Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 128 Orochimaru

At night, in the tower in the center of the Death Forest, Xia Li sat there practicing.

A few days had passed since that day, and the Chunin Exam had come to the second round, which was the competition in the Death Forest, so Xia Li was here.

As for the first round, Xia Li was actually a little interested, but the examiner was Morino Ibiki, the torture ninja, and the other party had his own theory for the test, so Xia Li couldn't replace him.

And Xia Li was too lazy to do such a troublesome thing, but after the exam, Xia Li still went to look at the test papers of people he was familiar with.

Sure enough, even with such a difficult question, Sakura still got full marks. In this aspect, Sasuke was a little worse than Sakura. It didn't show up when the test paper was not difficult before, but now it's difficult, you can see that there is still a gap.

However, when Xia Li saw Naruto's score, he was stunned for a moment, and it was exactly the same as Sakura's. Then Xia Li saw Ino's test paper and understood it.

Because of his appearance, Ino had a partner from the beginning, so it was naturally impossible for her to have any interest in Sasuke, and there was no contradiction between her and Sakura.

So Ino probably used the Heart Turning Technique to communicate with Sakura, and Sakura probably asked Ino to tell the answer to Naruto, and certainly Sasuke.

Ino would not refuse Sakura, and Ino also knew that she had a good relationship with Sasuke and Naruto, so she would not refuse.

But Sasuke's personality probably didn't want such a fare, so he did it himself.

Then, Xia Li found Choji's test paper and took a look, and it was indeed so.

Shikamaru... Xia Li looked at this test paper, and it was basically correct, and it was more concise than Sakura.

Xia Li also learned from Morino Ibiki what happened in the exam, and Naruto's shocking speech reduced the effect of this exam a lot, which gave him a headache.

Xia Li then remembered that what happened in the original book seemed to have happened again, and he couldn't help but smile and shook his head. It turned out to be the ninja with the most unexpectedness.

Then, in the second round of exams, Xia Li asked the Third Hokage to come to the destination of each candidate in the Death Forest, which is the central tower.

In the middle, Xia Li also saw the invigilator of the second exam, Mitarashi Red Bean...

Xia Li couldn't help but frown when he thought of this, because the moment he saw Red Bean, he felt disgusted and disgusted, and felt that the other person was full of filth. Anyway, at that moment, countless disgusts surged into Xia Li's heart.

And this disgust surprised Xia Li himself, why did he have such a feeling?

Xia Li was also thinking about what was special about Red Bean at this time. He knew very well that he didn't hate Red Bean in the original work, but thought that the other person was also very cute, a foodie who liked to eat meatballs...

There has always been a saying in the second dimension, if you are a foodie, there are basically no bad people.

Therefore, that kind of emotion must come from the specialness of Red Bean itself. Finally, after Xia Li searched the memory in his mind, he finally remembered that Red Bean should be related to Orochimaru, and it seemed that he was Orochimaru's apprentice.

Then, Red Bean should also have the curse mark of Orochimaru, thinking about it, Xia Li also became convinced.

What disgusted him was probably the curse seal. Xia Li remembered more about it, after all, it was a small cheat in Sasuke's early and middle stages.

It was called a curse seal, but it was actually a state similar to the sage mode, except that the normal sage mode should be the Myoboku Mountain mode, but Orochimaru developed this kind of sage seal.

As long as you think of Sasuke entering the second state, you should understand that this curse seal is definitely not normal. It must have used some unconventional means to convert natural energy into sage chakra with impurities.

And those who use this chakra will change their own form, which is somewhat similar to the transformation into a frog in Myoboku Mountain.

So, Xia Li was a little strange. Even if it was so, why did he hate the curse seal instinctively? That could only be a problem with himself?

To be honest, Xia Li still wanted to study Orochimaru's curse seal. After all, it was interesting to be able to absorb natural energy from the outside world and convert it into fairy chakra. You know, there are not many things in this world that can store chakra. For example, Tsunade's Yin seal is very difficult to learn...

But now Xia Li sighed. Even if he studied it, if he still hated it instinctively, then he couldn't engrave it on himself. It would not be a good thing to go against instinct all the time.

Xia Li was also thinking about the exam at this time. In the second exam, Sasuke and Naruto should meet Orochimaru, right?

That guy is not so easy to deal with. Although Naruto and Sasuke have made great progress, for Orochimaru, what is the difference between this progress and standing still?

Xia Li sighed. He also had to reveal the existence of Orochimaru in the second exam, otherwise he would have no reason to mobilize some power. Up to now, he has engraved the Flying Thunder God Seal in various places in Konoha, but the impact he can change alone should not be great.

So we still have to mobilize the power of Konoha as a whole.

Hoping to be in time, Xia Li closed his eyes. At this moment, he entered a deeper level of the state of emptiness. He felt that his state of emptiness seemed to be about to break through.


The Death Forest was pitch black, as if revealing some unspeakable secrets.

At this time, Orochimaru had already set his sights on Sasuke, and they also collided.

Orochimaru looked at Sasuke and Naruto who were still able to move freely despite his killing intent, and couldn't help but show admiration in his eyes. He really deserved to be the descendant of the Uchiha family, and the one next to him... is it the Nine-Tails kid? He looks pretty good too.

What surprised him even more was that he couldn't take every attack from Naruto casually, and the wind wrapped around him at that moment surprised him a little.

That was... Wind Style - Fierce Wind Palm?

