The news of her coming and going to the camp was not considered by Tsunade.

It would have a bad influence if the news of her coming and going to the camp spread.

It would have a bad influence if she stayed for a long time, but who would dare to complain if she stayed for only one night?

"Is Tsunade gone?"

After Jingyi walked out of the medical room and confirmed that he was the only one, Honda and Sarutobi Mishima came over.

Jingyi stretched and said, "I left early in the morning."

Jingyi didn't say why Tsunade came.

As for what happened last night, it was even more impossible to say.

The two captains were also very rational and didn't ask any more questions.

After confirming that Tsunade had left, they reminded Jingyi to have a good rest and left.

I didn't do anything!

I just had a good time, what's the point of resting?

As the New Year was approaching, the atmosphere in the camp began to change. Everyone lost the enthusiasm they had when they first arrived, and many people frequently looked towards the village.

Obviously, they all missed home and wanted to reunite with their families and celebrate the New Year together.

However, they had a mission to complete, so they could only stay in the camp and could not go anywhere before the next batch of ninjas came to rotate.

"Hahaha, I am the Toad Sage, Master Jiraiya is back!!"

With only two days left before the New Year, Jiraiya, who was out on a mission, finally returned to the village.

"Old man, next time there is such a mission, don't give it to me. Go directly to Orochimaru. I am exhausted."

After handing in the mission, Jiraiya complained loudly.

This mission took too long.

"Go back and rest, get ready, and have a good New Year." The third generation Hokage smiled and changed the subject.

Among the three disciples, he liked Orochimaru the most, and Orochimaru received the most care. Because of his personality, Jiraiya was the most obedient one.

So when encountering some troublesome tasks, the Third Hokage would give them to Jiraiya to execute.

As for Tsunade, the medical department is too busy. Secondly, Tsunade would directly refuse some tasks. Orochimaru is more decisive. With money, he would be busy with his own experiments and research. As for the tasks... let's find Jiraiya.

"Old man, let's go."

It's impossible to rest.

After leaving the Hokage office building, Jiraiya, who was itching inside, went straight to the hot spring hotel.

Soon he returned disappointed, because because of winter and New Year, there was no one in the hot spring hotel, and Jiraiya, who wanted to enjoy the sight, was disappointed.

If you can't enjoy the sight, you can only enjoy the mouth.

Jiraiya found Orochimaru, dragged Orochimaru out of the laboratory, and then dragged Tsunade to the tavern together.

"Tsk! Finally alive, this mission is so annoying, I almost died of exhaustion."

Drinking a little wine, Jiraiya complained non-stop.

Orochimaru listened quietly, as usual, and let his words go in one ear and out the other.

After complaining for a long time, Jiraiya suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not right.

Orochimaru was still the same Orochimaru, ignoring him and treating his words as nonsense.

And Tsunade........

Jiraiya found something wrong. In the past, when the three of them got together, Tsunade would curse or even hit him when she heard him complain.

This time, Tsunade did not curse, let alone hit anyone.

What happened after I left the village?

Jiraiya blinked blankly.

"Tsunade, is the food not to your taste?"

Tsunade used to like the food in this small shop, but why didn't she eat much today?

"Maybe the taste has changed. It doesn't taste as good as before."

Tsunade rarely got angry at Jiraiya, but instead curiously asked Jiraiya what interesting things he encountered during his mission.

Damn it! !

Is this still the Tsunade I know?

Jiraiya opened his mouth so wide that it almost fell on the table.

Orochimaru, who was quietly tasting wine, also felt a little strange. Tsunade was too quiet today.

Orochimaru couldn't figure out why. Since the team disbanded, the three of them have been together less and less. It has been a long time since they last met.

After dinner, everyone went their separate ways.

Jiraiya found his loyal little fan, Nawaki.

"Is there anything wrong with your sister recently?"


Nawaki was reading the book brought by Jiraiya with great interest. Hearing this, he said without raising his head:

"Maybe her appetite is not very good. Not only her, but also Kushina. After Shizuka left, we haven't had delicious food for a long time."

"Shizuka? Tsunade's

Little apprentice? "

Jiraiya was stunned.

Shengshu said dissatisfiedly: "What little apprentice? Jingyi is just learning from my sister, not a teacher-apprentice. My sister doesn't even admit that she has an apprentice."

"Hehehehe! ! "

Soon, Nawaki's mind was immersed in the book, leaving Jiraiya sitting aside scratching his head.

He felt as if he had missed something.

But he couldn't put his finger on it.

Compared to Konoha, which was full of red lanterns, the border camp was still the same. Little Honda made two lanterns with red paper and hung them at the entrance of the camp to celebrate the arrival of the New Year. Unfortunately, the red lanterns did not have any effect, but made many ninjas miss their families even more.

You don't know how to deal with things.

Noticing that the atmosphere in the camp was not right, Jingyi could only shake his head.

Many people were missing their families and looking forward to returning home as soon as possible, but the village didn't show any expression.

It's okay for the rest of the time. With the arrival of the New Year, shouldn't some supplies be sent to reward the ninjas stationed at the border?

Konoha was so poor that it couldn't give anything to reward the ninjas stationed at the border. The ninja's level, no expression at all, can only say that the F4 group is inactive.

Closer, closer and closer.

Somehow, Jingyi felt that the third fetal movement of the Samsara Eye was coming.

On the night of the New Year, the third fetal movement of the Samsara Eye came as expected. Jingyi, who had been prepared, took out the white cloth prepared in advance to cover his eyes and lay peacefully on the bed.

Three fetal movements, each lasting longer than the previous one.

Maybe it was because he didn't have the Otsutsuki Chakra, so the fetal movement of the Samsara Eye lasted a little longer.

The interval was also quite long.

In the entire border camp, as the only medical ninja, Jingyi has always been the most valued one. When they found that he had a white cloth covering his eyes, everyone in the camp became nervous.

"Jingyi, are your eyes okay?" Little Honda was very nervous.

Jingyi must not get into trouble.

As a member of the Third Hokage's clan, Sarutobi Mishima knew some inside information.

"Jingyi, the sequelae of the degeneration of the White Eye have begun again? "Yes, my eyes are not very comfortable, and I feel something is jumping. During this period, I am afraid of strong light and cannot attack at will. Everyone should protect themselves during this period." "The sequelae have appeared twice before, and each time it lasted for a period of time. I don't know how long it will last this time." "Damn it!" After listening to Jingyi's story, Honda said angrily: "Hokage should transfer you back. Your health is not good." "This..." Sarutobi Mishima could hear that Honda was very resentful. As a member of the Third Hokage's clan, his position was naturally a bit awkward, and it was difficult to respond. Jingyi smiled and shook his head, comforting Honda who was a little anxious: "Captain, I have experienced this twice. During this period, I can take care of myself, so there is no need to rotate or anything." "If someone is injured, can you treat it? "Xiao Honda asked the most worrying question.

As a medical ninja, the duty is to treat the wounded and rescue the wounded.

If you can't even save people, then this medical ninja will become a decoration.

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