Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 143 Change!

However, before Orochimaru could speak, the third generation heard Xia Li's words and retorted.

"Xia Li, you can't let Orochimaru leave, and the first generation and the teacher must stay! How can he keep insulting the predecessors!"

"Grandpa Third Generation, you shouldn't die here. As for the first generation and the second generation, just let the sealing class come and seal them." Xia Li recalled the solution to the Impure World Reincarnation in the future, and then said.

"Seal..." Suddenly, the third generation hesitated a little.

After all, people are selfish. If there is no other way, the third generation will also die righteously, but when there is another way, hesitation is inevitable.

Orochimaru's eyes shrank at this time. When Xia Li appeared here, he realized that his plan to kill the third generation and destroy Konoha had failed.

Because Xia Li could come in with Flying Thunder God, then he could probably take the third generation to leave the Four Purple Flame Formation with Flying Thunder God.

Orochimaru also knew that the Anbu of Konoha outside were waiting for him. These were not important. The important thing was that Jiraiya was still waiting for him outside!

Originally, Orochimaru thought that after killing the Third Generation, with the help of the First and Second Generation Hokage, it should not be difficult to deal with Jiraiya. Now, he might have to deal with Jiraiya and the Third Generation together, and also have to guard against the sneak attack of a ninja with Flying Thunder God.

And now, after hearing what Xia Li had just said to the Third Generation, the Third Generation could use his life to exchange for his life and the lives of the First and Second Generation Hokage?

This made Orochimaru shudder. He was still a little afraid of unknown means. He could not hesitate any longer and had to leave immediately!

In terms of cherishing life, no one is more upright than Orochimaru!

Finally, Orochimaru sighed secretly and asked the Four Sound Ninjas to untie the Four Purple Flame Formation.

After the Otoninus untied the Four Purple Flame Formation, they quickly gathered around Orochimaru and asked respectfully, "Lord Orochimaru, what should we do next?"

"Let's go!" Orochimaru said.

"Orochimaru!" However, at this time, Jiraiya, who was wearing red eyeshadow and looked a bit like a frog, had come here with two sages and stared at Orochimaru with his frog eyes.

"Hmm? You, the last one, actually completed this mode? It's a pity... It looks like you still rely on external objects, and it's not very good." Orochimaru licked his lips, and when he saw Jiraiya's sage mode, he was surprised, but he was not too nervous.

Because, the next moment, the Impure World Reincarnation of the First and Second Hokage rushed towards Jiraiya.

That's right, Orochimaru planned to abandon the Impure World Reincarnation of these two and lifted some restrictions.

There was no other way. If he really didn't pay a little price, he might really be left here. Although it was a pity that the first and second generations of Hokage were so good at the Impure World Reincarnation, Orochimaru still felt that his life was more important.

Jiraiya also saw the first and second generations of Hokage rushing towards him, and his eyes widened. He had also heard about the forbidden technique, and he couldn't help but roar again, "Orochimaru!!!"

"Hehe, it's useless to shout no matter how much you shout. If you want to chase me, get rid of them first." Orochimaru licked his lips with his long tongue and smiled.

Then his eyes looked at the third generation, to be precise, he fell on Xia Li, and his cold voice sounded again, "Shinto River Xia Li, right? I remember you!"

"Then remember it well. The next time we meet, I will kill you with my own hands, Orochimaru." Xia Li was not scared, but said, and he had no intention of chasing after him.

He didn't have much chakra left, even if he took two pills of soldiers' rations, but when he used the Flying Thunder God Technique, the consumption of breaking through a barrier and seal continuously exceeded Xia Li's expectations. It can be said that the Flying Thunder God Technique that Xia Li had used just now was the most consuming.

If Xia Li's condition was sufficient, Xia Li also wanted to try the Rasenshuriken to see if he could keep Orochimaru. There should be a chance.

After all, the principle of the Rasenshuriken is a cell-level attack. If it can really hit Orochimaru head-on, then the opponent's Orochimaru's Substitute Technique may not be able to be used.

After all, if all cells are destroyed, naturally, the cells used for the Orochimaru Substitute Technique are also included...

But unfortunately, Xia Li can't do this experiment, but it is estimated that it is still difficult to use this to completely kill Orochimaru. After all, Orochimaru is basically an indestructible cockroach in Naruto. I don't know why he can come back to life from the corners.

"Hehe..." Orochimaru left with a big laugh. Without the order of the Third Hokage, no one dared to chase him. After all, Orochimaru still had considerable fighting power, and the Third Hokage couldn't catch up with him at this time.

"Teacher Jiraiya, you hold them back first." Xia Li said to Jiraiya at this time, while looking at the Anbu, saying, "You contact the Sealing Team as quickly as possible and rush over with the sealing materials. If you want to be reborn, you need to use the sealing technique to seal it up."

The Anbu paused and looked at the Third Hokage next to him.

