The enemy is still alive, and the enemy is still alive.

I believe that the horror of these puppets will soon spread throughout the ninja world, and everyone will have to guard against Jingyi's puppets.

Because these puppets appear on the battlefield, it means that the number of puppets is not limited and can be mass-produced.

Just imagine, what if these puppets appear in the village?

If a large number of puppets with strong attack power appear in any village, it will definitely turn into a disaster. Compared with the attack power, the most terrifying thing about these puppets is self-explosion.

Jingyi is too lazy to pay attention to what the camp of Sand Village has become.

Because the puppets have completed their mission.

The camp of Sand Village is full of scars.


At the same time, the Sand Village's shrinking front was attacked.

In the headquarters, Orochimaru seemed particularly excited. Looking at him who kept giving orders, Jingyi yawned:

"I'm going back. When the battle starts, there will definitely be a lot of wounded sent to the medical department. I need to go and keep an eye on it."

A full-scale attack is not something that can be launched at will.

As long as the attack starts, the entire camp will be involved, even the medical department is no exception.

A large number of wounded will be sent back from the front line for treatment, so Jingyi needs to go back and keep an eye on it.

As for the headquarters, it is enough to leave it to Orochimaru.

The Sand Village camp has become a mess. Under the right time and place, this full-scale attack still cannot win. Then Orochimaru should not be the general manager of the camp. It is better to resign and replace him as soon as possible.

"Lord Chiyo, there is news from the front line that Konoha has launched an attack, and many strongholds have been attacked. In addition, Konoha's ninjas shouted that our camp was attacked while attacking."

The news of Konoha's massive attack was also sent to the rear camp as soon as possible.

After hearing this, Chiyo's blood surged instantly, and she almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Good, good!"

Before they had time to clean up the messy camp, count the losses, and calm people's hearts, bad news came from the front line again.

The attack and the massive attack are obviously matched.

Konoha is going to attack the Sand Village camp while attacking their front-line positions in a massive way.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

"Send a message and order the ninjas on the front line to gradually retreat and move to the rear."

If possible, Chiyo would not want to give this order, but reality does not allow her to choose.

Because only by retreating can the losses be minimized and more time can be taken to deal with the problems in the camp.

The camp had become such a mess, she couldn't care about the battle on the front line.

Taking a deep breath and forcing herself to calm down, Chiyo continued:

"Sort out the casualties in the camp as quickly as possible, collect all the materials that can be used, and prepare to retreat to the rear."

Since Konoha played a surprise attack and then launched a large-scale attack, it was definitely not to erode their front-line positions.

This was to force them to retreat to the rear.

Where is the rear of the camp?

The Kingdom of Wind.

Chiyo didn't want to retreat, but reality forced her to retreat, unless she insisted on not retreating, squandering the few assets of the Sand Village, and fighting Konoha to the end.

There are only two results of resisting to the end.

If they resist, the Sand Village can get a period of breathing time, and if they can't, the Sand Village won't even have the opportunity to retreat to the Kingdom of Wind.

All of this little wealth will be buried in the Kingdom of Rivers.

Between the two, Chiyo chose to save her strength and retreat, even if she retreated to the Kingdom of Wind, she would try her best to preserve the village's manpower.

As long as this part of the manpower is preserved, there is hope of turning defeat into victory.

While preserving the manpower, we can also seize the time to re-gather the trust and morale that have collapsed.

Never underestimate the consequences of a camp attack.

In a small way, the Sand Village suffered heavy losses, and in a serious way, the morale was hit hard, and it would be difficult to continue this war.

Because the enemy can play the same attack once, they can come again.

The terror of the self-destructing puppet has blown away the self-confidence of many ninjas in the Sand Village.

The lost people can be replenished, and the lost materials can also be gathered in a way, but the morale that has been hit is not so easy to gather back.

A team without morale and self-confidence may not react to the enemy when encountering the enemy, but turn around and run for their lives.

So retreating became Chiyo's only choice.

Even though she was unwilling, she could only choose to retreat.

And she was sure that

Ye Fang will chase and chase them, but not too hard.

Because Konoha's move is to drive them out of the River Country, not to destroy them all.

Following Chiyo's order.

The ninjas in the Sand Village camp were busy collecting supplies, treating the wounded, and collecting the bodies of their companions. As for those broken limbs... I'm sorry, at this critical moment, there is no time to distinguish who this piece of meat fell from.

In the Konoha camp, Orochimaru sat in the command center to control the overall situation.

"Our mission is to drive the enemy out of the River Country and drive them to the Wind Country, rather than risking serious losses and destroying all the enemies. We can chase, but we can't force the enemy to fight to the death with us."

"Because it's not worth it."

Orochimaru knew that some people would chase the enemy to death once they were red-eyed.

So he needed to pass on his orders at any time.

Ensure that everyone on the battlefield can receive his orders and act according to his orders.

As long as he could drive the enemy to the Kingdom of Wind, his mission would be completed. It was not worth fighting the enemy to death at this time.

Konoha chased, and the Sand Village retreated.

Many supplies were not even taken away in time, and were just left on the battlefield. However, the Sand Village would not leave the supplies to Konoha. Even if they could not take them away, they would be burned or blown up directly with explosives.

Since it was a retreat, efficiency must be emphasized.

The people on the battlefield retreated very quickly.

The retreat speed of the Sand Village camp was also amazing.

As Chiyo's order came down, the uninjured ninjas began to pack up and prepare for evacuation, but the injured ones suffered and could only follow the retreat all the way.

When these wounded retreated to the territory of the Kingdom of Wind, I don't know how many of them would be tossed to death.

Konoha won a great victory worthy of praise.

However, the price of the great victory was that there were a lot of troubles waiting for Shizuka and Orochimaru.

The number of wounded in the medical department increased sharply, almost reaching the point of being overcrowded. Shizuka, who originally had a lot of free time every day, became busy.

Orochimaru was not much better.

The two heroes of a great victory ended up being the busiest people.

Shizuka was busy, and Orochimaru was also busy. As the people of the Sand Village were driven to the territory of the Wind Country, many problems were placed in front of Orochimaru.

One of the more important ones was the transfer of the camp.

The current camp was close to the border between Konoha and the River Country. Now that the enemy was driven back to their hometown, in order to ensure continuous combat and timely issuance of orders, the camp needed to be moved forward.

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