"Sasuke... Don't be angry, okay, let's eat hot pot later..."

Naruto got up the moment Sasuke was stunned, hugged his neck and began to coquettish.

"Hmm... Go cook, wait until you bring me a copy to the room, and I'll go back to take a shower first."

Sasuke watched the countdown to the task, patted Naruto on the head, turned and went back to the courtyard where he lived.

After returning to the bedroom, he came out again after entering the bathroom, already a shadow avatar blessed by illusion, and the body first went to the space, said hello to his brother's crow doppelganger, and then put away a bunch of shadow doppelgangers in the space, and left.

Sasuke, who turned into a black cat, finally found Yakushi's home after going around the shadows again and again.

Because of his status as an orphan, although he is now a subjugator, he also rents a house by himself.

When he heard the cat barking and opened the door and saw the black cat with the eyes of the chakra staring at him, the medicine master was really frightened.

"So cute, are you hurt?" Because

he is a medical ninja, his first reaction is to find the wound on the cat's body in order not to make people suspicious.

Sure enough, after seeing the wound on the cat's body, he picked it up and went back to the room, and if you look through the window, you can see that he is taking out disinfectant water to clean up the black cat's injured paw.

But this is all just an illusion, the truth is that the medicine master sits on the floor with a tangled face, looking at the cat's face to express helplessness and entanglement.

"What has Orochimaru-sensei been doing lately, there is something to find him.

Sasuke maintained the appearance of a black cat and waved his paw at the medicine master to allow him to be normal.

"It should have already arrived, but Junmaru's condition has a seizure, so you can only wait two more days, is it important?" the

medicine master wanted to reach out and hold the black cat, but he was very afraid of these blood-colored eyes.

For the information of the Great Snake Pill, he knew that he could not reveal too much.

But Sasuke is different, because he has entered the favor of Mr. Orochimaru, as a disciple and subordinate, it is really not a concept.

"Junmaru, that genius of the corpse vein?"

Sasuke knew that Junmaru, on the way to find Orochimaru, had introduced him to some talents in Otonobu Village.

Yakushi and Junmaro are both different, and naturally they will be very special and specially introduced.

"Yes, the corpse bone vein is very strong, but in the same way, the sequelae are very troublesome, and now it seems that it will not work, Lord Orochimaru is ready to come back after he has dealt with it, if you are not in a hurry, you can wait, if you are in a hurry, you can only go to Oto-nin Village." "

Medicine Master Pocket also feels that Junmaru is a pity, such a powerful genius, if not for the problem, it is estimated that it will be the favorite container of Lord Orochimaru, right?

For example, Uchiha's chakra eye, when it is strong to a certain extent, there will be blindness, or even direct death....

"Give me a copy of the location of Oto-ninja Village, I have a little idea recently, I can just try it with Junmaro, and after trying it, I will come back to take the Chūnin exam.

Sasuke unceremoniously stretched out his cat's claw and waved it at the medicine man, telling him not to delay.

But he didn't notice it himself, squatting on the ground in the shape of a black cat, one front paw raised and waving....

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