The two of them were very busy.

"Yes, Anbu, you can keep some of the departments under the medical system, and let Xiaochun manage the rest. This is my last concession."

Tatsune Kochun is not a quiet person. If her rights are cut off and she can't get them back for a long time, she might do something ugly.

And the Third Hokage doesn't want to see such a situation.

I know it.

Tsunade frowned, didn't say anything, and ate with chopsticks.

The Third Hokage didn't urge him, and the master and apprentice ate quietly.

After eating and drinking, and putting down the chopsticks contentedly, Tsunade got up and left, leaving a word when she walked to the Third Hokage.

"Give me a few days to think about it."

The Third Hokage nodded and agreed.

Tsunade didn't refuse directly, which means that the matter can be discussed.

As long as Koharu Utatane is stabilized, the village's high-level forces will still be concentrated together. Even if the Hokage faction has been divided into two factions, at least in terms of major events, the goals of the two factions are the same.

After returning home and looking at Kushina's homework, Tsunade returned to the room and recorded what the Third Hokage said in the scroll.

"Help me send this scroll to the front-line camp and give it to Jingyi, and ask him to reply to me as soon as possible."

Since Jingyi has firmly established the position of the family's dog-headed military advisor, Tsunade has been too lazy to think about these things, and just throws them to Jingyi to deal with.

She knows very well that Jingyi's thinking is more acute than her in this regard.

Better able to grasp the key points.

"Yes, Tsunade-sama."

The slug that was summoned wrapped the scroll with its body and disappeared in the room.

At night, Jingyi, who was practicing fairy arts in the Wet Bone Forest and was about to return to the Ninja World, got the scroll.

"Ha! The Third Hokage knows how to do business."

Half of the power of the Anbu in exchange for more departments in the medical system, so that Koharu Utatane can be stabilized. This old woman has been uneasy recently.

Both openly and secretly hope that the Third Hokage will release Shimura Danzo, the troublemaker.

It can be seen that she is anxious.

After holding power for more than ten years, the power is suddenly gone. No one can accept it.

It is understandable that Koharu Utatane is anxious.

But half of the power of the Anbu... Haha, even a dog doesn't want it.

Jingyi took out a new scroll, wrote his thoughts on it, and then asked the puppet to send the scroll back to the village overnight.


No, give it all! !

Except for a few teams that are dedicated to protecting the Hokage, the rest must be controlled in hand. Only in this way can there be value in exchange, and the pharmaceutical department under the medical system must be controlled in hand.

This department is too important to give it away.

As for other departments, they can be handed over to Utatane Koharu.

As long as you control the pharmaceutical department, other departments of the medical system are all younger brothers, and they all need to look at the face of the pharmaceutical department.

And Tsunade can also get rid of the big burden of training medical ninjas.

Don’t you, Utatane Koharu, like to toss around?

Okay, then I’ll give you all these departments and see how you do it.

Anyway, I have the most important pharmaceutical department in my hands, and you need to look at my face all the time.

It makes sense for the Third Hokage to send out the Anbu. He is the Hokage. As long as he stays in the village, his safety will hardly be a problem. Even if the Anbu is sent out, he has the right to mobilize the Anbu to do things for him.

It’s just that some things that are not up to the table can no longer be handed over to the Anbu people.

So Jingyi made a big request and gave up the Anbu?

Then give it all, don’t talk about half of the rights, I want all!

And the departments of the medical system will not be handed over to all, and we have to control the most important pharmaceutical department ourselves.

If it works, everyone will be happy. If it doesn't, everything will remain the same. Anyway, they are not the ones who are anxious.

Tsunade controls all departments of the medical system, which can make Shimura Danzo very uncomfortable, but Tsunade controls the pharmaceutical department and the Anbu, and Shimura Danzo has almost no capital to turn things around.

For a department like the Anbu, either you control it completely or don't have it. Otherwise, holding half of the power is not much different from having no power.

Only when you have the entire Anbu in your hands, you have the right to select people to enter the Anbu, and you have the ability to train Anbu ninjas yourself. When you reach this step, the people in the Anbu will listen to you and express their loyalty to you.

Otherwise, no matter how well you do, you will be making wedding clothes for the Third Hokage.

After sending the crow puppet out, Jingyi fell asleep quickly on the bed. He has mastered the balance point of natural energy. As long as he keeps it up,

It won't take long to enter the Senjutsu Chakra mode.

By then, he will have graduated.

Otherwise, if he keeps going on all day and night, Jingyi is worried that he will die suddenly.

At dawn, the puppet crow delivered the scroll to Tsunade.

There were two scrolls, not one.

One was an intelligence scroll, and the other was a seal scroll. There were several flying puppets in the seal scroll that were specially used to transmit information, including crow puppets and eagle puppets.

Sometimes puppets are more convenient than summoning beasts to transmit messages.

After getting the scroll, Tsunade understood Jingyi's intention. She felt that the Third Hokage had to bleed a lot this time.

Handing over all the power of the Anbu, ordinary people don't have such courage.

It's also a good thing that it was handed over to Tsunade. If it was someone else, the Third Hokage would never agree.

Because of the master-disciple relationship and Tsunade's special status, the Third Hokage could safely hand over the Anbu to her. The Third Hokage would not dare to do so for other people.

Even the other members of the F4 group can only mobilize the Anbu at most, and it is impossible to control the Anbu.

When Shimura Danzo established the Root, he borrowed the right to mobilize the Anbu and continuously infiltrated the members of the Anbu.

In addition, the Third Hokage turned a blind eye, which led to the ambitious Shimura Danzo holding great power.

It can be said that Shimura Danzo's expansion is based on the Anbu.

Without the assistance of the Anbu, Shimura Danzo would be imprisoned, even if he was released and established the Root, he would still be a younger brother.

Tsunade controls the Anbu, and will definitely not allow the members of the Root to make trouble under the banner of the Anbu, let alone use the same dress and equipment as the Anbu, which is a discredit to the Anbu.

After knowing Jingyi's arrangement, Tsunade was even less anxious.

After a few days of delay, until the Third Hokage couldn't wait any longer and came to her again, Tsunade finally put forward her conditions.

"In the medical system, except for the pharmaceutical department, other departments can be assigned to you, but I want to control the Anbu, not half, I want all!!!"


Hearing Tsunade say that most of the departments in the medical system can be given up, the Third Hokage was very happy, but when he heard the end, the smile on his face gradually solidified.

Tsunade's appetite is a bit big, she wants to hold on to the production department in the medical system, and the entire Anbu.

You have to know that for a department like the Anbu, giving half and giving all are completely different things.

If he gives half, he, the Third Hokage, can take it back at any time. Even if Tsunade has planted many people, he can take it all back when he makes up his mind.

All is different.

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