The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

Konoha Hospital, Ministry of Education.

Tsunade sat on a chair, casually crossed her legs, holding the application materials in her hand, curiously observing Jingyi's unique eyes.

"Hinata Jingyi, you quit your ninja team because of your blood degeneration, and applied to join the medical department to study. Do you want to become a medical ninja?"

"Yes, I want to become a medical ninja and find a way to treat blood disease."

Jingyi gave his reasons and explanations.

Looking at the entire ninja world, medical ninjas have always been scarce, even in Konoha, which attaches great importance to the training of medical ninjas.

Tsunade is naturally happy that someone can take the initiative to apply to study in the medical department.

The only regret is that the other party originally belonged to the Hyuga clan, but unfortunately suffered from blood stain disease.

Tsunade pointedly said: "Can you tell me about your eyes?"

Tsunade was very curious. Although the blood stains were also degenerated, why was Jingyi's eyes different from others?

The azure pupils, with a black spot in the center, were like a blue star emitting light, beautiful and mysterious.

Facing Tsunade's inquiry, Jingyi calmly replied:

"I was injured when I went out on a mission with the team before. During the injury, my eyes began to fear strong light and see things blurred. After receiving treatment, the blood stains degenerated."

Others thought that Jingyi's white eyes were degenerating, but they didn't know that this so-called degeneration was actually evolution!

The story started before Jingyi crossed over.

He and a close friend were playing a certain Naruto mobile game. Three days before the game was opened, there was a recharge promotion. Recharging 648 would get an epic lottery opportunity, and the probability of drawing rare props and items was very high.

Jingyi decisively chose to spend money, and he was lucky when he drew the lottery. He drew the Samsara Eye.

Just when Jingyi was about to show off to his best friend, he suddenly felt dizzy, his eyes began to blacken, and he fell straight on the sofa, unconscious.

When he woke up, he found that he had traveled through time and space, to the world of Naruto.

After his injuries improved and the first fetal movement of the Samsara Eye ended, Jingyi withdrew from the ninja team on the grounds of blood disease and applied to the medical department for study.

"I approve your application. You will start studying from tomorrow. I hope you can put aside the blood disease for the time being and study seriously with a calm mind."

"Yes, Tsunade-sama."

The application was finally settled, and Jingyi breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why he applied to study in the medical department and further promoted to a medical ninja was very simple, that is, he didn't want to fight for his family and the so-called will of fire.

As long as he becomes a medical ninja and applies to work at Konoha Hospital, the family cannot order him to perform family tasks in the name of the family, nor does he need to accept tasks and commissions in the village.

In the ninja world, medical ninjas are definitely a profession that makes money easily and has a high income.

After leaving Konoha Hospital, Jingyi specially bought a few bottles of non-fading paint, as well as drawing boards, paper and other things before returning home.

Unlike other ninja families, the distribution of the Hyuga clan's clan buildings is very strange.

With the main family courtyard as the core, the residences of other main family members guard the main family courtyard, and then the residences of many branch family leaders guard the main family courtyard, spreading outward in circles.

The lower the status of the members in the family, the more remote the area they live in.

Jingyi is a member who lives in a remote area.

After closing the door, Jingyi put down his things and walked into the bathroom with a bottle of green paint.

When Jingyi took off the forehead protector, his forehead had been dyed green.

Jingyi's caged bird curse seal disappeared after the first stage of the reincarnation eye movement ended. The mark on his forehead was drawn by him with a paint pen.

Unfortunately, the paint at home will fade.

So Jingyi specially bought paint that will not fade.

By the way, he bought things like drawing boards, so that people would mistakenly think that he was learning to paint.

The reincarnation eye needs to experience three fetal movements before it can stabilize. During this period, Jingyi cannot use the power of the reincarnation eye. Every time the fetus moves, he needs to hide in a room with closed doors and windows and wait for the fetal movement to end.

Fortunately, these problems can be explained by blood disease.

The family is convinced that Jingyi is not the first person in the Hyuga clan to have blood degeneration.

It's just that the eyes of family members looking at him have begun to change.

The Byakugan is the pupil technique that the Hyuga clan is proud of. The degeneration of blood means losing the Byakugan and losing the original status and value.


Jingyi doesn't care how others see him. A corrupt, dark, and unfair family like the Hyuga is not worthy of his support and dedication.

After becoming a medical ninja, he will move out of the Hyuga clan.

Not caring about other people's opinions does not mean that Jingyi is willing to be looked down upon or to accept unequal treatment from his clan members.

After carefully observing the caged bird curse seal painted on his forehead with a paint pen, Jingyin snapped his fingers with satisfaction: "Perfect!"

After finishing the curse seal for disguise, Jingyi came to the yard to start training.

He ignored the soft fist and the like.

From today on, he needs to work hard to improve his chakra control strength, which is a necessary condition for becoming a medical ninja.

When his reincarnation eye is over for the third time, he can directly overturn the main family, so why would he care about the soft fist.

Climbing trees and treading water are not difficult for Jingyi, but this is just the introduction to fine chakra control. If you want to become a medical ninja, you still need to work hard.

The next morning, Jingyi took a lunch box, some notebooks and pens for recording, and then rushed to Konoha Hospital.

The medical department and Konoha Hospital are connected, so just go to Konoha Hospital and wait for Tsunade's arrangement.

Not too long, Tsunade, yawning and with messy hair, came.

"Take a look at these books, and then tell me what level your chakra control has reached. I'm very sleepy now and don't have time to teach you."

After that, Tsunade fell asleep on the table.

Tsunade teaches me personally?

Jingyi didn't expect that he would be favored by the boss.

No, Tsunade at this time was not a boss yet, and he hadn't even won the title of Sannin.

He could only be regarded as a medical ninja with good strength.

These are all books prepared by Tsunade, specially prepared for novices, just suitable for beginners like Jingyi.

Jingyi walked to the corner, put down the bag he carried with him, opened the book in his hand, and read it carefully.

The beginning is about the introduction of medical ninjas. Turning a few pages later, there are various training methods for fine control of chakras, as well as standard level divisions.

Treading water and climbing trees can only be considered as entry-level.


Looking at the detailed records in the book, Jingyi found that he seemed to have reached the learning standard of medical ninjas.

It seems that since the first fetal movement of the reincarnation eye, his control over chakras has greatly improved, and as time goes by, his ability in this area is constantly improving.

After all, the reincarnation eye is a powerful pupil technique that matches the reincarnation eye, which can bring Jingyi all kinds of enhancements.

Resisting the idea of ​​waking up Tsunade, Jingyi continued to read.

Unknowingly, a whole morning passed. Jingyi read books for a whole morning, and Tsunade also slept for a whole morning. Fortunately, there were no seriously ill patients in the hospital in the morning, so Tsunade didn't need to go out in person.

Tsunade also had a good sleep, although her sleeping posture was not very elegant.

After all, sleeping on the table will easily make one's face red, and it will also drool unconsciously.

After taking a look at the water stains on the table, Jingyi's mouth twitched slightly.

Tsunade-ji, you have to be reserved and maintain your image?

I don't have a camera, otherwise I could take two photos of Tsunade and keep them as black history photos.

[New book launch, babies, long time no see! I have been resting due to health reasons before, and now, your donkey is back! Love you]

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