The two of them were very busy.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Hyuga Shizuka. Nice to meet you all."

A group of people were looking for medical ninjas everywhere. Shizuka couldn't stand on the edge any longer, so he came out and introduced himself.

"Go, go, we're looking for medical ninjas. Why are you from the Hyuga clan joining in the fun?"

"What Hyuga clan? Look at his eyes."

There was no Hyuga person with white eyes.

Everyone noticed the bright spot, and they all stared at Shizuka curiously, wondering what was wrong with his eyes.

At this time, two ninjas wearing jonin vests walked into the training ground.

Among them, the jonin with long black hair shouted: "Quiet!!"

The training ground was quiet instantly, and the long-haired jonin shouted: "My name is Honda, you can call me Captain Honda, I hope to get along with you all in a friendly way during the time of guarding the border."

"Now start the roll call."

When it was Jingyi's turn, Honda looked at him twice more, and nodded after confirming that it was correct, and then continued to the next one.

It was correct as written in the information. He was a member of the Hyuga clan, but he suffered from the disease of degeneration of the white eyes. In order to treat himself, he studied hard and eventually became a medical ninja.

All the people on the rotation list were present.

The jonin standing next to Honda was Sarutobi Mishima, and his position was the deputy captain of the camp.

After confirming that everyone was present, Honda waved his hand and said: "Let's go!"

Led by the two captains, dozens of people followed behind, left the village together, and rushed towards the border. Except for the two captains, no one else knew which camp they would go to for rotation.

After leaving the village, Sarutobi Mishima came to Jingyi and tried to build a relationship with him.

As the only medical ninja in the camp, you must build a good relationship with him. Otherwise, if you offend the medical ninja, he will deliberately mess with you at the least, or kill you in serious cases, and you won't know what happened.

Medicine and poison are not separated. It's not a joke.

As a student brought up by Tsunade herself, Jingyi can also play with poison.

"Before leaving, Tsunade came to me, hoping to give you some freedom of movement."

I don't know if Tsunade will accept it if he promises her body.

Since the day he met her, Tsunade has been really good to him. Apart from eating for free, she has hardly asked for anything in return.

When encountering problems, Tsunade will take the initiative to help without Jingyi even asking.

It's also a pity that Tsunade doesn't have a few coins in her pocket, otherwise Jingyi really wants to hug her thighs and ask for support.

Jingyi said: "When we get to the camp, the two captains and all the companions need to take good care of me. After all, I am just a medical ninja and I am not good at fighting."

"Don't worry, as long as we are here, no one can hurt you."

A group of people patted their chests and promised that they would protect Jingyi's personal safety.

The impression that medical ninjas are weak in combat has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts. When Jingyi made such a request, the ninjas who went to the camp to rotate together were very happy.

Everyone wants to have a good relationship with the medical ninja. Isn't this opportunity delivered to the door?

It's also a good thing that Tsunade is not here, otherwise he will definitely be punched.

Captain Honda also took two sealing scrolls to Jingyi, which contained various medical drugs. As the only medical ninja, these supplies must be handed over to Jingyi for arrangement and safekeeping.

It saves them from being in a hurry and unable to find things when someone is injured and needs treatment.

It took the team two days to reach the destination. The rotation was smooth and no accidents occurred during the period.

Standing in the wooden house in the camp, with his hands behind his back, Jingyi looked up at the gloomy sky and the raindrops and sighed: "What a mistake, it seems that I will be so idle in the future."

Jingyi thought about the rotation locations, but he didn't expect that the camp where they rotated was at the border of the Rain Country.

What kind of place is the Rain Country?

There is no clear sky for three days, and it is covered in heavy rain all year round. It is a country with nothing but rain.

If you use a sentence to describe the economic situation of each village and country, the Sand Village will say that it is so poor that only sand is left, the Rock Village will feel wronged because it is so poor that only bare stones are left, the Mist Village is so poor that it can only eat dried fish, the Cloud Village is so poor that it can only eat beef, and Konoha is so poor that there is nothing else except food.

On the other hand, the Rain Village, as the name suggests, has nothing else except rain.

When he first entered the camp, Jingyi was still interested in such weather because he liked to stand in the house and watch the rain outside.

But on the first day, the second day, the third day

After a day, boredom began to appear.

Fortunately, medical ninjas do not need to perform various duty and patrol tasks. Others need to run around in the heavy rain, and Jingyi only needs to stay in the camp to rest.

"Jingyi, I brought you a gift."

The patrol leader, Xiao Honda, happily carried a wild deer into the camp.

"Captain, this is not a gift for Mr. Jingyi. I think you are greedy."

"Hahaha, you are right. The captain has complained that his mouth is almost empty."

"Shut up!"

Xiao Honda's dark face began to turn red, and he pointed at the people who laughed at him and cursed: "I am greedy, right? I am empty-mouthed, right? Just don't eat the barbecue later."

A bunch of dogs, I patrolled in the heavy rain and killed a prey on the way back. I wanted to add a snack to everyone, but you made fun of me instead.

"Laugh? What are you laughing at? Go clean up the prey, and then bring some firewood. It has to be dry!"

As I said before, as long as you are in the territory of the Land of Fire, there will be no shortage of prey. On the contrary, firewood is more difficult to get, because the continuous heavy rain all year round makes the surrounding plants and trees wet. Wet wood is not only difficult to ignite, but it can also choke people to death if it is ignited.

The firewood burned in the camp was cut in advance and piled in the wooden house. It was not carried out until it was dry.

With the identity of a medical ninja and good cooking skills, Jingyi quickly integrated into the camp and became the object of everyone's pursuit.

Looking at the firewood on the ground, Jingyi said self-deprecatingly: "I didn't expect that the camp medical room has not opened yet, but it has become the camp kitchen."


Jingyi's complaints made everyone laugh.

Complaints aside, barbecue still needs to be eaten. Honda is almost out of his mind, and Jingyi is not much better. He eats dry food all day long, and he can't stand eating more meals.

It's no wonder that the ninjas stationed in the camp want to go back to the village and go home. Life in the camp is really hard.

Soon, the processed wild deer was put in the medical room. Honda, the captain of the camp, personally went out to help light the fire, and Jingyi was responsible for the barbecue.

Deputy Captain Sarutobi Mishima rarely went out for patrols and duty, and stayed in the camp most of the time.

After a few days of observation, Jingyi found that the deputy captain seemed to have been paying attention to the medical room.

Is it guarding in secret or monitoring?

It's also because he is a member of the Sarutobi clan. If it were a ninja from the Shimura clan, Jing would definitely accuse him of monitoring.

The aroma of roasted venison soon filled the camp, and everyone was looking forward to it, waiting for the venison to be roasted and put down the dry food in their hands.

"Everyone line up, don't rush!!"

After the venison was roasted, Captain Honda took out a brand new kunai, wiped it clean and began to divide the meat.

A complete hind leg became Jingyi's exclusive part, and the others each got a piece.

Everyone had no objection to Honda's way of trying to please Jingyi.

After the venison was distributed, everyone dispersed and returned to the wooden house to enjoy the food.

"Captain Mishima, can we chat?"

Just as Sarutobi Mishima was about to leave, Jingyi stopped him.

Sarutobi Mishima, who was about to return to the wooden house to enjoy the food with the roasted meat in his hand, was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded, accepting Jingyi's invitation.

"I'm afraid the weather will be very cold tomorrow."

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