Chiba came back and spent a few days leisurely.

But the good days ended today, and the school sent a notice asking Chiba to teach at the school.

I thought I was going to school this time to teach those students before, and I thought of teaching senior students this time, and I teach is the class that is about to graduate.

Chiba came to the school to say hello to other teachers, and then, under the leadership of a teacher, went to get acquainted with the new class.

When they walked through the class they had taught before, everyone saw Chiba happily cheering, and they thought Chiba was still teaching them.

"Wait a minute, I'll say hello to my former student."


Chiba walked into the class and walked to the podium.

"The teacher finally saw you and wanted to kill us."

"Don't be happy too early, I am not teaching you this semester, I am teaching the graduating class."

All the students looked disappointed, didn't they, Chiba didn't even teach them.

"Teacher, don't go."

"Don't go, we can't bear you."

"Teacher stay and teach us."


Seeing everyone so reluctant to give up on themselves, Chiba was a little touched. Being a teacher is not just for this moment. Chiba feels that the previous efforts are all worthwhile."Everyone, please be quiet and listen to me. Although I will no longer teach you, you can ask me any questions about practice in the future. Although I did not teach you, I will always be your teacher.


"Teacher, can we still go to your house for a meal."


"Can I go to your house and drink that kind of fruit wine."



The class screamed.

Just kidding, I just have some juice. If you all come to drink, the juice I have stored will not be enough to drink.

"Okay, I have to familiarize myself with the new class. See you in the future."

No matter how to keep herself behind, Chiba walked straight out of the classroom.

"You seem to be very popular with students."

"They are thinking about my buckets of juice."

Chiba followed the teacher to the new class.

When students see Chiba, they are a little strange. Isn't this a first-grade teacher?

Chiba taught at school for a semester, and all the students in the school knew him. After all, he was so young that he had a special presence in school.

"Classmates, this is your new teacher this semester. I believe everyone is familiar with him. I won't introduce him anymore. Now I will give him the podium."(Read more @ speaking, the teacher left directly.

Chiba scanned all the students in the next class.

These students are taller than themselves.

"Hello classmates, I believe you all know me more or less. I will re-introduce here. My name is Chiba. I am seven years old this year. I will teach you this semester. I hope that we will get along well in the new semester."

"The teacher heard that you are amazing!"

"It's not too powerful, it's okay to be a forbearer."

Chiba invisibly pretended to be forced.

"The teacher heard that you have two girlfriends. Why would you find a girlfriend when you are so young."

"The teacher didn't find a girlfriend, they were kneeling to be my girlfriend."

The class boosed, which is too bragging.

Chiba was embarrassed for a while, and he was bragging again. If it reaches Tsunade's ears, he thinks he will be beaten again.

Chiba and the students spent the first time bragging.

After class, all the students surrounded Chiba. After seeing Chiba so popular among students, other teachers were a little bit envious and jealous.

I basically didn't teach anything in the morning, just exchange feelings with the students and get to know each other.

The afternoon is usually a practical class.

The senior classmates were very conscious. Needless to say, Chiba held the wooden kunai to practice in front of the target.Chiba stood aside and watched them practice carefully. After watching for a while, Chiba shook his head inwardly.

The throwing skills of this concealed weapon of the senior students are also too poor, and they are a little better than the class they taught before, but after a while, it is estimated that the class they taught before will exceed them.

"Everyone stop."

Everyone gave up practicing and looked at Chiba.

"You are about to graduate. After graduation, you have to perform tasks and even join the battlefield if you need to. But look at yourself, your hidden weapon throwing is a mess. Even a stationary target can't be shot at such a close distance. I want to kill the enemy."

All the students, except for a few hidden weapons, played well, everyone else looked ashamed.

"I'll show you what a real hidden weapon technique is."

Qianye took out a few kunai in both hands, then raised his hands, and the kunai in his hand shot out together, and then each kunai hit the bullseye.

All the students exclaimed.

Chiba asked the students to pick up the Kunai shot.

"Do you think this is considered awesome? Let me show you something even more powerful. Next, a few of you will come out, and then you will get rid of Kuunai."

Although I didn't know what the teacher was going to do, the selected students still did.

I saw that the few students shot the kunai in their hands casually, and the direction of the kunai was uncertain. When everyone finished firing at the same time, I saw Chiba quickly sandwiching the kunai with his hands, and then threw it out.

I saw Chiba's Kuunai coming first, catching up with the previously launched Kuunai, and then the time to witness the miracle came.

I saw Chiba's kunai hitting the student's kunai, and then the hit kunai changed direction, and finally shot on the bullseye.

All the students were dumbfounded, this is fine too.

Seeing the student's expression, Chiba was very satisfied. This was the effect Chiba wanted."Teacher, you are too good, can you teach us."

"Yes, the teacher teaches us."


"Students as long as you are willing to learn, the teacher will teach you, now you see my demonstration and explanation."

Next, Chiba explained to the students carefully and demonstrated in person, and finally asked them to contact by themselves, while Chiba corrected the students' movements on the sidelines.

In an afternoon practice class, everyone's hidden weapon throwing technique has improved somewhat.

Now students are very fortunate to have such a teacher teach them when they graduate.

His teaching is serious and easy to understand, which other teachers can't do.

There were some students who were not convinced by Chiba before, but now they are also convinced.

Back home, Chiba kicked off his shoes at random, and then sat down on the ground.

This teaching students is more thunderous than their own practice. The main reason is that some students are too talented. This repeated teaching is too tired. Chiba has such a good temper and almost beat the student with anger.

Xiangzi picked up the shoes that Chiba had kicked off and put them away.

Then came over and pressed Chiba's shoulder.

"Boss, you are tired of being a teacher."


Xiangzi's massage technique was so good, Chiba closed his eyes comfortably.

After pressing for a while, Chiba asked her to stop. After drinking a few sips of water, Chiba went to the house to rest, and when the meal was ready, she called him out.

Chiba went into the room and lay on the bed. He fell asleep after a while, and didn't know how long he came out after hearing a knock on the door.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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