The duration of the second exam is five days, and if you follow the pace of a ninja, the average Shinobi will definitely be able to reach the center of the Death Forest in one day, and it will take a few hours for the strong ones.

But almost no one does it, and it’s not a race race, it’s a snatch race.

No matter how fast you run, what’s the use of not being able to get another scroll.

It is better to stay in the Forest of Death and use the various complex environments nearby as traps, so that you can be more sure to rob the hostile ninja who step on the trap.

But even so, when the ferret arrived at the central destination of the Forest of Death, it was only three hours away.

Seeing Itachi appear alone at the central destination, and also collect the heaven and earth scrolls in his hand, Yamanaka Haichi, who was the main examiner, was surprised.

“Uchiha Itachi, where are your teammates?”

Itachi shook his head, “I don’t know, I was separated from them from the very beginning when I entered the Forest of Death. ”

“Separated? Why, did you snatch two scrolls alone? ”

The ferret did not respond with any pride, “No, I started by grabbing four teams around the forest to get together the Heaven and Earth Scroll, and it took some time to find them, otherwise according to my estimates, I would have arrived in less than an hour.”

As for my teammates, they have the same idea as me, go each and search for the Heaven and Earth scrolls, so as to take the opportunity to exercise. ”

“What a genius!”

Yamanaka praised, “You are the fastest of all the players who took the exam, even faster than previous ninjas, breaking previous records.” ”

Although the record was broken, the ferret was not so happy.

He had previously investigated that this test of the Forest of Death was held after the Third Shinobi War.

In the past, people in Konoha Village did not use this method to promote Shinobi, and even directly participated in the battle and went to the battlefield when they were under Shinobi.

Those who can survive on the battlefield can almost naturally become Zhongnin.

In other words, in Itachi’s opinion, the group of ninjas who took the Zhongnin exam before were actually ordinary ninjas, and he didn’t need to compare with them at all.

To put it more simply, the ferret thinks that the people who have taken this quiz in the past are rubbish.

The next day, no one arrived, and the next day, it was still the same.

This time, the ferret was strange.

“Strange, with Ling Quan’s strength, it can’t be so slow! Moreover, the rest of the ninja squad actually did not come, what happened? ”

In the afternoon of the next day, Ling Quan came late with Quan.

They each had two sets of heaven and earth scrolls in their hands, and together with the weasel’s, there were three sets in total.

“Ling Quan, why are you here so slowly?”

Quan excitedly quickly shouted instead of Ling Quan: “Slow? Itachi, you don’t know what Ling Quan did! He beat all the ninjas in two days, that scene, Ling Quan saw a beating one, weasel you didn’t see, it was really exciting. ”

Quan chattered happily, “If it weren’t for the wide range of candidates, Ling Quan still moved with me, otherwise he would definitely be able to finish all of them in one day.” ”

Hearing this, although the ferret was shocked that Ling Quan actually did this, he was not surprised.

With Ling Quan’s strength, it was still very easy to beat these subordinates.

He just wondered why Ling Quan did this, in his opinion, Ling Quan was not the kind of person who liked to be in the limelight and arrogant.

“So, he must have some purpose.”

The ferret is very smart, and after thinking about it slightly, he guessed that this may be related to the Flying Thunder God Technique.

He looked deeply at Ling Quan, and couldn’t help but admire even more in his heart: “It’s really worthy of Ling Quan!”

Actually thinking so far, in the future we will definitely have an intersection with the rest of the ninja villages, maybe it is a life and death fight, or something else, but setting the coordinates in advance, no matter what the task, is definitely the most advantageous. ”

Soon, after Ling Quan arrived, one by one the ninja squads returned.

When they saw Ling Quan, they immediately moved away from him in horror, and after a while, although the entire square was filled with people, Ling Quan was vacated around them, and no one dared to approach.

The three generations who secretly saw this scene laughed with satisfaction

“Good! It’s them! In just one game, I have defeated all my opponents, and I am proud of Konoha! ”

Of course, there are also many Shinobi who are uncomfortable.

They were not targeting Ling Quan, but specifically at Yu Zhibo.

The more geniuses appear in the Uchiha family, the more dissatisfied many people are.

After the test of the Dead Forest, there should theoretically be 105 people left.

However, some people died in the forest of death, after all, the fight between ninjas, especially between various ninja villages, will inevitably kill people, so there are still 90 people left who have passed the assessment.

As for the two extra sets of heaven and earth scrolls in Ling Quan’s hand, they were given to the two teams in Konoha Village who had been robbed of the scrolls.

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