On the battlefield, the Senju ninjas around were analyzing the information about Yugorichi Chihan.

"That guy's technique!"

"No track at all"

"Could it be the fast escape that the Yuyi family hasn’t used for a long time?"


Ding, ding, ding!

The blades collided, splashing sparks.

Senju Tobirama stared at Yuyi Qianhan cautiously, constantly looking for opportunities to counterattack, while analyzing the weaknesses of Yuyi Qianhan's technique in his mind.

Now it seems that this guy's technique should be used once every two seconds.

As long as you seize this interval and rely on your vague perception, it is not difficult to resist the hateful Yuyi.

However, this guy's disappearance and appearance have no trace at all. It is almost impossible to defeat him in a short time.


Yuyi Qianhan took the opportunity to push away Senju Tobirama's short knife and kicked him.

Senju Tobirama raised his arm to block, and the whole person slid back three or four steps.


Ice jump!

Yuyi Qianhan disappeared instantly, came behind Senju Tobirama and slashed out with a knife.

Senju Tobirama seemed to have expected it, and turned around and raised his knife to block.


The blades collided again.

Yuyi Qianhan put away his knife and stabbed it diagonally from bottom to top.

Just when Senju Tobirama thought Yuyi Qianhan was going to use the same trick again.


One second has passed, and the Ice Jump is performed.

Yuyi Qianhan instantly appears behind Senju Tobirama.

"Not good!"

Looking at Yuyi Qianhan disappearing in front of his eyes, Senju Tobirama's pupils shrank instantly, it was over.

Seeing that the plan succeeded, Yuyi Qianhan's mouth corners slightly raised.

The two-second cooldown CD turned into one second. I didn't expect it, Senju Tobirama, you were careless.


Tick, tick...

Senju Tobirama relied on his perception to barely avoid the vitals, but because he was stabbed in the back by the short knife, blood still flowed down along the blade.

Sorry, we have to say goodbye just after meeting.

Yuyi Qianhan sighed in his heart, and then instantly drew out the knife

"" Wow!" Senju Tobirama spat out a mouthful of blood.

Yuyi Qianhan swung his sword again and chopped at Senju Tobirama's neck, wanting to behead him. Suddenly, a tall figure appeared behind Senju Tobirama. Yuyi Qianhan subconsciously changed his swing into a block. The next second, a huge force instantly knocked Yuyi Qianhan away.


The middle-aged man holding the broadsword hurriedly reached out to support Senju Tobirama.

Senju Tobirama weakly covered the wound on his lower back:"Uncle Takema, kill him!"

"But you……"Senju Takema wanted to send Tobirama back to the Senju camp for treatment.

Senju Tobirama shook his head, his face full of resentment:"My injuries are not fatal, I can still hold on for a while, he killed Kama, Uncle Takema, kill him, avenge Kama!"

Senju Takema looked at Tobirama, hesitated for a moment, and then nodded:"Okay!"

On the other side, after being blown away, Yuyi Qianhan rolled on the ground twice and stood up

""Damn it! How shameless of Senju! In a fight between juniors, an old guy actually sneaks up on a young comrade like me!"

Yuyi Qianhan couldn't help cursing after moving his numb wrist.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a dangerous aura staring at him.


Yuyi Qianhan's hair stood on end instantly.

Just when Senju Takema's broadsword was about to chop Yuyi Qianhan, Yuyi Qianhan, who reacted, quickly used ice jump and appeared at the edge of the ice field. At this time, the shortcomings of the ice field were revealed.

In an area with a radius of ten meters, there is very limited place for Yuyi Qianhan to hide, not to mention that ice jump has a one-second cooling CD.

At this time, the distance between the two was less than twelve meters. For Senju Takema, whose strength is close to that of an elite jonin, this distance is just a matter of instant body movement.


The broadsword fell heavily, and Yuyi Qianhan was instantly blasted out of the ice field by the huge force.


Yuyi Qianhan rolled on the ground in a panic for several times. The huge power of Qianshou Wujian made his arms numb and he couldn't even hold the knife.

