Chapter 348: Sarutobi becomes murderous and Koji comes to visit late at night!

Sarutobi Hiruzen, no nonsense.

He knew Nara Shikaku's thoughts very well, but he was too lazy to say more about it now.

After all, there is no way!

Now he has too little power at hand, and the resources he can mobilize are also very limited.

Therefore, even though he knew that Ino Shikacho's support for him was not complete, he did not dare to go too far towards Nara Shikaku.

Otherwise, if they really force all Ino Shikacho into the Uchiha camp, then the probability of their side winning will be even lower.

So just open one eye or close one eye.

But, haha.

When he truly resigns as the Third Hokage, he will put the puppet Minato Namikaze in his place.

Then he will have a lot of time in the future to re-integrate the resources at hand, and then when he completely kills Uchiha, Inokacho will completely lose its use value.

By the time.

This is the real death day of the Pig Deer Butterfly!


He, Sarutobi Hiruzen, is not an imposing person. From the beginning of his teacher Senju Tobirama, to the later Uchiha Kagami and Akimichi Takafu, to the later Senju and Uzumaki clans, Hatake Shoshige, etc......

Those who disobey him will all die!

I'm not touching you now, it's just that you still have value and it's not time to kill you.

Only when you completely resolve the matter will your death date truly come.

Want to play hedging with yourself? snort!

Just wait, don't rush.

Sooner or later, the day will come when the accounts will be settled.

So, before that.

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not bother to show the greatest kindness to this guy who was bound to die in the future.

This was the biggest reason why although he was annoyed, he did not vent his anger on Nara Shikaku.

Only when facing his own people will he really get angry!

As for outsiders?

Sarutobi Hiruzen would be quite kind. He certainly didn't bother to give necessary respect to these free tool people, and he didn't have to share the benefits with Inolucho afterwards. so.

He looked at Nara Shikaku's leaving figure, his eyes filled with extreme coldness.

"Pig deer butterfly, hum.!"

"Sooner or later, I will have to settle the ledger with you."

"But, don't worry"

"We have plenty of time to take our time!"

"I want to play a two-way betting method with me. I wonder if this is what I have left over from that time?"

"So, we’ll see!"


And, on the other side.

Today's Nara Shikaku doesn't know what Sarutobi Hiruzen thinks. on the contrary.

After dragging his exhausted body back to the Jonin squad leader's office, he began a busy day of work.

Except for the Sarutobi clan, there was no need for him to personally care.

Others, haha.

Everything needs to be handled by him, the tool man. therefore.

First, he compiled and wrote a death investigation report on the two elders, and asked his subordinates to paste it directly on the bulletin board. Then he began to prepare for tomorrow's jounin class meeting.

This work is quite tedious, especially for Sarutobi Hiruzen, who has not yet determined whether he will nominate Jiraiya or Akimichi Takafou for the vacant elder position.

So, no idea!

On the one hand, he had to wait for the conversation between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Jiraiya, and on the other hand, he also had to specifically inform Akimichi Kaifeng.

After all, no matter what, the preliminary preparations are done.

He must do it well too!

Of course, before leaving.

The communiqué regarding Shisui's dismissal must also include a sufficiently weighty statement.

After all, it involves Naruto, even if Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't care, as the invisible Hokage's assistant, even if he knows that it will be difficult to restore his reputation, he must do his best to do things as well as possible.

As a subordinate, although I am helpless.

But for this kind of basic work, he must also be as comprehensive as possible. otherwise.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, why should he occupy a high position?

And after all this busy work, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

He stretched his waist and yawned, and after sighing helplessly, he prepared to go to the Qiudao Clan.

Yes. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even at nine o'clock in the evening, his work is still not over.

I have to go over to Qiudao Fengfeng to inform me.

By the way, we also need to hear whether their senior Zhu Ludie is willing to take the elder position. but.

When he actually saw Qiu Daochengfeng, he saw someone he had never expected.


"Why did you come back suddenly?"

"Did something big happen?"

Nara Shikaku said in a deep voice.


Since Ino Shikacho was divided into two factions, they can no longer communicate with each other openly, otherwise it will be completely over if the ANBU discovers it.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen, Da Probability also knows the methods of Ino Shikacho.

But the problem is.

Knowing in the heart and having evidence are two completely different concepts.

Nara Koji is very smart.[]

In terms of intelligence, he is no worse than himself, even a little smarter than himself.

It's impossible for him not to understand such a simple truth.

It was precisely because of this that he did not question, but asked directly

"It's really such a small thing."Nara Koji said in a deep voice:"But I am not sure whether it will be harmful to the ethnic group."

"I think you should also be aware of the deaths of Koharu and Mito Monobu."

"Yes, Uchi does!"

"Yamanaka Shintaro extracted some very interesting information from the brains of these two elders."

"At first I saw it as a joke, but after I lay in bed last night, I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep."

"Those messages always make me feel like there are some details that I have overlooked."

"And my sixth sense reminded me that these messages that I ignored were very important and might affect the survival of the group."

"So, I'm a little unsure"

"Finally, after thinking about it carefully, I decided to come back and discuss it with everyone."

"Let's brainstorm and see if we can find the news that I ignored."

Nara Koji is very serious.


Although he also thought about passing the news back yesterday.

But at that time, he just had a simple gossip mentality, and in essence (hao Zhao) didn't think much about it.

But yesterday When he went back to sleep, he felt very uneasy in his heart.

The vigilance given to him by this sixth sense made him restless and restless all night, and he felt a little uneasy the whole night.


After some careful thinking , Finally, we decided to come back and discuss it together.

Nara Shikaku:"……"

Autumn Road Fengfeng:"……"

After hearing these words, the two looked at each other with blank expressions on their faces.

Isn't this too fantasy?

Is it reliable? only.

Considering Nara Koji's intelligence, it is impossible for him to not even know this. so.

Nara Shikaku turned around and asked:"Uncle Torifu, do you know what is going on?"

"Koji also just came here, where can I find out?"Akimichi Tofeng rolled his eyes.

With this,

Nara Shikaku shrugged and could only look at Nara Koji again.

His face looked slightly relaxed.

"Koji-kun, tell me!".

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