The truth is, the truth is that the conflict is not over yet.

If it was Hanzo's fault, why did he lead the conflict?

You know, after the conflict escalates, war can happen at any time.

When the war breaks out, the first to suffer is the Rain Country, which has become a battlefield for the great powers.

Is Hanzo planning to break the jar and break the jar?

I can't figure it out, and after shaking my head, Jing said:

"Akimichi Tofu is right. Whether it is the Sand Village that deliberately escalates the provocation or someone leads the conflict to escalate, the final possibility is that war will break out. The village really needs to be prepared."

"However, you shouldn't go to the front line."

"Why?" Tsunade asked puzzled.

Jingyi said seriously: "If it is from the perspective of the village, you should go to the front line.

But if it is from our perspective, you can't go to the front line, because you need to stay in the village."

"As long as the situation continues to escalate, I am afraid that Shimura Danzo will be activated. Letting you stay in the village is to guard against this.

As for Shimura Danzo, it is better to let him stay in prison."

The situation heats up and the war breaks out. Given the character of the Third Hokage, Shimura Danzo will definitely be activated and pulled out of prison.

It is better for a sinister and ambitious man like Shimura Danzo to stay in prison, so as to avoid jumping around. The damage is not high, but it is just disgusting.

Because of Kushina, Shimura Danzo went to warn Jingyi, which led to the dissatisfaction of Uzumaki Mito, and thus Shimura Danzo lost the position of assistant to the Hokage. Even if it is a position without power, it is a high position.

From the fact that he persuaded Hanzo of the Salamander to assassinate him, it can be seen that Shimura Danzo hates him to the core.

Not to mention, Uzumaki Mito pushed Akimichi Tofu up and split the Hokage faction into two.

Once Shimura Danzo comes out, he will definitely find ways to target them.

"What about the front line?"

Tsunade knew Jingyi's concerns, and also knew that Shimura Danzo was a difficult man. In the past, he had her grandmother to deter him. Now that her grandmother is gone, as long as the Third Hokage does not deal with him, Shimura Danzo will be a disaster.

She stayed in the village and could prevent the Third Hokage from using Shimura Danzo.

Once he went to the front line, he would definitely not take care of these things. Akimichi Tofu, the unlucky and miserable face man, could not stop the Third Hokage at all.

"I'll go."

After weighing it, Jingyi chose to go by himself, and Tsunade stayed in the village.

He went to the front line instead of Tsunade, at most affecting Tsunade's reputation, but did Tsunade need this thing?

Not at all.

As for the glory of the Three Ninjas, it is pure nonsense. The title of the Three Ninjas is not a glory but a shame for Tsunade, Orochimaru and Jiraiya.

If the three of them defeated Hanzo of the Salamander, the other party would be convinced and respectfully called them the Three Ninjas.

But the ending was that the Rain Village was defeated, but Hanzo of the Salamander defeated the alliance of the three and casually gave them the title of the Three Ninjas.

Isn't this pure disgusting?

Jingyi smiled and said, "Maybe the war is also an opportunity for me. I have to work hard, make more contributions, and gain more military exploits, so that people will pay attention to me, so that no one will think that I, Hyuga Jingyi, am just a pure Phoenix man who can be stepped on by anyone."

"Phoenix man? What does that mean?"

"It means to be famous by relying on women."


Tsunade was stunned for a moment, and then her expression began to change: "Puff... Hahaha, sorry, sorry, I couldn't help it, because it's too real, hahaha, I laughed to death."

If you can't bear it anymore, then don't bear it, just laugh first.

This can't be blamed on Tsunade. In fact, Jingyi's growth history is like this. First, he met Tsunade, Tsunade valued him, and then taught him hand in hand, and grew up step by step.

Then Kushina liked to get close to him, and finally Uzumaki Mito was optimistic about him.

Tsunade, Kushina, Uzumaki Mito, three people, all three are women, or three women with special identities. It's not surprising that others regard Jingyi as a Phoenix man.

Jingyi doesn't mind being a freeloader, but that doesn't mean he likes others looking at him the same way they look at a phoenix man.

Plus, it's more beneficial for him to have Tsunade in charge of the village, so he can only go to the battlefield in her place.

Although he's going to the battlefield in her place, Jingyi won't charge into battle on the battlefield like Tsunade, using the title of medical ninja.

Since he's a medical ninja, he should just do his job well. Why risk his life?

Besides being a medical ninja, he also needs to fight.

Life is at stake, otherwise it is better to stay in the camp and save people and treat illnesses.

The Sand Village is also holding a meeting on the escalation of the conflict in the Rain Village.

Compared with Konoha, the atmosphere of the meeting in the Sand Village is much more intense.

The third generation of Kazekage, known as the strongest Kazekage, is an ambitious man. He wants to lead the village to become stronger step by step and surpass other villages.

Unfortunately, the Wind Country is too poor, and the population and resources are restricted everywhere. The current development of the Sand Village has fallen into a vicious circle. Without enough resources and population, the development has stagnated.

The only way to break this vicious circle is to start a war and plunder the resources of other countries and villages to supply the development of the Sand Village. It would be even better if a large area of ​​land rich in resources could be occupied.

And the Fire Country has always been a big fat piece of meat in the eyes of the Sand Village.

"Heh~ the so-called demigod."

The third generation of Kazekage smiled disdainfully and threw the information on the table. Compared with the suspicion of Konoha, the Sand Village directly locked the suspect, the Salamander Hanzo.

You were given the opportunity to be a dog, but you didn't cherish it and played such a trick in secret. However, Hanzo's tricks helped the Sand Village.

The Third Kazekage has always wanted to break the deadlock, but he needs to consider the opinions of the Daimyo Mansion.

Now, the conflict has escalated, and it was not the initiative of the Sand Village. Whether it was Hanzo's or Konoha's initiative, sending this message to the Daimyo Mansion would shut the Daimyo's mouth.

After shutting the Daimyo's mouth, get the Daimyo's support, and then...

Looking at the map of the Land of Fire, the Third Kazekage's eyes began to become hot.

The Land of Fire has too many resources needed by the Sand Village. As long as there are these resources, the development of the Sand Village will continue to progress, breaking the upper limit of development and becoming stronger step by step.

"Chiyo, send a message to the Daimyo Mansion." The Third Kazekage gave Chiyo a look.

Chiyo said, "I won't let you down, Master Kazekage."

She understood what the Third Kazekage meant, and exaggerated the situation, saying that Konoha was bullying others too much, actively provoking conflicts, and wanted to start a war, and sent all the remarks to the daimyo's mansion to provoke the daimyo's sense of crisis and anger.

As long as they get the support of the daimyo, the Sand Village will be able to take the initiative.

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