After two days of rest in the camp, the reinforcements began to receive tasks, and small teams of ninjas quickly left the camp and entered the battlefield.

In the battlefield of ninjas, large-scale charge battles rarely appear.

Most of them are fought in small teams. If the conflict is a little tense, a squadron with dozens or hundreds of people is considered a large battle.

After all, the professional limitations and number restrictions of ninjas make it impossible for ninja wars to charge and fight on a large scale like ordinary armies.

More and more ninjas entered the battlefield, and even Jiraiya received corresponding tasks.

But when Jiraiya was about to leave the camp, he suddenly found out why Orochimaru was not on the team list! ! !

Did Orochimaru lead other teams out?

In doubt, Jiraiya found Nara Shikashin, and asked him to go to the morgue in the medical room to find someone.

Arriving at the morgue, he pushed open the door, looked at the neatly arranged corpses, and walked in calmly. In the innermost compartment of the morgue, he found Orochimaru who was busy.


Walking into the small compartment, he saw Orochimaru putting parts on the corpse. Jiraiya paused, looking at the corpse with blood on his hands and internal organs piled up beside him, and his eyes twitched.

"Orochimaru, even if this is the corpse of the enemy, we should not destroy it."

The busy Orochimaru said without raising his head:

"The corpse has been used by the people of the interrogation department and the intelligence department, and it has been incomplete. I am just making use of the waste."

Konoha would certainly not be kind enough to help the enemy collect the corpses. The purpose of collecting their own corpses is to bring them back to the village for burial, while the enemy's corpses are to dig out intelligence and secrets.

The corpses that can be sent to the morgue have been used. It is not wrong to say that they are waste utilization.

If Orochimaru can't use them, these corpses will be burned together and then buried somewhere.

"Even so, you shouldn't conduct corpse research!!!!"

Jiraiya couldn't accept such a thing.

Orochimaru was still calm: "It's just making puppets, a traditional trick of the Sand Village. Who in the ninja world jumped out and said that the Sand Village is inhumane?"

"I..." Jiraiya was speechless for a while.

Yes, the Sand Village likes to toss corpses the most. They like to make corpses into puppets. There is no reason that the Sand Village can do this, but Orochimaru can't.

"Besides, I have obtained Shizuka's permission, and these corpses belong to me."

I am legal and legal, and I have made no mistakes.

Okay, Jiraiya had no choice: "Then don't you need to carry out the mission? Many reinforcements have already entered the battlefield, and I have to lead a small team to go out."

"No, I am Shizuka-kun's assistant. I can stay in the camp and do what I want when there is no mission."

"No, why is that?!"

Jiraiya shouted indignantly: "It's fine for Tsunade to stay in the village, but why doesn't Orochimaru need to go to the battlefield? I can't escape alone?"

Jiraiya is not opposed to fighting for the village, but anyone will have an unbalanced mentality.

Just like Jiraiya at this time.

If Orochimaru went out to fight like him, he would definitely have nothing to think about, but Orochimaru could stay, and he had to lead a small team to the battlefield to fight the enemy.

He Jiraiya just likes to be stupid, which doesn't mean he is really stupid.


After placing the last part and cleaning the blood on the body, Orochimaru put away the finished body, raised his head and showed Jiraiya a gloating smile:

"Because I am an assistant, I can help Jingyi analyze the types of poisons, help prepare medicines, and even become a temporary medical ninja. What can you do?"

"What can you do?"

You little guy, compete with me.


"I don't accept it!!"

Jiraiya's face gradually turned red. Orochimaru's words were reasonable and he couldn't refute them. After all, Orochimaru was omnipotent and could do these things.

Not being able to refute does not mean that you are convinced in your heart.

Ah ah ah! !

So angry.

"If you have nothing to do, please leave, please don't affect my work."

Orochimaru directly issued an order to expel him.

"I'll go to Jingyi! Cancel your assistant status."

Jiraiya gritted his teeth and walked out of the morgue and went straight to the medical room.

"Cancel Orochimaru's assistant status?"

Jingyi, who was boiling medicine early in the morning, stood up and stretched.

He stretched his waist and stretched his stiff body:

"Why? He did a pretty good job, whether it was distinguishing poisons or making potions. He could even act as a medical staff and medical ninja when there was a shortage of people."

"Such an assistant is not easy to find."

To be honest, apart from worrying about Orochimaru messing around, Jingyi really liked him more and more as an assistant. With Orochimaru as his assistant, he could save a lot of worries.

He wouldn't be too tired.

Orochimaru could handle many things.

"But, I........." Jiraiya couldn't explain it. He had no reasonable reason.

It's not like I hope you, Hinata Jingyi, will cancel Orochimaru's assistant status because I'm unbalanced. This is simply an international joke.

Damn, if I had known earlier, I wouldn't have been so playful. I should have read more books and become a versatile person like Orochimaru.

Now I think about it, I regret it.

Forget it, it's just one person. Anyway, their team has been disbanded a long time ago.

Generally, a ninja team will disband after all members pass the Chunin exam. What to do next and how to develop is up to you.

The teacher assigned by the village cannot always be your babysitter.

After the team disbands, whether you want to form a new team or do nothing is up to you.

Because the teacher of Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru is the Third Hokage, the Third Hokage cannot be like other teachers, taking them on missions all day long, so they can only ask others to help them. Therefore, their team was completely disbanded until all three of them passed the Jonin exam.

Then they developed separately, Tsunade entered the medical department, and Orochimaru and Jiraiya were free men, either carrying out missions or doing their own things.

This is why Jiraiya and Orochimaru had so many more missions than Tsunade in the original work.

Not only did Tsunade disband the team and enter the medical department, she was heartbroken and left the village after the Second Ninja World War. During this period, there was a blank period of more than ten years without any missions.

Orochimaru was busy with research and experiments, and later defected, so he completed fewer missions than Jiraiya.

Only Jiraiya was like an old cow, carrying out his missions sincerely.

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