This Nine-Tails kid actually practiced it to this extent. This difficulty can already reach B-level ninjutsu, right? There are so many shadow clones, it seems that the Nine-Tails kid's talent is not weak.

Unfortunately, the offensive system is a bit poor, and Orochimaru easily avoided all of Naruto's attacks, but did not find any impatience from the other party, but instead showed a smile.

"What?" Orochimaru showed surprise on his face, and then the next moment he heard the sound of thousands of birds calling in his ears, and then his eyes widened.

It turns out that all of Naruto's attacks were feints, in order to buy time for Sasuke to release Chidori.

"Is that Kakashi's Chidori?" Orochimaru saw this without any fear, but showed a deeper greed on his face, which shocked Naruto and Sasuke at the same time.

It has only been a short time since he graduated and he has followed Kakashi, but he has already learned Chidori. He is worthy of being a genius of the Uchiha clan. Orochimaru is more and more satisfied with Uchiha Sasuke's body, so he should work harder!

The next moment, countless big snakes burst out of Orochimaru's body, in his clothes, shoes, hair, and even from his mouth!

If this scene is seen by people with intensive phobia, they may be scared to death.

And Sasuke's Chidori also lost its target for a while. Chidori is not suitable for dealing with such a large number of small snakes. Now Sasuke can't keep Chidori all the time, so it naturally dissipates. Looking at these snakes, he keeps retreating, looking for an opportunity to release Fire Release.

At this moment, all of Naruto's shadow clones were bitten by the surrounding snakes, and even Naruto's original body was pinched by Orochimaru's neck.

The gap is still too big.

"Naruto!!" Sasuke shouted when he saw this scene. Sakura, who had been hiding in the dark, couldn't help but cover her mouth when she saw this scene, and dared not speak. If she went out now, she would be a complete burden. Not only could she not help at all, but she would also distract Sasuke and Naruto from taking care of her...

"Let me go, you ugly bastard!" Naruto knocked on Orochimaru's hand with both hands, but he couldn't knock it open at all. That hand was like a pliers, making him completely unable to resist.

Orochimaru looked at Naruto with interest, and his eyes that slowly turned red. He was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to understand something, and began to lift Naruto's shirt with his other hand.

Soon, Orochimaru saw the seal he wanted to see. It really appeared, and it seemed to be opened a lot. Was it done by the third generation? I didn't expect him to have such courage. I thought he didn't dare to move this seal before Jiraiya came back...

Orochimaru was also thinking, and when he continued to flip up, he saw another sealing technique.

"What are these?"

Orochimaru was also stunned when he saw these. These didn't seem to be connected to the seal of the Nine-Tails, and what was the technique in the middle?

Suddenly, Orochimaru felt a little uneasy. As if he had noticed something, he raised his head and saw the dark figure that suddenly appeared and the familiar chakra ball in the other party's hand.


One voice came from Xia Li, and the other scream came from Orochimaru. Even at a glance, Orochimaru recognized the other famous ninjutsu of the Fourth Hokage!

And Xia Li, who arrived with the help of the Flying Thunder God Mark on Naruto, was not polite at all. Looking at Orochimaru who raised his head and showed a surprised look below, he smashed the Rasengan fiercely on the other party's face.


The next moment, Orochimaru was pressed on the ground by Xia Li. Suddenly, the ground exploded, smoke and dust scattered, and Xia Li also brought Naruto to a place where the land was intact nearby.

"Cough cough!" Naruto also held his neck and coughed violently at this time. He was almost suffocated by being pinched.

"Xia Li, you came too timely!" Sakura was overjoyed when she saw Xia Li. She finally felt relieved. If Xia Li was there, she didn't need to worry, right? After all, Xia Li was a senior ninja. Sakura finally spoke for the first time at this time.

"Be careful!" Xia Li's face changed immediately. He didn't think Orochimaru would be killed directly by a Rasengan. Even if it was hit in the face, it would be useless. It would be almost the same if it was a Rasenshuriken.

However, time was urgent. How could he have time to condense the Rasenshuriken?

As expected, the next moment, a head with a neck rushed towards Sakura from the smoke and dust, just like in a horror movie, and the ground under Xia Li's feet seemed to explode, and he rushed towards Sakura.

Xia Li was relieved that he was in time, after all, he was mainly based on speed.

However, when Xia Li arrived in front of Sakura, the head of Orochimaru suddenly turned and rushed towards Sasuke at a high speed, with a twisted and weird smile on the broken face.

Sasuke was still dealing with countless small snakes, and even the fire escape could not burn them all in a short time. He was relieved when he saw Xia Li, and then he saw the stretched neck rushing towards Sakura, and he might have raised his heart again.

Then when he saw Xia Li rushing to Sakura again, he was relieved again. He felt like he was on a roller coaster. Xia Li was indeed his. Sasuke's tense nerves could not help but relax a little.

However, he never expected that Orochimaru's head would suddenly turn and rush towards him.

Sasuke looked at the head that could scare a child to tears, and his eyes widened. He had just used a lot of chakra to release the fire escape, and his body was still a little stiff and he couldn't dodge!

"Chidori Sharp Spear!"

However, the next moment, a flash of light with lightning flashed by. In Sasuke's eyes, a lightsaber with lightning directly pierced the neck in the distance, and the end of the lightning lightsaber was Xia Li...

It was really reliable.

Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn't help but think that until Xia Li's sudden arrival, all the twists and turns on the scene were resolved one by one.

If they were to deal with it themselves, it should have been over long ago, right?

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