[Host choice 3, the host kills Mizuki with his hands and gets the touch of the reward Big Snake Pill

] [The touch of the big snake pill (passive): In the past, the big snake pill was also a kind boy, but because he changed his heart after witnessing some deaths, the host's spiritual technique reminded the big snake pill of the warm memories of his teammates in the past, so he had different expectations for the host]


Sasuke looked at the reward he received, and his heart was already completely helpless.

He didn't think about brushing the favorability of the big snake pill, and...

What is it that the big snake pill used to be a kind boy, and he had different expectations

? The systematic explanation is too strange, right?

Although when the big snake pill was small, it seemed to be quite cute.

But now it was a snake, still thinking about his body at all times, and watching him secretly....

Moreover, what he couldn't understand the most was why he could kill people with the Spirit Technique, which could make Orochimaru change his opinion of him, wasn't this Spirit Art Kato's special ability?

"Ah, Iruka-sensei, why did you come to complete the assessment for me, wasn't it Mizuki-sensei?" Naruto

stopped, stunned for a moment before suddenly a surprise appeared on his face.

It's not an assessment, I'm here to find you back, why did you steal the Book of Seals..." A

confused Iruka took a step forward, raised his hand and grabbed Naruto's shoulder and began to ask about the cause and effect of this.

In fact, he had thought before that Naruto must have come up with someone behind his back to do this.

"I told Naruto to go and steal the Book of Seals and send it to me, Iruka, don't you want Naruto to graduate..."

Mizuki's figure appeared on the tree, narrowing his eyes with a smile when he looked at Iruka Umino, and the kunai in his hand was about to be swung out at the same time.

But in the next moment, his fingers didn't move, but Naruto's side was a step faster than him.

To be exact, it was Naruto's fingers grasping the scroll, and the scroll opened itself to surround Iruka Umino in the middle....

This sudden change made not only Mizuki stunned, but Iruka himself was also a little dumbfounded.

The Book of Seals was actually protecting him

, but it was certainly impossible, that was Naruto....

"Mizuki-sensei, now that I have brought the scroll, you should let me graduate, you give me the graduation certificate, I will give you this scroll!"

Naruto held the Book of Seals with one hand and pointed to Mizuki on the tree with the other, describing the matter as a pattern of trading.

"Naruto, this can't be given to him, the Book of Seals can't..."

Iruka glared angrily at Mizuki on the tree, absolutely insisting on the fate of the Book of Seals.

"Iruka-sensei, look at this, this is the Book of Seals!" Turning

his head, Naruto urged Iruka to take a look for himself.

Now that the scroll is open, Iruka is wrapped in it, and naturally he can see what is inside.

The only ninjutsu on this is in the part that rolls up under Naruto's palm, and when he rolls up this scroll, it is reversed, so...

Now the part that is opened is really all blank, not a word....

"I can't read it, the Book of Seals is forbidden, no..."

Iruka glared angrily at Naruto, he really didn't even look at it.

The surrounding shadows have quietly looked at what is above this at this moment.

So they went from being vigilant to disgusted and helpless in an instant, but their task had to continue, after all, in addition to preventing Mizuki from escaping, they also had to see Naruto's attitude towards the village.

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