The first time I saw a puppet, I saw a puppet.

No heartbeat!

That's right, the puppet crow has no heartbeat.

No matter how much it looks like a living thing, a puppet is still a puppet, and Jingyi will not put all his thoughts on the puppet. After all, it is just a transitional thing and it is not worth his time.

The smile on Orochimaru's face completely disappeared.

"Is this a puppet?"


Jingyi deliberately picked up the cup with his hand and showed it to Orochimaru clearly to confirm that he did not control the puppet.

It looks like a living thing, but it is a puppet, and it is not controlled by chakra threads...

Orochimaru's eyes lit up, and this puppet is worth his in-depth study.

Get it! !

Although he wanted to take the puppet away, Orochimaru still held back.

After all, this puppet was still Jingyi's, and he just showed it to him, not told him to take it away.

If he wanted to take this crow puppet away, he would probably have to pay a price.

"Hahaha, I was right, Jingyi-kun, you are an interesting person."

"I think I am interesting too."

Jingyi raised his hand, and the puppet crow broke free from Orochimaru's hand, jumped onto Jingyi's palm, and tilted his head to look at Orochimaru.

Must study it in depth.

Being looked at curiously by the puppet crow, Orochimaru felt that his breathing became rapid.

The puppet actually has life.

This is amazing.

Orochimaru, who has always longed for immortality, felt that the door to his new world had been opened.

Such a puppet must be taken down, at least one must be taken down.

After thinking for a while, Orochimaru was about to speak, but Jingyi said first: "I'm short of money."

This is not a joke. Jingyi is really short of money at the moment. Even if Orochimaru's debt is wiped out, he is still short of money.

In addition to paying off Orochimaru's debt, most of his money is used to buy various materials and parts. These things are not cheap. It can be said that Jingyi's family assets are all invested in puppets.

From the beginning of making puppets to now, he almost forgot how many puppets he has made in total.

In short, the number is a lot, at least hundreds.

Jingyi plans to work hard to get another batch of puppets and build his own puppet army.

In the future, I must let the puppet masters of Sand Village see what a fucking puppet army is!

The so-called puppet army of Sand Village is just a team formed by a group of puppet ninjas.

Jingyi's puppet route is to form an army by one person.

Not only quantity, but also quality.

As for how Orochimaru would study puppets, Jingyi was too lazy to think about it.

Without the Samsara Eye Chakra, no matter how you study, you can't figure out the secrets.

Of course, if you, Orochimaru, can study something good with this, Jingyi can only say that you are awesome!

Short of money?

Now Orochimaru is worried because he is also short of money.

This is not a joke. Orochimaru's income is basically invested in base construction and various equipment purchases. It costs a lot of money to build a research base, plus daily expenses and various experiments.

It completely emptied Orochimaru.

He really can't come up with much money.

"I'll find a way."

Since the conditions are here, why bother talking about other things, just find a way to make money.

As for what means Orochimaru will use to make money, it has nothing to do with Jingyi.

After leaving the border camp, Orochimaru rushed to Konoha at the fastest speed. He arrived in one day, which took others about two days to travel.

In order to save time, Orochimaru was not afraid of tiring himself to death.

After returning to Konoha, Orochimaru went straight to the Hokage office building.


Orochimaru, who came uninvited, panted slightly and closed the door.

The third generation Hokage raised his head in confusion: "Orochimaru, do you have something to do with me?"

As the third generation Hokage's favorite disciple, the third generation Hokage knew Orochimaru's nature best. If there was no important matter, the other party would hardly take the initiative to see him.

"Teacher mentioned the research project last time, I think I can try it, but I need the financial support of the village, I need money."

There is a reason why the third generation Hokage likes Orochimaru the most. In everyone's eyes, Orochimaru is an all-round genius, involving all kinds of knowledge, outstanding in all aspects, and a ninja who is completely developing towards the hexagonal shape.

"Research project?"

The Third Hokage was stunned for a moment. He had mentioned to Orochimaru that he hoped Orochimaru would shift the research direction towards the development of the village.

Towards, people's livelihood is the best way.

However, his suggestion was rejected by Orochimaru.

It is not too difficult for Orochimaru to develop some daily necessities, but he is simply not interested.

Who would have thought that Orochimaru, who refused without hesitation in the past, would change his nature today and actually mentioned this project.

Although he was curious about why his disciple wanted to take over this project, the Third Hokage wanted to see Orochimaru take over this project.

He knew very well how capable his disciple was.

"Since you are willing to take over this project, the teacher is very happy. This project has been going on, but the progress is not great. It would be best if you can accept it. You don't have to worry about the funds."

No one knows what the Third Hokage and Orochimaru talked about.

Then Orochimaru entered the village's R&D base. In less than a month, a household appliance refrigerator with the White Snake logo was born.

Under the village's publicity, it was quickly accepted by the villagers.

Oh my goodness!

Orochimaru would not go to engage in electrical appliance research and development just to make quick money.

Jingyi was a little confused when he heard the news.

"Puff~~ Hahaha........"

When he thought of Orochimaru scratching his head to find ways to make money, and even taking over the projects he used to look down on in order to make money, and lowering his own posture, Jingyi couldn't help laughing.

What is this inexplicable sense of humor?

Orochimaru, wearing a white coat and doing electrical appliance research and development, is like Tsunade who became an anti-gambling publicity ambassador, and Jiraiya who wrote dog-abuse youth love stories, which brings a huge sense of contrast to people.

Although it's a bit funny, Jingyi thinks Orochimaru did a great job. The refrigerator has been made, so are other household appliances far away?

Not far away.

When these basic household appliances are available, daily life will definitely be a lot more convenient.

If you work hard, you may be able to let the ninja world enter the development period ahead of time.

Facts have proved that the technology tree of the ninja world is not that it can't be lit up, but that the people engaged in research and development have gone astray.

As long as you calm down, these people will definitely give you a surprise.

There is a not-so-funny joke in the ninja world. In the eyes of other countries, the people of the Land of Lightning are mountain barbarians, unreasonable barbarians, and even have muscles growing in their heads. As a result, the development of science and technology in the Land of Lightning has far surpassed other countries.

Jingyi couldn't figure out where these people got the courage to laugh at the people of the Land of Lightning as barbarians with muscles growing in their heads.

"I hope Orochimaru won't go on the road of civilian research and development without looking back."

After all, research and development is addictive, and these things make money quickly, unlike his previous biological research, which almost all cost money.

What Jingyi didn't know was that Orochimaru was full of energy at this time.

He was full of strength and was immersed in the research and development of electrical appliances.

In the past, he hardly touched these things and looked down on such projects, but now he has been in a state of lack of money and has tasted the sweetness.

Tsunade came to the side business again, but this time she came to the side business with a mission.

"Kushina is in a much better mood."

Jingyi poured a glass of water for Tsunade.

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