The two of them were very close.

"It's still the same."

Tsunade frowned and said, "A full-scale war cannot be ended in a day or two. If there is no accident, it is not surprising that this war may last for a year or two."

"By the way, this is..."

Jingyi held Ye Cang with one hand, and Ye Cang's face was facing down, so Tsunade could not see her face.

"Ye Cang."

Jingyi lifted the person in his hand a little so that Tsunade could see the other person's face clearly: "A genius with a special blood limit in Sand Village, you should know her."

"Scorch Release Ye Cang?"

Konoha and Sand Village were fighting. Tsunade had been in the camp for so long that she would naturally get to know the important people on the enemy side.

"The intelligence data says that this little girl is quite powerful and has caused a lot of trouble to the village. How did you catch her?"

Noticing that Ye Cang was about to wake up, Jingyi took out tools to tie her up first, so as to prevent Ye Cang from waking up and causing trouble for herself.

The houses in the Konoha camp are all built with wood, and Ye Cang's Burning Style is professional in burning wood.

After making sure that she was tied up, Jingyi answered Tsunade's question:

"I met her when I entered the Kingdom of Rivers. She seemed to be carrying out some mission. I caught her after sacrificing a puppet."

She briefly told that Ye Cang, this silly girl, used Burning Style to attack her puppet and wanted to escape from this direction, but was affected by the puppet's self-explosion.

I learned about Jingyi's capture process.

Tsunade couldn't help but mourn for her for three seconds.

This girl is really unlucky.

In fact, Ye Cang was indeed unlucky. If she hadn't led people to break through urgently, she wouldn't have happened to run into the puppet's self-explosion.

Sacrificing a puppet to capture Ye Cang, this deal is simply like Qin Shi Huang eating peppercorns to win.

"Wait, what are you doing, slow down!"

Entering the camp, Tsunade pulled Jingyi and ran towards the place where they rested. Jingyi, who was confused, could only speed up to catch up.

"Go ahead, I'm almost turning into a piece of dry food after eating dry food."

Tsunade brought out a thigh meat that was more than one person tall from the house and threw it on the table, looking at Jingyi with expectant eyes, signaling him to hurry up, she was greedy and wanted to eat barbecue.

Jingyi: "........."

I said, what are you doing in a hurry, it seems that you are just eating meat?

Raising his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, Jingyi couldn't help but complain:

"Don't tell me that you can't even find someone to help with the barbecue in such a big camp."

"Orochimaru's barbecue is not bad, but that guy deals with corpses every day. I don't want to eat his barbecue. As for other people, I don't want to trouble others."

Tsunade frowned and said seriously: "I have privileges in the camp, but I shouldn't keep bothering others for food."

With Tsunade's status, let alone finding someone to help with the barbecue, even if she needs a few professional chefs, the village will arrange it immediately, but Tsunade doesn't want to make such an unreasonable request.


Among the three ninjas, ah, there are no three ninjas.

Among the three, Tsunade has the strongest sense of responsibility and is the one who values ​​the village the most.

Jiraiya also has a strong sense of responsibility, but this guy is prone to making mistakes. As long as he is involved in the child of prophecy, he becomes irrational. What village?

The prophecy of the toad is more important.

As for Orochimaru... no comment.

This snake, when he had the village in mind, could sneak into the Cloud Village alone and provoke the Eight-Tails of the Cloud Village to run wild. He almost died in the Cloud Village. When he didn't have the village in mind.

The life and death of the village is none of my business. I, Orochimaru, was very polite not to step on it.

Pulling out his tool, Jingyi skillfully skinned the deer leg.

"How long do you plan to stay in the village this time?"

"Probably a few months."

Jingyi processed the deer leg, Tsunade helped him and ran to move some firewood.

Fortunately, the climate in the River Country is good. Except in the rainy season, it doesn't rain much in other seasons. Unlike the Rain Country, it rains every day, every month, and every year. There is always endless heavy rain.

Pile the firewood together, light the fire, and look at the burning firewood pile, Tsunade suddenly sighed.

"After I leave, you only need to stay in the medical department, analyze the poison ingredients, and develop an antidote. You don't need to worry about other things."

When he was in the Rain Country camp, Jingyi was in charge of everything. Even if he didn't end the demigod war, his contribution was still great. Unfortunately,

Some people don't care about these things.

Tsunade knows this in her heart, so she won't force Jingyi to run around like herself.

"That's good."

After washing the cut meat and starting to marinate it, Jingyi laughed: "I've been lazy in the village recently. If you make me busy, I may not be able to bear it."

No matter how busy you are, there will be people who are not satisfied. No matter how many contributions you make, others are unwilling to mention it.

In this case, why bother yourself.

Just maintain the surface work, there is no need to make yourself too tired.

Pieces of venison are placed on the grill. For her convenience, Jingyi has been putting these tools in the sealing scroll. Ninja tools can be brought less, but the guys who eat must bring them.

Looking at the meat that is beginning to ooze oil, Tsunade began to swallow her saliva.

In order to avoid making a fool of herself, she can only choose to change the subject.

"By the way, your mission is completed, what about those two old guys?"

"Mine is completed."

Jingyi glanced towards the north and showed a gloating smile:

"Those two old guys, let me see... Oh, unfortunately, they are being hunted by the Third Kazekage."


Tsunade was shocked: "They are being hunted, are you sure?"

"My puppet has been following them."

Jingyi shrugged his shoulders. This is the fact. As for whether you believe it or not, it depends on you.

Jingyi separated part of his consciousness and looked over through the puppet.

On the northern border of the Wind Country, Koharu Utatane and En Mitomon ran towards the Bear Country in a panic.

At this moment, the number of ninjas around them has dropped to less than ten, which means that after being hunted by the Sand Village, the two paid a considerable price to run to the Bear Country.

Originally, Koharu Utatane and En Mitokado could evacuate calmly, but after the Third Kazekage joined the hunting team, the two could no longer do so.

There were less than ten ninjas left from the village.

Most of these Konoha ninjas died at the hands of the Third Kazekage, but fortunately, their sacrifice bought time and opportunities for the two elders.

"Who is being hunted?"

The arrival of Orochimaru interrupted Shizuka's observation.

After learning that Shizuka had arrived at the camp, Orochimaru went straight to Tsunade.

Shizuka smiled but said nothing.

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