Naruto: I’m Picking Up Attributes In The Peace Elite Game

Chapter 298 - Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye

Even Kato Kan and the others did not notice the existence of Chiba, time passed slowly, and Chiba was still in a dream. If he did not call his name, he would not be able to wake up for the rest of his life.

Yes, the instruction for waking up Chiba is Chiba's name. All the circumstances have been considered at the beginning, so if you can't wake up in an accident, then your name is the most likely to save yourself.

Chiba believed that if he couldn't wake up, Tsunade and a group of his friends would definitely call his name.

So he set his name as a wake-up instruction.

As time passed slowly, it was already midnight.

The trio of Tsunade wondered why Chiba hadn't returned yet. If it wasn't a mission, they would usually go home on time before eleven o'clock.

Of course, they don't believe that Chiba was in an accident. They must know that the one that could hurt Chiba has not been discovered yet.

"Why do you guys say that my husband is not coming back."

"Maybe I met a friend."

"The boss rarely comes back so late, or let's go out and look for it."


Together, the three women started looking for Chiba in the village of Konoha.

Just walked around for a long time and still didn't see Chiba.

"It's a little bit now, you say where will your husband be."

"Will you have gone home."

"If he goes home, he will definitely come out to find us if he doesn't see us."

"I'm so anxious, do you think there will be any accidents with my husband."

"Bah, baah, crow's mouth, don't say such unlucky words, my husband is very capable, and there will be no accidents."In a bush, Chiba was lying trembling all over, his eyes were still tearing, if he listened carefully, he would feel that his mood was very low, and the blood flow and heartbeat were a little slower than usual.

And the whole body is a bit cold.

This situation is very dangerous. If you don't wake up quickly, the blood supply to the heart will be insufficient and the heart will stop beating and die.

"It's really anxious, where did my husband go."

"Will my husband not want us anymore."

Meizi said with a cry.

All three women died of anxiety.

At this moment, a ninja spotted them, and when they saw them in a hurry, they flashed out immediately.

"Excuse me, what happened."

"My husband is gone."

"You mean Master Chiba is gone."

Chiba and Tsunade are famous in Konoha, and few people don't know them.

"Yes it is."

"Excuse me, how long hasn't been seen, are you sure it's gone."

"Aren't you nonsense? Didn't you see why we were looking for him all night."

"Yes, I will tell Master Naruto."

After that ninja is gone.

"What, Chiba is gone."

Naruto Tobihan was sleeping, and suddenly he felt someone approaching. He was about to fight back when he saw that it was his subordinate.(Read more @ the subordinates say that Chiba is missing, Tsunade and the others are searching all over the village.

"Immediately notify Anbe and all the ninjas to look for."


Kato Tan, Mike Day, and Jilaiya, and others heard that Chiba was missing, and immediately joined the search.


"Master Chiba."



The shout vibrated the entire village. Everyone went outside to see what was going on. When they learned that Chiba was gone, all the villagers helped to find them, especially the students who Chiba taught.


Various families also joined the search for Chiba.

The villages of tens of thousands of people are mobilized.

The whole village is scattered in every corner of the village.

But no one went to the garden of learning over there to see, is it that Qianye is doomed tonight.

At this time, Chiba's physical indicators were abnormal, and the situation was too dangerous.

Who will save Chiba!

Just when Chiba was about to fail, suddenly his body shook, and various indexes of his body were recovering quickly.

What happened, he actually started to recover.It turned out that Ji Lai was tired, and came to the bench in the garden to sit down.

"Where the hell Chiba went."

It was this boring complaint that mentioned the word Chiba, which caused Chiba's body not far away to accept instructions, and then his physical signs slowly recovered.

Chiba opened his eyes. It hurts to look at his eyes. If you see Chiba's eyes, you will find that his eyes are red. This is caused by crying for too long.

Qianye struggled, but he just sat up, his body was still a little weak, and he sat back on the ground again.

Jilai suddenly heard a noise behind him, and when he looked back, he saw Chiba sitting among the flowers touching his head.

It's Chiba, and Jilai is very happy too.

"Chiba finally found you."

"Jilai is also you, why are you here."

"Why am I here? Why are you guys here? I wonder if everyone is looking for you now."

"No, what time is it now."

"It's two o'clock now."

No, I slept for seven hours.

I remember when I came to the small garden and saw Kato Dan and his girlfriend on a date. Suddenly I heard a word from Jinling in the mountains, and then I was confused, and finally in the dream, it seems that the sentence touched the hypnotic instruction .

"Chiba, are you okay, what the hell is going on, why are you here at night."

"I won't explain to you, let's go find everyone first."


When Chiba appeared in front of everyone, he heard many people shouting: "I found someone!"

Tsunade and the others heard that they had found someone, and quickly ran to look for Chiba.Seeing Chiba surrounded by many people, the three of them squeezed in.

Finally saw Chiba.

"My husband, where did you go, scared us to death."

The three Tsunade women couldn't help crying while holding Chiba, they were so worried.

"Sorry to make everyone worried, because lying in the small garden accidentally fell asleep."

That was the case, everyone suddenly realized.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone, go back and rest."

Only then did the Konoha villagers disperse, followed by their students, and finally their friends.

Chiba watched everyone leave with a sorry look, feeling a little guilty, affecting everyone's rest, and causing everyone to worry.

"Husband, let's go home."


After returning home, the two women actually wanted to sleep with Chiba. Chiba did not expect that this accident would fulfill Chiba's wish.

Chiba didn't look in the mirror, and didn't know if his writing wheel had successfully evolved into a kaleidoscope writing wheel.

Chiba was really tired and fell asleep before long.

This night, Chiba just hugged his two wives and did nothing.

When I slept until nine o'clock in one sleep, the Chiba three woke up.

After waking up, Chiba went to the bathroom, then looked into the mirror and looked at her own eyes, and saw that Chiba opened the three-gou jade writing wheel eye, then the writing wheel eye changed again, and finally successfully changed into a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

It's a success! I finally watched myself successfully evolve the writing wheel into a kaleidoscope.

I don't know what the abilities of my two eyes are, whether it is "Shenwei" or Amaterasu.

When Chiba felt the power of the eyes, Chiba finally felt what the power of his two eyes was.

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