The strength of puppets has reached the level of jonin, but it is only calculated by the materials used in making them. It does not mean that these puppets really have the strength of jonin.

Puppets are always puppets and cannot be compared with humans.

For example, Orochimaru is a jonin. It is so easy for him to hunt powerful creatures comparable to jonin. This is the gap.

"So, if you don't have enough strength, you can only make up for it with numbers. I came all the way to save you. You have to help me hunt more materials in the future."

"No problem."

Orochimaru smiled and nodded, agreeing to this request.

"I have no problem either, ahem."

Jiraiya felt that his whole body was about to fall apart.

Hatake Sakumo hesitated: "Jingyi, your own strength should not be weak, do you still need to prepare so many puppets?"

With what Orochimaru said before, even if Jingyi is just a medical ninja, he can be regarded as a medical ninja of the type of Tsunade, and his own strength must be strong.

In this case, why pursue a large number of puppets?

"Who said that? This is slander!!"

Jingyi excitedly retorted: "I am just a medical ninja. As we all know, medical ninjas are the weakest and lack the power to protect themselves, so I have to prepare more puppets to protect my safety."


You still need to prepare more puppets to protect your safety?

What about us?

Hatake Sakumo didn't want to talk anymore.

"Count me in for the materials."

Others came all the way to save you, and this favor must be repaid. Jingyi only wants the materials to make puppets, and such a return is not difficult for people.

In the ninja world, there is not much else, and those powerful creatures are grabbed in large quantities.

The giant eagle flew quickly towards the camp.

On the way, Jingyi saw a small black dot lying on the ground.

Jingyi lifted his foot, and the giant eagle slowed down, slowly descended from the sky, and flew close at low altitude.

"What a coincidence, it's someone from the village."

Since it was someone from the village, Jingyi directly asked the giant eagle to take the person up. It was not far from the camp, so there was no need to stop and waste time.

The giant eagle was very fast, and it arrived at the camp soon.

There were unknown flying creatures approaching in the sky, which attracted great attention from the camp.

Orochimaru launched a signal flare first to notify the people in the camp, so that the camp would not treat them as enemies.

It was a signal flare from the village.

The ninjas in the camp let down their guard and made way for an open space.

The giant eagle slowly landed and stood steadily on the open space in the camp. After everyone came down, Jingyi put away the puppet.

"Master Shizuichi, Master Luxin, please go to the headquarters immediately."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

At this time, Nara Luxin must have a lot of questions in his mind. Shizuichi handed Jiraiya to Orochimaru and went to the headquarters.

At the headquarters, Nara Luxin was playing chess, playing chess alone.

Hearing the footsteps, he straightened up and put away the chessboard.

"Are they all okay?"

"It's relatively timely. If I went later, I could help them collect their bodies.

The Rock Village is planning to bury the new generation of strong people in the village and fundamentally weaken us."

Shizuichi took off his coat, walked into the rest room next to him, and quickly changed into clean clothes.

Wearing wet clothes, he felt uncomfortable all over.

Watching Shizuichi walk into the rest room to change clothes, Nara Luxin's mouth twitched a few times.

This kid really doesn't treat himself as an outsider at all.

After Jingyi changed his clothes and came out, Nara Shikashin continued:

"This is what the Iwagakure would do. I didn't expect that the Iwagakure would prepare such a great gift for us. An elite unit, only three people came back alive."

This time, Konoha suffered a lot of losses.

The elite unit was almost wiped out by the Iwagakure. If it weren't for Jingyi's fast speed, Orochimaru and his three companions might not have come back.

Orochimaru would be fine, as he had a first-class ability to escape, but Hatake Sakumo, who was seriously injured and unable to fight again, was in danger.

Without rescue, the two might die.

"Will the village be put in a passive position if the elite unit is destroyed?"

"Yes, but it's not a big problem."

Konoha would feel pain if it lost an elite unit, but it would not affect the war situation.

Of course, this is based on the fact that Hatake Sakumo, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru were rescued. If even the three of them were killed, Konoha would definitely suffer a huge loss.

"By the way, how did you contact them?

" "There was no movement in the camp, and Jingyi ran out to rescue. It was thanks to him that he ran out to rescue, otherwise there would be a lot of trouble. Jingyi poured himself a cup of hot water. After drinking two sips of hot water, his body gradually warmed up. "Orochimaru has my puppet in his hand, and he used the puppet to contact me." "? ? ? ? " What the hell? If Jingyi said that Orochimaru used summoning beasts or other means to contact him, Nara Shikashin would not be surprised. In the ninja world, there are too many strange ninjutsu and abilities. But what the hell is a puppet? Are you kidding me? "For details, ask Orochimaru yourself. I'm sleepy and I'm leaving first. "

Jingyi didn't have time to tell stories to Nara Shikashin. The people had been rescued, and he needed to have a good sleep.

He was sleeping well, but Orochimaru actually contacted him through a puppet. Jingyi admired this guy for thinking of such a way.

If it were anyone else, they would never believe that the puppet made by Jingyi could be used as a communicator.

"This kid has more and more secrets. "

Jingyi was busy sleeping, so Nara Shikashin could only let him rest first, since there was Orochimaru who knew the truth anyway.

Orochimaru's injury was not serious, and he could leave after a simple treatment.

But Hatake Sakumo needed to stay in the medical room to recuperate for a while, and as for Jiraiya... he couldn't leave the medical room for ten days or half a month.

After receiving treatment, Orochimaru walked out of the medical room and ran into someone sent by Nara Shikashin.

The elite troops were destroyed in a wave, and Nara Shikashin and Hatake Sakumo couldn't get rid of this blame.

One was the captain of the elite troops, and the other was the front-line commander. On the contrary, Orochimaru and Jiraiya were free, and the blame would not fall on them.

"Sit down." At the command center, Nara Shikashin looked at the report with a headache.

Don't think that he talked easily with Jingyi. In fact, the destruction of the elite troops had a greater impact on the battlefield situation.

Orochimaru pulled out a chair and sat down.

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