The situation is very different.

There is a group of unknown people in the Kingdom of Wind who are causing trouble everywhere. In the absence of clear information, the Sand Village may mistakenly think that they are desert bandits or wandering ninjas.

In the face of desert bandits who pop up from time to time to cause trouble, and wandering ninjas who come from nowhere, the Sand Village usually does not target them with great fanfare.

If this group of people were ninjas from Konoha, the situation would be different.

This would definitely stimulate the nerves of the Sand Village, making the Sand Village pay attention to it at the first time, send people to track them down, and then surround and kill them.


Changing clothes can confuse the enemy, Jingyi has no reason to refuse, and nodded and agreed.

Jingyi agreed to his suggestion, and Mizutomon Yan continued:

"The second is the attack route..."

Spreading out the map and placing it on the ground, Mizutomon Yan pointed to the distribution map of oases in the Kingdom of Wind:

"The Kingdom of Wind is very large, and the distribution of oases is uneven. My suggestion is to act separately. A group with more people will go this way, and a group with fewer people will start from this side."

Concentrate forces to attack the area with more oases, and as for the other side, send a small number of people there.

"Although acting separately will weaken our overall strength, it will be more beneficial to our actions and can also confuse the enemy enough. What do you think, if the oases and villages on the two routes are attacked, what will the Sand Village think?"

The two old guys want to split up, but they don't want to assign people to him.

Jingyi took a deep look at the two of them and pointed to the route with fewer attack targets:

"I'll go this way, and leave the target here to me. After completing the task, evacuate directly from the Kingdom of Wind."

Want to cheat people?

Let's see who will be cheated in the end.

Make an agreement in advance, evacuate directly after completing the mission, and don't wait for anyone else. Even if you are surrounded and killed, don't expect others to save you.

"I agree, but manpower........."

Mitomon Yan showed an embarrassment.

Jingyi said with a smile: "No need, I am enough."

After that, Jingyi took out a scroll.

"Write down our plan, and then send it to the village in advance, and the three of us will sign it."

Jingyi is not afraid of being cheated, but afraid that someone will refuse to pay.

Don't say it well before the division of troops, and then start to blame when you are chased and killed in the end.


Mitomon Yan and Utatane Koharu knew that Jingyi was preventing them from cheating and blaming others. Similarly, they also wanted to send such intelligence letters to the village first, so that if Jingyi got into trouble, Tsunade would not catch them.

Jingyi's strength is stronger than theirs, but Jingyi is only one person, and they are different, with a complete elite force.

Although they have more targets, Koharu Utatane and En Mitomon believe that Shizuka's troubles will be bigger than theirs.

After the intelligence letter was written, the three signed it and used the ninja eagle to send the intelligence letter away. They watched the ninja eagle fly into the sky and head towards Konoha. The two sides then separated and entered the Kingdom of Wind from different directions.

Koharu Utatane and En Mitomon led the elite troops and advanced along the northern coastline, while Shizuka went down along the direction leading to the battlefield of the Kingdom of Rivers.

It seems that Shizuka's side has fewer targets to attack, but in fact it is more dangerous, because this side is closer to the battlefield of the Kingdom of Rivers and the Sand Village. Once the oasis and villages and towns on this route are attacked, the Sand Village will investigate immediately.

Shizuka might have been targeted as soon as he started.

In comparison, the other route is safer.

After the two sides separated, Shizuka walked slowly in the endless desert, like a small black dot moving in the desert. There was almost no other color around except the yellow sand.

After walking a long distance, Jingyi chose a secluded place to rest.

He was not in a hurry to attack his target.

He took out the tent and set it up. Lying in the carpeted tent, drinking the drink taken out of the seal scroll and eating the fruit prepared in advance, Jingyi contacted Tsunade calmly.

River Country Camp.

In the lounge of the medical department, Tsunade lay weakly on the bed. She was busy all night last night, either saving people or preparing potions. She didn't touch the ground at all. It was only now that she got a little rest time.

"You look tired."

The puppet crow on the bedside table had green light in its eyes, and Jingyi's voice came out of the crow's mouth.

Tsunade, who was in a daze, woke up instantly, and her body bounced up like a zombie.

"Damn it, don't look for me when I'm resting!!!"

Looking at the puppet crow, Tsunade, who had a few black lines on her forehead, cursed twice and lay back, not caring about her image.

In front of Jingyi, she had no image to speak of, so there was nothing to care about.


Through the puppet crow, the sound of Jingyi's hiccups came over, and Tsunade clenched her fists and gritted her teeth and cursed:

"Asshole, don't contact me while eating!!"

The conditions on the front line were not good to begin with, and Tsunade's cooking skills were not good, so it was difficult to open a small kitchen.

Hearing the sound of Jingyi's hiccups, Tsunade thought that Jingyi deliberately contacted her while eating delicious food to stimulate her.


On the other side, Jingyi, who was lying in the tent, said speechlessly:

"You think too much. I was just lying in the tent, looking at the endless desert, drinking some drinks and eating some fruits. The hiccups were just because the juice had bubbles."

"Where are you?"

Tsunade turned over and sat up, her expression changed from lazy to serious.

Endless desert?

In the entire ninja world, only the Wind Country has such terrain.

In other words, Jingyi ran to the Wind Country?

"The Wind Country, where else? After returning from the Rain Country, your teacher couldn't bear to see me idle, and the daimyo was dissatisfied, so he brought out the revenge plan."

"So this task was given to you?"

"Not really, I pulled two elders and advisors with me. After arriving in the Wind Country, we split up. They took the elite troops selected from the village and took another road, while I took another road alone."

"What nonsense!!"

Tsunade couldn't help but cursed: "Those two old guys dared to walk out of the village? Wait, why do we have to divide the troops? The Wind Country is different from the Fire Country. We should concentrate our forces to launch an attack, quickly sneak attack, and quickly evacuate."

The Fire Country is rich in resources. The people of the Sand Village sneaked into the Fire Country to divide their forces to cause destruction because dividing the forces is more cost-effective, destroying and plundering everywhere.

And the Wind Country is not worth dividing its forces at all because it is too poor.

There are few places worth destroying.

Therefore, concentrating forces is the best choice.

Fight a speed war.

Before the Sand Village reacts, destroy as much as possible, and after gaining certain results, evacuate quickly.

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