"Sasuke, this is..."

Uchiha and Senjukuma rushed back after noticing the abnormality at the top of the tree, and when they saw Kaguya Otsuki, the two of them were suddenly stunned there.

This woman....

What the hell is this damn intimacy!

"You still have the breath of a feather coat on your body, you are the reincarnation of Indra and Asuras, come and let me see..."

Otsuki Kaguya looked at the two handsome young men, stretched out his hand and dragged the two in front of him.

During this time, Madara and Pillar looked at each other, and finally gave up the struggle.

Anyway, Sasuke chatted with this woman, and it shouldn't be an enemy.

"Fortunately, the chains of restraint have long been cut off, if you see him in the future, be careful, he is not a good son, nor a good brother, nor a good father..."

For the junior, Kaguya Otsuki has extremely strong emotions.

If these two people trace their roots, they can also be regarded as her grandsons.

Her son betrayed, and now she has only a little resentment towards her son because she has been brainwashed by the black memory and the trial tower again and again, so after this relationship transferred, she set her eyes on these two.

The son is not reliable, the grandson is still quite well-behaved, but it is a pity that the two grandsons were dug by the feather coat to make the scourge of the world as enemies, which made her still can't help but feel some heartache.

"Kaguya... Adult..."

Madara and Pillar couldn't call out the title of grandma, so after struggling for a while, he still used a title that would not be a problem.

In short, grandma or something, a little too ashamed!

"Go sit over there, I just came back, tell me what happened in the past two years."

Looking at the awkward and awkward expressions of the two, Kaguya not only did not get angry, but smiled and let them sit on the side, and then the family started talking.

Sasuke and Naruto sat opposite each other, the two looked at each other, looked at the family on the opposite side, and temporarily communicated quietly in their hearts.

Whether it is or not, but now Kaguya Otsuki is locked up these two, relatives or something....

Sasuke and Naruto at this time are outsiders, absolute outsiders!

"You guys talk first, we have to go back and prepare, we went to the moon before, and we haven't gone home to report safety."

Sasuke stood up with Naruto in his arms, said hello and left directly, without needing a reply from these people.

Anyway, the two of them really didn't want to watch this awkward chat.

Grandma or something....

Two old people, you have worked hard, it is not a problem for that ancestor to be a grandmother, because if you trace the inheritance of Uchiha and the Senju clan, it is all to the ancestors... Grandma's identity is up.

Therefore, you two are still calculated according to Chakra's past life identity, so it seems that you still have to earn.

"Sasuke, what about my brother, why did they run away in a hurry, did something happen?"

Just now, at the door, Uchiha Senna just appeared, looking at Sasuke and directly asking where his brother went.

Just now, I was still discussing what gifts to prepare for Saemaki's wedding, and I ran away without discussing a result, which is really worrying.

"It's okay, just talk to an elder and go home later."

Sasuke smiled and shook his head, originally he was a little uncomfortable to have such an elder, but now finally someone can experience it.

Next, it should be interesting, right?

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