The mortality rate of new Genin is very high. Even if there is a teacher leading the team, the mortality rate is still high.

Those who cannot be assigned a teacher and form their own team are even worse. It is considered good if two or three out of ten survive.

“In fact, the teacher had no objection to us leaving the village to carry out the mission. He even wanted to take us out with him. But now he couldn’t leave.”

“It seems to make sense. My sister, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru didn’t have many opportunities to go out on missions before. After all, their teacher is the Hokage.”

Nawase compared himself to the Tsunade trio, and found that his treatment seemed to be much better than theirs.

Although his teacher was not a good person, fortunately, there was Shizuka replacing Jiraiya, so his training would not fall behind.

“Forget it, don’t think about it. Since Jingyi has such an idea, let’s look forward to it. Come on, little yellow hair, let’s continue.”

“Don’t call me little yellow hair”

“Hehe, others can shout, but I can’t?”

“Two idiots”

“Pfft! Shut up and don’t call me that!”

“The teacher can call, but I can’t?”

“Ahhhhhh!! Little yellow-haired boy, you’ve gone too far!!”

“Idiot, we are the same”


On the roadside not far from home, Jingyi looked at the two boys who were making a lot of noise and bickering in the yard, and shook her head speechlessly.

Unconsciously, the little yellow-haired boy has also become bad.

But what they both said is very right.

Nawaki can call Minato Namikaze the little yellow-haired boy, so it is reasonable for him to be called an idiot in return.

Three days passed in a flash, and at a special passage in the Anbu, a group of ninjas from the Sarutobi and Shimura families gathered. There were about fifty people, and these ninjas were the elite of the family.

They were specially selected by the Third Hokage.

In addition to them, there were two elder advisors.

Although Utatane Koharu regretted it, she was too ashamed to go back on her words.

In addition to these people, the Third Hokage was also there.

As for Jingyi, he came alone without bringing anyone from the Anbu.

“Jingyi, according to the agreement, I have selected a group of elite soldiers, and two elders and consultants have also joined them. I hope that they can take charge of the team. What do you think?”

Letting Utane Koharu and Mitomon En take charge of the team was the result of the three of them sitting together and negotiating.

Utane Koharu is just a figurehead, and the real commander is Mitomon En.

They are worried that Jingyi may cheat them after becoming the team commander.

So the initiative must be seized.

“”Okay, I have no objection.”

Jingyi had no intention of objecting to this.

It would be better if he was not in charge, so he would not have to take the blame.

“Then let’s go.”

Mitomon Yan is also a straightforward and decisive person. Since he has to make this trip, he should be decisive and straightforward.

Complete the task earlier and come back earlier.

He believes that as long as the initiative is in his own hands, the danger of the mission can be reduced.

Sometimes, your own people who will betray you are more terrible than the enemy.

Therefore, with the initiative in hand, Mitomon Yan is also full of confidence. After all, the team members are all carefully selected elites. As long as they are not surrounded by a large number of enemies, they can retreat calmly.

The group said goodbye to the Third Hokage, passed through a special passage, left the village, and headed straight for the Wind Country at night.

After leaving the village, the team’s progress The route did not go in the direction of the Land of Rivers, but instead went in the direction of the Land of Rains.

Obviously, Mitomon En decided to sneak into the Land of Winds from the direction of the Land of Rains.

In the Land of Rivers, the full-scale war is going on, and the defenses of the Sand Village must have reached a strict level. It is more difficult to penetrate from this side, and it is easier to encounter the enemy.

On the contrary, the Land of Rains is relatively quiet, as long as you are careful to avoid the enemy’s sentries and patrols.

On the way, Jingyi found that many people were secretly observing him. Obviously, they were afraid that he would cause trouble.

What ignorant people.

Jingyi did not make any comment on this. If you like to observe, then observe.

As long as you don’t mind the fatigue, it’s fine.

“Do we really need to inform him? Can’t we decide for ourselves?”

On the way, Koharu Utatane was a little dissatisfied.

Because Mitomon En said that he wanted to find a place to rest, and then discuss the upcoming revenge plan with Jingyi. She felt that since the initiative was in their hands, why bother to waste time negotiating with Jingyi, they could just make the decision themselves.


Can’t you just open your eyes a little?

Mitomon En really wanted to reason with Utatane Koharu, but he didn’t dare to say it.

Because once Utatane Koharu was unreasonable, she would be very likely to get mad, and then he wouldn’t be able to explain himself even if he was right.

“Just because Hiruzen handed over the command to us doesn’t mean we can leave out Hyuga Shizuka, he is also a member of our team.”

Mito Kado En had no choice but to bring out the Third Hokage.

“All right then.”

Seeing that the Third Hokage had been brought out, Utane Koharu had to compromise.

The team stopped to rest. Jingyi had no doubts, as if he was an outsider who came here to enjoy the mountains and rivers, and didn’t care about the mission at all.

Looking at Jingyi standing on the rock, leisurely looking at the sunrise, holding juice and meat patties that he didn’t know where he came from, eating slowly, Mitomon En really didn’t know what to say.

Brother, we are here to carry out the mission, not to watch the sunrise or enjoy the mountains and rivers.

“Ahem, quiet down……….”

“Is there something wrong?”

Jingyi, who was watching the sunrise and eating delicious meat patties, felt very relaxed at the moment. If it was not enough, he would have another sip of juice.

However, the juice was not satisfying. When he had free time in the future, he would pull Orochimaru over and let this guy study the formula of happy water and make the happy water. In the hot summer, have a bottle of iced happy water, take a sip, the taste is amazing.

Moving his eyes away from Jingyi, Mito Men Yan walked up and stood side by side with him:”For a long time in the future, we will need to work together to complete the tasks assigned to us by the village. I have some ideas I want to discuss with you.”

“No, no, you can decide for yourself. After all, the power of command is in your hands. You don’t need to ask me for this kind of thing. I can do it.”

Jingyi shook his head decisively and refused.

What a joke, I don’t have the power of command in my hands. As long as I don’t interfere in anything and do my own job well, even if the mission fails or the team suffers heavy losses, it is not my turn to take the blame.

Why do you want me to join in this kind of thing that needs to be blamed?

Mitomon Yan:”………”

Eating meat patties and drinking juice, Jingyi walked away leisurely. He didn’t even give the other party a chance to speak again.

Anyway, I, Hinata Jingyi, have nothing to do with these things. You can do whatever you want, just don’t involve me.

“You must have been rejected.”

Mitomon En came back dejected, and Utane Koharu couldn’t help but laugh at him.

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