The Third Hokage also nodded and said, "Do as Xia Li said."

"Yes!" The Anbu echoed and disappeared quickly.

At this time, the third generation also began to ask Xia Li about things in the village, and Xia Li naturally did not hide anything and told everything he knew.

The third generation also had a look of relief on his face as he listened. Xia Li's arrangements indeed played a key role in basically minimizing the casualties in Konoha this time.

At this time, Sandai looked at Xia Li with even more pity. Why wasn't Xia Li born a few years earlier?

Thinking this way, the Third Hokage finally relaxed completely. The pain and fatigue caused by Orochimaru, the First Hokage and the Second Hokage's attack surged up in his body. The Third Hokage only felt his eyes darken, and his whole body turned toward him. He fell forward.

"Grandpa Third Generation?!" Xia Li took over Third Generation's body from the side and opened her eyes wide.

"Old man!!" Jiraiya couldn't help but glared at this time and looked this way.

Soon, Xia Li finished checking the situation of the third generation and breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that the original work could not be changed.

Xia Li saw Jiraiya over there and said quickly, "Teacher Jiraiya, please continue to stop these two people here. The third-generation grandfather's condition is not too good, but his life is not in danger. I will take the third-generation grandfather with him first." go……"

Xia Li paused before he finished speaking, because he suddenly realized that most of the medical ninjas in the medical center were also busy at this time. This time, Orochimaru's Konoha collapse plan basically destroyed Konoha. All the forces that can be mobilized have been mobilized.

Xia Li sighed, and then he could only take out another Bingliang Pill and put it in his mouth. This thing didn't taste good, and eating too much was not good for the body, but now was obviously not the time to care about this.

Xia Li put her hand on the more seriously injured area of ​​Sandai and used the Palm Immortal Technique.

To be honest, the injury of the third generation is not too serious, but if you take into account the age of the third generation, it is difficult to say.

Even if Sandai's injury is treated well, it will probably take a long time to recover. This is an unchangeable change brought about by age.

Jiraiya also heard Xia Li's words at this time, and he was also relieved. After seeing Xia Li start treating the third generation, he also released the sage mode. After all, he could not maintain this state for long, and he also discovered You don't need to use Immortal Mode to stop these two.

After Orochimaru left, the abandoned Sound Ninjas also realized this, and they no longer had the will to fight and wanted to escape, but obviously Kakashi and Metkai did not agree.

As for Ma Ji in the center of the arena, he also saw what happened above, and the bad feeling in his heart was realized. Their Kazekage turned out to be Orochimaru pretending to be, so where is the real Kazekage?

Ma Ji already had an answer in his mind. He couldn't help but look pale, and had no idea of ​​continuing to fight. If he continued to delay, he might not be able to escape. Taking advantage of the fact that there was only one Genma to stop him, Ma Ji also retreated. .

Soon, the ANBU came over with the sealing class, and then saw the third generation lying on the ground and couldn't help but be shocked again.


"Stop shouting there, Hokage-sama is fine. Instead of worrying about this, hurry up and help Mr. Jiraiya seal those two." Xia Li couldn't help but said after hearing this.

"Well, it's okay." The ANBU also breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately led the sealing team towards Jiraiya.

Of course, Jiraiya also discovered them, and at this time he began to use his strength, and cooperated with Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage to trap the filthy reincarnations of the first Hokage and the second Hokage there.

The sealing class also took out the scroll behind them and took the opportunity to use the sealing technique. They also successfully sealed the first and second generation Hokage who were reincarnated in the dirty soil.

At this time, Jiraiya quickly came to Xia Li's side and looked at the third generation lying there. For a moment, he didn't know that his mood was a bit complicated. He looked at the fainted third generation...

He finally realized that the third generation was really old, and he was no longer the Ninja who could easily suppress the three of them.

At this time, Xia Li also finished the treatment. Jiraiya couldn't help but look at Xia Li and asked nervously, "Xia Li, how is the old man?"

Xia Li sighed, and said as Jiraiya's face turned a little pale, "The injury is not too serious, but Teacher Jiraiya, you also know that the third generation grandfather is too old, for young people, these things The injury is nothing, but it is difficult for the third-generation grandfather to recover. "

"It's lucky that everything is fine. As for recovery, there will be plenty of time in the future." Jiraiya looked at Xia Li with complicated eyes at this time. Without Xia Li, even if he had gathered the immortal mode, it would have been too late, right?

"Thank you, Xia Li." Jiraiya couldn't help but thank him from the bottom of his heart at this time. Although he was somewhat dissatisfied with the third generation, he could not deny the feelings between him and the third generation in any case.

"Well, these are what I should do, aren't they?" Xia Li also said with a smile.

Hearing this, Jiraiya also showed a happy smile. He was really satisfied with this disciple and couldn't be more satisfied!

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