The rain country has become like this, and Konoha has also contributed to it.

If Konoha hadn't wanted to drag the Rain Village into the water, the Rain Country wouldn't have suffered.

Orochimaru, who was sitting next to Jingyi, had a faint smile on his face, but this smile seemed to have a stronger sense of mockery.

Noticing that someone was looking at him, Orochimaru turned his head and looked at Jingyi, and the two smiled at each other.

Very good, everyone has the same concept. Since you have done it, don't find any excuses for yourself or strive for a good reputation.

What's wrong with you two?

Others are attacking the Sand Village, but you two are laughing.

If it were someone else, Nara Shikako would remind him immediately to pay attention to the occasion.

But he couldn't control Jingyi and Orochimaru.


Nara Shikashin raised his voice and interrupted the argument: "The revenge of the Sand Village, in addition to targeting the Rain Village, is more for plunder. Don't forget their purpose of provoking the war."

"The next village's battle will change from active to passive. I hope that the Rain Village and the Sand Village can fight for a longer time."

Since the Sand Village wants to retaliate against the Rain Village, let them retaliate fiercely. Konoha just needs to change its strategy and let them waste time first.

Evacuation is definitely not an option. Once Konoha does this, the Sand Village and the Rain Village will definitely stop and no longer just stare at each other.

After all, this war is a melee mode. Whoever wants to withdraw and be the fisherman will be targeted.

The change in combat strategy has nothing to do with Jingyi. As a medical ninja, his mission is to stay in the camp, not to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

Unless the enemy attacks the camp, or Konoha is unable to fight again and the war is about to fail, Jingyi does not need to consider things on the battlefield.

As for the innocent civilians in the Land of Rain, it was not Jingyi's turn to sympathize with them.

Again, if the Sand Village was a big villain, then Konoha was also an accomplice. As an accomplice, he could not sympathize with the victims.

At this stage, the most important thing for him was to do his own job well, stockpile more puppets, and study fairy arts hard.

Faced with the crazy revenge and plundering of the Sand Village, the poison sac in the body of the Salamander Hanzo was so angry that it almost exploded. He slammed the table and cursed:

"Damn old woman!!!"

The time of knowing each other was not short, and the two did not like each other. You called me an old poison, and I called you an old woman.

The revenge of the Sand Village undoubtedly completely angered the demigod.

And the price of angering the demigod is........

"What did you say?"

Jingyi almost thought he had misheard, raised his hand to pick his ears, and asked: "The Rain Village declared war on us?"

"Yes, not only on us, but also on the Rock Village and the Sand Village."

Jiraiya, who had just withdrawn from the battlefield to rest, scratched his hair that had not been washed for a long time, and said with a sigh:

"I don't know what stimulated this demigod to declare war on the three major ninja villages in one breath. Isn't he afraid of being besieged by the three major ninja villages?"

Jiraiya still couldn't figure it out.

My goodness, Hanzo of the Salamander still took the old path of the original work. He knew that the situation was hopeless and it would be better to preserve his strength as much as possible, but he actually declared war on the three major ninja villages in anger.

What's more exaggerated is that the ninjas of the Rain Village, under his leadership, frantically attacked the battlefield area occupied by Konoha, Sand Village, and Rock Village.

Facing the crazy Hanzo of the Salamander, the people of the three major ninja villages were a little confused.

No, how dare he! !

In the eyes of the three major ninja villages, the Rain Village is just a victim of the game, otherwise Konoha would not deliberately drag them into the water, and it is clear that they look down on the Rain Village. With your size, you are not on the same level as us.

Even the so-called demigod Hanzo of the Salamander will not be taken seriously. The Third Kazekage humiliated him and made him a dog. It can be seen.

From beginning to end, the three major ninja villages have never cared about the feelings and reactions of the Rain Village.

The result is that this guy who was regarded as a victim by the three major ninja villages declared war on them.

It’s not a declaration of war on one village, but three villages declared war together, and attacked them with ninja troops.

Where did you get the courage from Hanzo of the Salamander? You don’t really think you are a god.

In the original work, although Hanzo of the Salamander declared war on the three major ninja villages, the effect was not as explosive as it is now, because the declaration of war in the original work was because the Rain Village had reached the point where it could no longer be tolerated.

At that time, the big fight of the three major ninja villages

The fight is almost over.

What about now?

The war has just begun.

Hanzo of the Salamander jumped out.

Not to mention, Hanzo of the Salamander led the Rain Village to declare war on the three major ninja villages, and then attacked the three major ninja villages. In a hurry, the three major ninja villages really suffered a loss, especially the Sand Village.

Although Chiyo retaliated against the Rain Village, she never thought that Hanzo of the Salamander would react so fiercely. Before she made any preparations, the other party fought back.

"Our demigod is very brave."

Jingyi was silent for a while and gave Hanzo of the Salamander a very brave evaluation.

Apart from evaluating him as very brave, Jingyi really didn't know what to say.

If it were him, he would definitely give priority to saving strength, and wait until the three major ninja villages were almost beaten, and then come with a fatal blow.

Anyway, the Rain Country has been beaten to pieces, and jumping out at this time will become a bird that sticks out. It is better to wait until the three major ninja villages are almost beaten before taking action.

In order not to be the first to come out, the three major ninja villages worked silently, and the war was only fought without declaration.

Now, the Rain Village has broken the tacit understanding reached by the three major ninja villages and put the matter out in the open.

When the news spreads, I believe the entire ninja world will be shocked.

Next, it depends on how the three major ninja villages react.

Facing the declaration of war by the Rain Village, if the three major ninja villages do not do something, it will be a loss of face for the village.

In addition, the first bird has been announced, and the three major ninja villages can go all out to fight.

"Let's not talk about this, please help me take a look at my manuscript."

Jiraiya has no idea about the situation, he cares more about whether his manuscript is qualified.

So he ran to find Jingyi as soon as he returned to the camp.

Instead of reporting and resting.

Looking at the manuscript that was stuffed in his hand, Jingyi's face was full of question marks: "Did you write all these?"

Jiraiya nodded and said: "Of course, I think the story you told before is very good, so I added some content. Don't worry, after the book is published, you will get a share of the royalties."

"No, I mean, when did you write it."

Jiraiya didn't care much about royalties. It's good to have this thing, but it doesn't matter if it's not. What he was curious about was where Jiraiya got the time to write a book.

You have to know that he went to the battlefield!

Instead of squatting in the camp to write.

"It was just a while ago, what's wrong?" Jiraiya was full of confusion.


You are awesome!

Others went to the battlefield to fight desperately and fight the enemy.

Jiraiya, you are so good, you went to the battlefield, and you still had time to write a book, and you wrote about the emperor's uncle! ! !

[I have finished writing today's update, and I will write more in a while! My dears, please take a look at the free gifts for urging updates, and have a good Dragon Boat Festival. I love you all]

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