a little ugly, Mito Kado En hurriedly pulled her.

Don’t keep scolding even if you are angry.

At least consider Hiruzen’s face.

The Third Hokage shook his head:”I’m fine. Jiraiya did go a bit too far in this matter, but don’t scold me. When he comes back, I will ask him to make compensation.”

How to compensate?

Do I need to say it?

There are a lot of tasks arranged. As long as you don’t die, use them ruthlessly.

I believe Jiraiya will not refuse.

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