The two sides of the battle are in a mess.

You should know that Orochimaru is not the kind of person who would just scratch his head and smile even if he is targeted.

He is a snake.

If you target me, I will definitely bite you back.

"Okay, since you, Orochimaru, want to pit your teacher, then I will play with you. You will be responsible for the subsequent handling, and I will only take the fruits of the harvest."

"No problem!"

Orochimaru smiled with satisfaction.

Helping Jingyi is also helping himself. Jingyi can use his merits and prestige to stack buffs, and so can Orochimaru.

If possible, Orochimaru really doesn't want to go against the F4 group.

But someone is always staring at him and not letting him have an easy time. In this case, don't blame me, Orochimaru, for being rude.

After leaving Jingyi, Orochimaru returned to the headquarters and immediately ordered the active ninja teams on the battlefield to return to the camp. Since they wanted to play a big game, they had to concentrate their strength.

While the Sand Village camp was in chaos, they took the initiative to attack and drove them to the territory of the Wind Country in one go.

The order was passed down.

The teams that were performing tasks on the battlefield returned to the camp as soon as they received the news.

As more and more ninja teams returned to the camp, the camp became much more lively than before.

When the teams that could return returned to the camp, a combat meeting against the Sand Village was held at the headquarters.

Jingyi attended the meeting.

When he arrived, the headquarters was already full of people.

Generally speaking, those who are qualified to attend the meeting in the front-line camp are the captains of some elite teams.

In other words, without the strength of a jonin and a special identity, such a meeting basically has nothing to do with you.

"It seems that I came late."

Orochimaru, who was sitting in the main seat, smiled and said:

"Not late."

After saying that, he motioned Jingyi to sit in front, where his seat was.

After sitting down in his seat.

Jingyi glanced at the people in the command center, but finally found that he didn't know many people.

Some people looked familiar, but the rest had basically no impression.

It seems that after returning to the village, I have to go through the village's ninja files carefully. Others can be unknown, but ninjas at the level of jonin need to be familiar.


Everyone who should come has come. Orochimaru looked around and said:

"Today's combat meeting is mainly aimed at the next concentrated action of the village. I hope everyone can cheer up, because this operation is very important to the village."

As he said, Orochimaru hung up a map.

Pointing at the red mark on the map with a stick.

"I believe everyone can understand this map. The green mark is the range of the village's front line, and the red mark is the area where the enemy's front line is shrinking."

"Lord Orochimaru, do you mean that the enemy's defense is shrinking?"

A senior ninja raised his hand and asked the question in his heart.


Orochimaru nodded and pointed to the red dotted line:

"Recently, the enemy's front line shrinkage started from here. According to the information I have, the village recently carried out a revenge mission in the Kingdom of Wind and successfully attracted the enemy's attention."

"The third generation Kazekage of Sand Village took a lot of people to chase into the Kingdom of Bears, and many of these people were withdrawn from the battlefield. In other words, the enemy's troops are far less than ours, so the front line shrinks."

"So we have to launch a large-scale attack?"

A senior ninja with a forehead protector tied to his arm asked curiously.

Glancing at him, Orochimaru smiled and shook the stick in his hand: "That's right, but only half right. We are indeed going to launch a large-scale attack, but this attack needs to be based on the chaos within the enemy, so you can understand it as a raid."

Launch a large-scale attack, and also a raid?

Many ninjas present were confused.

Don't doubt it, many ninjas are not well educated, and if some special terms are not explained clearly, they will be confused.

Although ninja schools attach importance to literary education, most of them are to lay the foundation for becoming a ninja.

So it is not uncommon to see examples like Naruto who knows nothing when asked and looks confused when faced with a problem.

Is this difficult to understand?

Orochimaru couldn't help but frown.

The muscles on Jingyi's face twitched slightly.

A few times.

During this period, many ninjas were able to become Chunin and Jonin, not because they met all the requirements, but because their strength reached this standard.

In fact, at this point in time, the ninja assessment focused more on strength rather than cultural assessment.

Ninjas of this period, especially those who were older, could not be said to be illiterate. Apart from the knowledge of ninjas, other subjects were simply a mess.

To exaggerate, many ninjas were lucky to understand what was written in the ninjutsu scroll.

This is not a joke, because many older ninjas have not even attended ninja schools. Family ninjas can still popularize knowledge in the family, but civilian ninjas... it's a bit hard to describe.

"To put it simply, we need to launch a surprise attack, wait for the enemy to be in internal chaos, and then launch a full-scale attack to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop and drive the enemy back to the Kingdom of Wind. Do you understand?"

Orochimaru corrected his wording.

Now everyone in the command center understood.

So someone couldn't help asking: "Lord Orochimaru, it's probably not easy to launch a surprise attack to disrupt the enemy."

"Yes, if you want to mess up the enemy, it's best to attack their camp, so that it can be effective."

"Are you crazy to attack the Sand Village camp?"

"Asshole, this is what Lord Orochimaru said, not me."

"Stop for a moment."

Orochimaru, who had long been accustomed to this scene, slowly knocked on the table twice, signaling those who were discussing to stop.

After everyone quieted down, Orochimaru continued:

"I have arranged the surprise attack. All you need to do is follow my instructions and take your people to the right place. As long as the surprise attack is successful, it will be enough to take your people and launch an attack."

Can the surprise attack really succeed?

Everyone looked at each other, a little unconfident.

It's too difficult to launch a surprise attack on the enemy's camp.

Let alone launching a surprise attack, it is very difficult for you to sneak into the enemy camp. For a surprise attack, it is meaningless if there are few people, but if there are too many people... you will be discovered before you even get close to the camp.

Never take the enemy's sensory ninjas lightly.

Whether it is the Konoha camp or the Sand Village camp, there are a small number of sensory ninjas. The task of these sensory ninjas is to stay in the camp and detect possible enemies.

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