There are too many dishes at noon, and the students are dazzled.

Seeing that Shin Kuna wasn't very interested in these delicacies, Mizuno hadn't done anything yet, so Chiba took the plate and picked a few items into the plate.

"Give you."

Water Gate said with a sunny face.

Seeing Mizumon taking the initiative to bring something to herself, Xin Kuna didn't want to pick it up, but she felt impolite if she didn't pick it up.

"Thank you."

Shin Kuna finally took the things.

Although these things were delicious, they were far worse than those made by her brother-in-law, so she just ate some casually and stopped eating.

The other classmates are like starving ghosts constantly stuffing their mouths.

After everyone had a good meal at noon, Chiba and the students went home separately.

When I got home, I heard a bang as soon as I opened the door, and many shiny ribbons fell from my head.

"happy Birthday."

Chiba took a closer look. Good guys, everyone is here. There are Kato Dan and his girlfriend, there are rope trees, Matdai, Osamaru, and Jiraiya.

It is strange that Jiraiya and the others have already returned, so why didn't they see Tsunade.


"I knew you would ask that. She said that today is your birthday, and I want to prepare a surprise for you."Jilai also said with a smile.

Meizi walked to Chiba's side.

"Happy birthday, husband."

Chiba petted his hair fondly.

Suddenly Chiba saw a big cake on the table. This cake was not beautifully done, and it was not professionally made at first glance.

"This cake is..."

"My husband, Xiangzi and I worked hard to make this cake all morning, and it didn't look good."

"It's not bad, I feel very caring, thank you and Xiangzi."

"Chiba, don't look at us. We are the biggest gift when we are here. We notified it temporarily, but we didn't prepare a gift."

"It's okay, just have this heart."

Although Chiba had a birthday every year for the past four years, they couldn't remember it. It wasn't because of lack of friendship, but because there were too many things and they were busy practicing, so they forgot.

At this moment, Chiba saw a big box behind the table, the box was tied with a ribbon with a bow, what was in the box.

"what is this?"

Chiba pointed to this large box and said.

"This box is a gift that we paid for you together. Open it and look at it. It will definitely surprise you."

What kind of gift uses such a large box? This gift must be very expensive.

Chiba tried to push the box, but it didn't push it. What was inside it, which aroused Chiba's curiosity.(Read more @ slowly unwrapped the ribbon, and when the ribbon was unwound, Chiba removed the top box.

The moment Chiba took it away, a person suddenly strung together, and Chiba was taken aback. After seeing something clearly, Chiba was immediately moved.

Tsuna looked at him with an affectionate smile holding flowers in his hands.

"Happy birthday, husband, this is the flower I personally picked from outside and gave it to you, husband, I love you."

No one can stand such a numbness, this scene is too cruel.

Meizi also hugged Qianye's arm and said, "My husband, I love you too."

"I love you all too."

Just as the three of them fell into the sweetness, Jilai couldn't help but say:

"Can you stop being so numb, my teeth are sour."

The others nodded in agreement.

"It's up to you to take care of it. We are a husband and wife. It's our business."

Faced with Tsunade's retort, Jiraji was powerless.

It is true that Tsunade's hand really surprised Chiba, and he must have used his mind and ingenuity.

It's rare for my husband to gather together, so you have to cook at noon.

Chiba thought of this situation at the restaurant. Except Tsunade and the cake, he thought of everything else, so he didn't eat much at the restaurant.

"It must be no problem."In fact, everyone attending Chiba’s birthday, in addition to sending blessings, is to eat the dishes made by Chiba.

If there is anything worth looking forward to in this world, it is the dishes made by Chiba. The more I eat, the more I want to eat. If I don't eat it for a few days, I really want to fall in love.

Chiba felt that he was very fateful. He didn't give any skills in this system, but instead gave him a cooking skill. This life is destined to be inextricably linked to the kitchen.

If the system knows what Chiba is complaining about, it must format him, turn him into an idiot, let him understand nothing, and only play mud.

Chiba walked into the kitchen, my dear, the dishes were all ready, so many dishes wanted to exhaust me.

The good news is that the dishes are all washed.

As soon as Chiba slapped the cutting board, the kitchen knife flew up, and Chiba grabbed it with his hand.

Next is the acrobatics show, some vegetables fly randomly in the air, and then there is lightning fast knife skills. All the vegetables are cut before they fall on the cutting board. When the vegetables fall on the cutting board, they are cut as neatly as the machine cuts. , This sword skill is truly incredible.

Not only that, but Chiba's carvings are also superb. As long as they want to carve, the carvings can be fake and real, more real than real.

The people outside couldn't help being hungry and were eating the cake on the table. To be honest, the cake was really bad.

Everyone gave up after a few bites. Such a big cake is a waste.

Everyone is looking forward to the feast in Chiba.

Chiba's cooking speed is very fast, and they didn't let them wait long, Chiba has already cooked all the dishes.

Xiangzi and his two wives hurried into the kitchen to help bring out the dishes.

A few years ago, Chiba invited friends to have a big meal at home on his birthday.

This year is special. Not only the students bring surprises to themselves, but the two wives also bring surprises to themselves.

The only regret is that the master did not celebrate his birthday with them this year, and he was not in the village to do the task.Twenty dishes, each of which is full of color, fragrance, and saliva.

Plum took out the wine and juice from the wine room.

Except for the rope tree to drink juice, everyone drinks alcohol today.

Although there are still classes in the afternoon, the practical classes are more okay. Let them practice by themselves.

The scene is that Chiba and Nooseki are the youngest, and everyone else is basically fifteen years old or older.

With the precociousness of Hokage's children, they are already adults, so drinking is a normal thing.

Chiba has a higher alcohol content than sake, so you can't drink too much.

Chiba just filled a cup, and this cup was already the limit.

Drinking order is indispensable for drinking. Hokage's ordering order is relatively simple, but the ordering order that Chiba taught them is very interesting.

Drinking and punching is easy to fight, and one fight will definitely make you drunk.

Chiba didn't participate in class in the afternoon, and the others had a great time.

When it was half past one, Chiba got up and went to school. They had eaten all the food and they also drank a lot of wine.

Except for Chiba and Rooseki who are awake, the others are already drunk and asleep.

Da She Maru is calm in doing things, but he is also drunk, maybe only by getting along with Chiba and the others can he let go of himself.

Chiba took Tsunade and the three of them into the room to sleep.

Chiba, the other person, just took a blanket to help them cover it.

Asked the rope tree to take good care of them, and Chiba went to work.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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