The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

"Mister Mito, it's time to eat."

Jingyi, who was temporarily conscripted, is still confused. What on earth did Uzumaki Mito want me to do?

It's not like he's just asking me to cook a meal, right?


Kushina jumped up in surprise, and Nawaki, who was rubbing his ears and grinning, was also curious.

There haven't been guests at home for a long time, and the most surprising thing is that this guest is Kushina's friend.

Nawaki couldn't figure out how Jingyi became friends with Kushina, after all, the age difference between the two is a bit big.

"Are you happy?" Uzumaki Mito smiled kindly.

Kushina nodded excitedly: "Yeah, Grandma Mito is the best. I have wanted to invite Jingyi to come as a guest for a long time, but I was afraid that Grandma Mito would be unhappy."

"Silly child." Uzumaki Mito hugged Kushina tightly.

Seeing Kushina being treated as a treasure by her grandmother, Nawaki began to feel jealous.

"Jingyi, let me tell you, I met a few new friends at school, and there was a little yellow-haired boy who also wanted to be friends with me, but I ignored him."

At the dinner table, Kushina chattered about school and even mentioned a little yellow-haired boy.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Tsunade gave Kushina a slap on the head: "Others are little yellow-haired boys, so what are you, Tsunade sister, like?"

At first, Tsunade was also curious about who the so-called little yellow-haired boy was. After knowing what little yellow-haired meant, she was very angry and wanted to kick Jingyi one or two times.

According to what you said, I, Tsunade, am the old yellow-haired boy!

"Hehe, Sister Tsunade, it's still Sister Tsunade." Kushina smiled mischievously.

As time went by, Kushina, who gradually integrated into this family, gradually became cheerful, and her face smiled more often than before.

Uzumaki Mito was very relieved.

This proved that her choice was right, and Jingyi did not disappoint her, although Jingyi taught Kushina to be a irritable little loli.

Uzumaki Mito didn't think there was anything wrong.

Girls, what's wrong with being a little irritable when they were young.

She had a bad temper when she was young, and so did Tsunade. With the two of them walking in front, Kushina's little violence was nothing.

The Senju ancestral home was very lively, and so was the Hokage's office.

Shimura Danzo, Utane Koharu, Mito Kado En and others came, but Akimichi Tofu, who didn't like to get involved in things, was still hiding at home and being lazy.

The three of them stared at the Third Hokage in unison, and their intentions were self-evident.

The Third Hokage was not impatient and continued to handle official business.

"Hiruzen, Mito-sama, what does this mean? Do you want us to pay attention to Hyuga Shizuka?"

Uzumaki Mito's identity is too special and his status is too high. Every move he makes will have a great impact, just like inviting Shizuka to the Senju ancestral house.

This move directly made the F4 group sit still.

Tsunade and Uzumaki Mito just recognized Shizuka, that's fine, just treat him as half of their own people, don't pay attention to him, and won't target him.

Now it's good, everyone has gone to the Senju ancestral house.

Is this sending some kind of signal?

The Third Hokage was also uncomfortable being stared at all the time. Facing the questioning of Utatane Koharu, he could only put down the documents in his hand, pick up the pipe, light it, and take a few puffs of smoke.

"Koharu, let's not jump to conclusions. I believe that Lady Mito is not an impulsive person. She will definitely give us an explanation."

"Sarutobi, you are the Hokage of the village! As a Hokage, why do you have to watch this out of control happen?"

What is Uzumaki Mito, what unique identity, the authority of the Hokage is the greatest!

If he becomes the Hokage, he will never allow this to happen.

After being beaten, Shimura Danzo began to have many dissatisfactions with Uzumaki Mito.

Good guy!

Are you Danzo eating gunpowder?

You dare to say such words!

The third generation Hokage closed his eyes helplessly, and Uta-ne Koharu was the most direct. He rolled his eyes at Shimura Danzo on the spot and turned his head away in disgust, saying that he didn't want to talk to Shimura Danzo, and it was uncomfortable to look at you for a second.

Mito Kado En could only shake his head.

He would not take the initiative to help the third generation Hokage to reprimand Shimura Danzo, nor would he take the initiative to speak well of Shimura Danzo.

"Enough!" Shimura Danzo was unwilling to give in. The Third Hokage interrupted him with a roar: "It is precisely because I am the Hokage that I believe in Mito-sama, Danzo, do you have nothing else in your mind except ambition?"

What do you mean?

You said I have no brains?

Shimura Danzo was stunned for a moment, his angry face

Slowly it became gloomy.

On the surface, besides her own strength, Uzumaki Mito's only identity as the wife of the first Hokage.

What is the reality?

When the daimyo of the Land of Fire sees Uzumaki Mito, they will quickly run over to pay their respects first, while others are legitimate relatives.

Why did the daimyo confer Tsunade as the princess of Konoha?

In addition to pleasing the big boss, Hashirama Senju, it is because of the kinship relationship of marriage.

To put it bluntly, as long as Uzumaki Mito expresses dissatisfaction with the Third Hokage, the daimyo's mansion can immediately strangle the Third Hokage.

What does it feel like to be strangled by the daimyo? The future Sand Village is the best proof.

Tighten your belt to live.

Although the Land of Fire is rich, the taxes are from the daimyo's mansion, and have nothing to do with Konoha. It is impossible for Konoha to be self-sufficient. Without the support of the daimyo's mansion, Konoha will definitely have a hard time.

It's not easy to just be stuck. If they throw all kinds of tasks to other villages, Konoha's finances will definitely collapse.

Don't doubt that the daimyo can do such a thing.

He dares to do such a thing because the development of the village cannot be separated from the daimyo's full support.

Otherwise, Konoha would not need the daimyo's support to change the Hokage.

"Sarutobi, what do you mean?"

The third generation Hokage frowned and said, "Danzo, you are tired, go back and rest first. I will put the position of Hokage Assistant on hold first. When you figure it out, come and see me."

Becoming the Hokage Assistant of the third generation Hokage is basically a vacant position player, and the power in his hands is not even as good as that of the members of the Elders.

But the Elders will not accept an ambitious person like Danzo.

The third generation Hokage will not easily give power to Shimura Danzo, which leads to Shimura Danzo's low presence in the F4 group.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, you want to take my position?" Shimura Danzo angrily slammed the desk: "Don't forget, without my help and my efforts, you can't sit in this position safely."

The Third Hokage smoked a cigarette and looked at the furious Shimura Danzo without saying a word.

Without the support of power, the so-called ambition is actually an empty talk.

It is because Shimura Danzo's ambition is too big that the Third Hokage will sideline him and make him, the Hokage's assistant, become an empty shell.

Now it's good, even the empty shell is gone.

You just let him do whatever he wants?

The Elders have the right to stop some wrong decisions of the Hokage. Shimura Danzo placed his hopes on Utatane Koharu and Mitomon En.

Because the Elders are centered on the two of them.

Unfortunately, Mitomon En has never been involved in such things.

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