"Die! You little brat from the Yuyi clan!"

The Thousand Hands enemy next to him looked at Yuyi Qianhan with a grim smile, and stabbed Yuyi Qianhan who was lying on the ground with the long sword in his hand without hesitation.

"Don't even think about hurting the young clan leader!"

Fortunately, Yuyi Qianhan's clansmen were not just for show. Seeing that Yuyi Qianhan was in danger, a Yuyi clan member appeared instantly and stopped the grinning Qianshou sneak attacker.

"Earth escape technique: Earth Dragon Bullet Technique!"

Senju Takema formed seals with his hands, and a dragon head appeared on the ground. Several solid earth bullets shot out from the dragon head's mouth and blasted towards Yuyi Qianhan who was lying on the ground.

"I fuck……"

At this moment, Yugorichi Chihan's mentality exploded.

He was blasted out of the ice field by Senju Takema, and he couldn't perform the ice jump at this time.

Facing the powerful earth bomb, he had no power to fight back.

After all, he is only a little stronger than a special jonin now, and he hasn't had time to master many ninjutsu, but Senju Takema's strength is close to that of an elite jonin.

Under such a huge gap in strength, Yugorichi Chihan was also injured. At this moment, he didn't even have the room to resist.

Could it be that I'm going to be defeated after just one day of traveling?

Just when Yugorichi Chihan gave up resistance in despair...

"Lightning escape: flash!"

A blue light flashed across.


The knife light, accompanied by an electric current, instantly shattered the flying earth bomb.

Then, a reliable figure appeared in front of Yuyi Qianhan.

"Square……"Yuyi Qianhan looked at Yuyi Zhengfang's back with excitement.

At this moment, Yuyi Zhengfang seemed to be emitting light. In Yuyi Qianhan's eyes, he was so kind and dazzling.

"Senju Takema, do you still have any shame? You were fighting with me, but you came over to attack the junior!" Yuyi Zhengfang looked at Senju Takema angrily.


Senju Takema snorted coldly, carried Senju Tobirama who was stabbed in the back, and used the body-flash technique to leave the battlefield.

"Young clan leader, are you okay?"

Seeing Senju Takema leave, Yuyi Zhengfang wanted to chase him, but he hesitated for a moment and asked Yuyi Qianhan.

Yuyi Qianhan shook his head and stood up with trembling arms.

Damn, that Senju Takema must be an animal, so strong!


Yuyi Zhengfang casually chopped down a sneak attacking Sennin.

After seeing that Yuyi Qianhan was not seriously injured, he joined the battlefield again.

"Alas, I don't know how this battle will end today.……"Yugorichi Chihan murmured in his heart.

Looking around and observing the situation on the battlefield, Yugorichi Chihan joined the war again.

Although his numb arms had not recovered yet and he could not hold the sword steadily, he still had no problem making hand seals and using ninjutsu.

Cooperating with the tribesmen around him, Yugorichi Chihan would occasionally use wind escape·shuriken technique to launch sneak attacks, and the effect was surprisingly good.

It's a pity that this can only be used against some Chunin and Genin. As for those special Jonin and jonin, with Yugorichi Chihan's current state, he might be a little powerless to deal with them.




The battle lasted for more than an hour. On the battlefield, the sounds of detonating tags exploding, ninjutsu bombarding, and swords clashing were heard incessantly.

The two tribes had already suffered considerable casualties, but the Thousand Hands and the Hagoromo, who were bloodthirsty, had no intention of retreating.

In this case, unless both tribes had the intention of retreating, whoever retreated first would be defeated.

However, the battlefield is sometimes unexpected, but also reasonable.


Suddenly, two extremely powerful chakras erupted from the rear of the Hagoromo tribe.

Not long after, a senior ninja of the Hagoromo tribe quickly came to a distance behind Hagoromo Ryokawa and said,"Chief, it's bad. The Thousand Hands Pujian suddenly appeared behind our tribe with the Thousand Hands elite, and the second elder is leading people to resist!"

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