"Konan, you go first, I'll go in when I'm used to it later..."

Nagato sat on the ground, his fingers over his eyes, he needed to say slowly about the current situation.

The body that had originally collapsed is now suddenly restored.

Not only the eyes returned, but even the feet, as well as this decaying body, were restored to a healthy state.

He didn't do anything, and his body was completely cured, and this result was definitely not expected before coming, let alone what kind of price he had to pay later.

Talking about such a thing, he still felt that it was better not to let Xiao Nan here, otherwise, she would definitely be concerned about it.

"Okay then, I'll go here first, you take care of yourself."

Konan, who watched Nagato cover his eyes all the time, thought that he was sad that he was worried that he would lose the eye of reincarnation and Yahiko's body would never be summoned again.

In order not to let him continue to be sad, Xiao Nan decided to go to the Trial Tower and fight hard once, if he could save enough points for that resurrection card, it would be nice to resurrect Yahiko at that time.

"They all went in, and your eyes shouldn't have any discomfort, right?"

Uchiha sat in his chair, and after seeing that Konan's had entered the Trial Tower, he looked down at Nagato so that he didn't have to block it anymore.

Since Nagato used the body repair card just now, he knew that this guy's eyes had once again become the eye of reincarnation.

It is obviously not Nagato's own eyes, but it will still exist after repair, and Uchiha is really very curious, but he can't dig it out and study it....

So I had to wait and see, and when I got home, I would go to Sasuke and ask what the situation was.

"Nothing has changed..."

Nagato stood up from the ground and felt great with his feet on the ground, but because he didn't have to walk on his feet all year round, he still needed an adaptation period at this time.

But ninjas generally adapt quickly, and Nagato was able to maintain his balance after only a few shaky steps.

"It seems that even other people's eyes, after using them for a long time, will be tacitly belonging to him."

Sasuke walked over and motioned for Nagato to bow his head, and after checking it, confirmed that this pair of reincarnation eyes was exactly the same as that of Uchiha Madara.

But well....

Although they are both reincarnation eyes, the same pair of eyes, Nagato and Uchiha will use completely different powers.

"It seems that I don't have a chance to know what my original eyes looked like..."

Nagato's fingers brushed over his eyes, and he was satisfied with the result because he was used to this kind of power, and if he changed the eyes of a normal person, his fighting style would be relearned.

"Since there is no problem, let's go and register, do what you need to do next, we still have business, let's go first."

Sasuke just determined the condition of Nagato's eyes and stopped delaying, said hello, and then took Naruto's hand and left together.

"Sasuke, that Nagato is from the Uzumaki clan, just like Kako, right?"

Back home, Naruto suddenly remembered Nagato's bloodline problem.

She wanted to ask when she came back from Yuyin Village before, but when she came back to so many babies, she forgot about these things.

Now seeing Nagato, as well as the people of the Xiao Organization being hung up as villagers and going to the Trial Tower, Naruto remembered the matter that he had been entangled with before.

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