Seeing that Hagoromo Chihan stood up on his own initiative, Hagoromo Ronokawa thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed.

After all, his son will inherit the position of clan leader in the future, and inheriting the position of clan leader requires enough prestige. Although

Hagoromo Chihan had previously volunteered to risk his life to sneak attack the clan lands of the Sarutobi and Shimura clans, he already had enough influence in the family.

Now among his peers, no one can compare to Hagoromo Chihan in terms of strength or influence.

But prestige is something that can never be too much.

Now as long as the Yuhi clan can become a vassal of Hagoromo, then the ninjas who participate in this mission will undoubtedly gain great merit.

Therefore, since Hagoromo Chihan chose to take the initiative to ask for it, how could Hagoromo Ronokawa, who wanted to pave the way for his son, refuse?

Seeing that his father agreed, Hagoromo Chihan nodded and sat down.

Then, Yuyi Longchuan looked at the others:"Besides the young clan leader, who else wants to go?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuyi Trolo on the other side stood up and said,"I'll go!"

The others wanted to fight for it, but they didn't expect Yuyi Trolo to get there first.

Yuyi Ishihara, who was sitting next to Yuyi Trolo, couldn't help but complain,"You are really fast, a second man?"

"You are the one who can kill men in seconds, I am super durable, okay! Your reaction is so slow, are you weak?"Hagoromo Tro immediately glared at Hagoromo Ishihara.

Hagoromo Ishihara spread his hands and smiled:"Look at our physiques, it's obvious who is weaker."

It may be because Hagoromo Ishihara has the rock escape technique, so his body looks particularly strong and hard, while Hagoromo Tro has the physique of an ordinary person.

So in comparison between the two, Hagoromo Tro seems to be a little weak

"Hey, do you want to fight? Come on, let's fight and see who is weaker!"

Yuyi Trolo rolled up his sleeves, put one foot on the chair, and moved closer to Yuyi Ishihara.

Yuyi Ishihara leaned back on the chair:"The clan meeting is being held now, do you want to delay the family affairs?"

Although he and Yuyi Trolo are equally powerful, Yuyi Trolo's ninjutsu is very annoying. As long as he is marked by Yuyi Trolo's magnetic escape, Yuyi Trolo's weapon will automatically chase and attack the enemy.

Therefore, Yuyi Ishihara really doesn't want to fight with him.

Seeing this, Yuyi Trolo grinned:"Hehe, are you scared?"

At this time, Yuyi Longchuan interrupted the argument between the two:"Okay, then this mission will be carried out by Trolo and Qianhan, and everyone else will do the same."

Seeing that the patriarch had made a decision, all the Yuyi people who participated in the clan meeting stood up, expressed their acceptance, and then dispersed and left.

After leaving the door, Yuyi Qianhan subconsciously looked at the door.

"Hehe, silly dog, you behaved well, so I won’t give you the slap you love."

Seeing the silly dog lingering at the door but not making any trouble, Yuyi Qianhan nodded with satisfaction.

However, the silly dog who came to Qianhan’s side, after hearing this, immediately stretched its neck and howled:"Idiot!"


"You really deserve to be punished!"

When the silly dog saw Yuyi Qianhan's face darken, it immediately shut its mouth and sneaked a sneaky glance at Qianhan.

Looking at the silly dog's appearance, Yuyi Qianhan shook his head helplessly, not knowing whether this guy was really stupid or just pretending to be stupid, his brain was like a missing string

"Young clan leader, I will go and prepare first. We will meet at the clan gate in two hours." Yuyi Trolo, who came out, said to Qianhan.

Supporting the Yuhi clan is not just for the two of them.

According to the Yuhi clan, the Tsuruta clan has gained a lot of jonin and elite jonin in this year.

Therefore, in order to support the Yuhi clan, in addition to him, the top elite jonin, they must also bring some ordinary elite jonin and jonin. As for gathering the clan members, Yuyi Qianhan, the young clan leader, was too lazy to do it, so naturally, Yuyi Trolo had to do it.

After listening to Yuyi Trolo's words, Yuyi Qianhan nodded.

Yuyi Trolo turned and left when he saw this.

Looking at Yuyi Trolo's leaving back, Qianhan turned around and walked towards home with Silly Dog.

To support the Yuhi clan, it is estimated that a war will have to be fought. Who knows what will happen to the Yuhi clan? Are there enough supplies?

If he doesn't prepare, he will be in trouble if he doesn't have enough weapons on the battlefield.

So before going to the Yuhi family, he has to prepare some things like explosive shurikens.

It just so happens that he hasn't used many of the dozens of explosive shurikens he embezzled more than a year ago, so they can come in handy this time.

Two hours later, Yugorichi Chihan, who had prepared the supplies, appeared outside the gate of the clan with Silly Dog.

At this time, Yugorichi Tello brought three elite jonins and ten jonins who were ready outside the door.

Next to them, there were three people from the Yuhi clan.

They all had pupils like rubies, and they looked quite handsome.

Seeing Yugorichi Chihan coming, Yugorichi Tello walked over

"Young clan leader, what are you doing?" He then looked at the silly dog.

Yuyi Qianhan smiled and said,"This silly dog has a strong tracking ability, maybe it can come in handy."

At this time, the silly dog did not bark, but looked at Yuyi Tro with a pair of wise blue eyes, showing a seemingly reliable look.

Yuyi Tro nodded and agreed with Qianhan's approach:"Is that so, then young clan leader, let's set off now."

Qianhan took the silly dog and walked to the front of the team.

Seeing this, Yuyi Tro followed, and a group of less than twenty people began to move in the direction of the Yuhi clan.

The Yuhi clan is located slightly east of the north of the Yuyi clan, but not too far away, and to their east is the target of this mission, the Tsuruta clan.

The Tsuruta clan does not have any bloodline limits or special secret techniques. It is just an ordinary ninja clan.

According to the Yuhi clan, more than a year ago, the strength of the Tsuruta clan was slightly inferior to theirs. After all, the Yuhi clan has excellent illusion talents, so they can still deal with such an ordinary ninja clan.

But ever since... Since the beginning of the year, the strength of the Tsuruta family has been growing slowly for some reason.

At the beginning, the Tsuruta family suddenly had an extra special jonin, and then in the following months, the number of special jonin gradually increased, and occasionally there would be jonin among them.

And starting from this month, several elite jonin suddenly appeared in the Tsuruta family, and then they launched a full-scale attack on the Yuhi clan three days ago.

After defending for two days, the Yuhi clan found that they could not hold on, so they had to ask for help from Yui.

Therefore, the root of all this started with the sudden appearance of a special jonin in the Tsuruta family.

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