'Sasuke, Sasuke, can you hear me, it feels so strange now

...' Naruto sensed a problem with the perspective and knew that Sasuke was controlling her line of sight, but except for the difference in this line of sight, she could clearly feel Sasuke's breath...


Sasuke was also a little stunned, he thought it was just a change in perspective.

But it turns out that while sharing visually, you can transmit information like that slug.

'That... So in the future, can we play like this often...'

For this kind of communication that only belongs to the two of them, Naruto likes it very much, and likes it so much that he wants to try it often in the future.


Although there was Chakra consumption, Sasuke agreed.

'But... Aren't you tired?'

Naruto quickly finished writing down the answers he saw in his sight, then threw the pen and lay on the table to continue this top-secret chat with Sasuke.

This feeling made Naruto's heart addicted, but she also quickly realized that since this is a type of ninjutsu, Chakra's consumption must not be less.

'It's okay, it's just that in this way, the line of sight between you and me can only choose one direction...'

Looking at Naruto lying on the table in front of him, Sasuke was in a good mood.

Such a Naruto is really good....

'Sasuke, why are you just looking at me

...' Naruto was puzzled by the fact that all her back was in sight, he didn't feel anything strange when he looked at the test paper before, but he looked at himself...

Suddenly felt a little strange, is the hair on her back so messy?

Reaching out and tidying up, Naruto was suddenly happy.

It's a lot more fun than looking in a mirror.

"Okay, 45 minutes is up, now all stop!"

called out to Mori Hibiki as he reached 45 minutes of time.

Now that many cheaters have been caught, but there are still a lot of them, and they must brush off some more later.

"Next, I want to announce the tenth question, before that, you choose whether to take the test or not..." Mori

Ibiki's eyes were gloomy, sweeping over the psychological cues that these candidates had already used when using torture.

"What is this choice, we are taking the exam, how can there be any reason not to take the test?" was

a little confused by this choice, and some candidates have already stood up to express their dissatisfaction.

If they don't take the test, what are they doing here?"

"If not, then this candidate will be determined to score 0, and of course, his companions will be eliminated at the same time..." Seeing

that the emotions of the candidates had been mobilized, Mori Ibiki continued.

"But... There is another rule, if you choose to answer the question but do not answer it correctly, then..." "

The person who answers the question will be disqualified forever, and it will be impossible to take any of the Chunin exams in their lives!" Looking

at these candidates who were shouting that they must take the exam, Mori Nabiki directly gave them a heavy blow.

You can take the test, but you can only take the test once in this life, and failure will be a lifetime of patience.

"This is not fair, why is there such a rule!" The

atmosphere of the candidates fell silent in an instant, and some couldn't bear to stand up and raise their questions.

This is just a Zhongnin exam, they can accept failure, but why should it involve the next life?

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