The old man was busy, and the old man was busy.

I didn't feel it when I was in Konoha Hospital, but I was exhausted when I got to the camp.

Although medical ninjas don't need to go to the battlefield, they just need to stay in the camp. Unfortunately, not many people can understand how busy medical ninjas are.

Especially when there are many wounded patients, you don't even have time to eat.

But he, Hyuga Shizuka, is still the one in charge of the medical room. Whenever he encounters a difficult patient, he will find him first.

"It seems that you have gained a lot."

"It's okay, but the next step depends on you, Shizuka-kun."

Orochimaru put the seal scroll on the table. He was very curious about how Shizuka made the puppet have life.

"How much?"

Drag his tired body, Shizuka picked up the scroll and weighed it.

"Two hundred."

Orochimaru showed two rows of white teeth. I don't know if it was because he had been in contact with corpses for too long, which made him look eerie.

"I'll give you twenty, and the rest belongs to me."

Jingyi was not too greedy and gave Orochimaru one-tenth of the number.

"No problem."

Orochimaru agreed immediately.

He didn't care about the number of puppets, he only cared about how Jingyi could make the puppets have life.

Jingyi took the scroll and signaled Orochimaru with his eyes that you can go, and the last step is not convenient for people to see.

But Orochimaru didn't want to leave.

Seeing that Jingyi wanted him to leave, he made a suggestion:

"Let me watch, the subsequent puppets are all yours."

"The materials I brought are probably enough to make 500 puppets."


You, Orochimaru, went there to rob, right? You have so many materials on you. Is research really so profitable?

It's only been more than half a year, and Orochimaru has become rich.

Is it worthwhile to let Orochimaru watch and get 500 puppets?

It is worthwhile, because even if Orochimaru saw it, he could not copy it. And even if he could copy it, he would slowly toss it out through research, which would have no effect on Jingyi.

"No, 500 puppets are too few."

After thinking about it, Jingyi rejected Orochimaru.

It's okay to watch, but... you have to pay more.

"One thousand."

Orochimaru understands Jingyi. As for money, I don't lack it now. I dare not say that I will get rich overnight, but at least I still have a lot, and there will be a continuous income in the future.

As long as the problem can be solved with money, it is not a problem.

At worst, I will continue to do my old business and continue to do research and development to make money.

Now is the war period. In addition to various ninja tools, various military pills are also popular products. Orochimaru doesn't mind studying these things.

As long as he can make money, let him sell his ass... uh... this can't be sold.


Snapping his fingers, Jingyi reminded: "I hope you can hand over the puppet to me as soon as possible. Don't delay too long. I rely on these puppets to save my life."

"The follow-up materials will be delivered to the camp soon, and I will only look at them, not ask, and will not leak them out. Please rest assured, Jingyi." Orochimaru promised.

"That's good."

The conditions were met, and Jingyi no longer hid it from Orochimaru. He took out the puppet that had been processed in the scroll, put his hand on the puppet, and injected chakra into the core parts of the puppet under Orochimaru's eyes full of curiosity.

The puppet, which could only lie flat, suddenly moved twice, stood up like a living person, opened his tightly closed eyes, and his eyes turned blue.


Although he had prepared himself mentally, Orochimaru still stood up in shock and stared at Jingyi's hand in disbelief.

Injecting chakra, the puppet can have life?

Is this possible?

How is it possible! ! !

Orochimaru felt that his worldview was impacted.

"Hahaha, interesting, so interesting."

Suddenly, Orochimaru clapped his hands and laughed. It would be fine if he just laughed, but this guy was shaking all over, as if he had a seizure.

Giving life to puppets, this kind of thing, no matter who sees it, will shatter their worldview and start to doubt life.

Especially those who play with puppets.

Once Jingyi's puppets collide with the puppet army of Sand Village, I'm afraid the puppet masters of Sand Village will wonder if they have taken the wrong path.

Unfortunately, giving life to puppets is impossible to copy unless they can also have the reincarnation eye.

After looking at Orochimaru who was shaking and laughing, Jingyi took out a large number of puppets, quickly injected chakra, and then put the puppets away, and soon

, all the puppets turned into his shape.

There were still 20 puppets of poor quality left in the lounge, which were left for Orochimaru.

"Jingyi-kun, happy cooperation."

Orochimaru didn't care about the appearance of the puppets. Anyway, these puppets would not be used for fighting in his hands. Most of them would be dismantled for research.

Or used for related experiments.

So it didn't matter if the appearance was a little worse.

"Happy cooperation, I hope you can keep your promise and don't talk nonsense."

"Of course not."

Putting away his own puppets, Orochimaru left happily. If it weren't for the lack of conditions in the camp, he would have wanted to start research on the spot and use puppets for experiments.

It's time to rest.

After seeing Orochimaru off, Jingyi started to wash up. Unexpectedly, he just lay down, and his eyes blurred, and he disappeared from the lounge and appeared in the Wet Bone Forest.

"Little Jingyi, the practice of immortal arts is about to begin."

The Slug Sage who summoned Jingyi from the Ninja World to Myoboku Mountain turned his huge head to remind Jingyi that the practice of immortal arts was about to begin.


Can I stop practicing?

I want to sleep.

Before Jingyi opened his mouth, a group of little slugs climbed on him.

Forget it, practice. If you can't die from practicing, practice to death. How can you sleep at this age?

Roll up and see who can be rolled to death in the end.

Jingyi sat cross-legged on the ground and began to absorb the rich natural energy in the Wet Bone Forest according to the teachings of the Slug Sage.

As the three holy places in the Ninja World, the Wet Bone Forest, Myoboku Mountain, and Ryuchi Cave have much richer natural energy than the Ninja World.

Practicing immortal arts here will achieve twice the result with half the effort. Of course, the probability of turning into stone is also greater.

Rich natural energy, outstanding talent, guidance from the slug fairy, and help from a group of little slugs, Jingyi soon felt the natural energy entering his body.


In the first attempt, Jingyi's arm was petrified because he didn't find the balance point correctly. The little slug lying on him quickly crawled over and wrapped his hand with its body.

When the petrified hand was covered with mucus, the petrification on the arm gradually faded.

This is much easier than the toad oil in Myoboku Mountain.

Natural energy imbalance will cause petrification, and the little slugs will absorb the out-of-control natural energy to prevent Jingyi from petrification.

If he hadn't been covered in wet mucus, Jingyi really wanted to give a thumbs up to these slugs and give them a five-star review.

[Wish everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival~]

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