Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 18 The Third Hokage's Investment and Flying Thunder God

Chapter 18 Investment of the Third Hokage and Flying Thunder God

"Iruka, what's the matter again?" The Third Hokage looked at Iruka a little surprised. The other party came a little too frequently, and almost put away the crystal ball.

"This time I came because of Xia Li. I want to help him get a library card." Iruka said. The library he said was naturally not an ordinary library, but a library that stored information about ninjutsu.

"Oh? Why did you suddenly think of getting him a library card?" The Third Hokage was a little confused.

Iruka told the Third Hokage about Xia Li with a helpless look on his face, and said that he really couldn't teach the other party much about his talent, so it would be more useful to help him get a library card.

"Shadow clone? Are you sure it's okay?" The Third Hokage frowned. Unlike Iruka, he was a Hokage and naturally knew the risks of this technique.

"Well, Xia Li has been using the shadow clone for more than one or two days, and he is in good condition every day." Iruka replied.

"Is that so? Talent?" The third generation murmured. Learning the shadow clone is also good, but it is not worth being too surprised. After all, it is a technique and can be learned.

But being able to learn with the shadow clone is surprising, and the only explanation is the other party's talent. It just so happens that the third generation has seen all kinds of people with talent.

Of course, there is still some surprise. After all, the other party's family is very clean, and it is impossible for him to have the blood of the Uzumaki clan.

"In this case, he can open up knowledge other than ninjutsu." The third generation thought about it and made a decision.

With a clean family background, genius, hard work, and maturity, this kind of existence will be given resources no matter which village, because they will definitely grow up and become the pillars of the village.

Soon, a proof of a library card was handed over to Iruka from the third generation.

"You can take Xia Li to take a photo and attach it later." The third generation said.

"Yes!" Iruka was happy and shocked when he took the library card. After all, the level opened by the third generation was much higher than he thought. You know, even if it is just knowledge, it is of course divided into levels.

Of course, Iruka was shocked and happy for Xia Li at the same time. If he was favored by the third generation, then his future as a student would be bright.

After Iruka left, the third generation took a deep puff of tobacco and exhaled a puff of thick smoke. He had written a letter to Jiraiya before, but what made the third generation a little angry was that the other party had no intention of coming back.

Now that he has seen Xia Li's talent and hard work again, the third generation decided to write a letter again. The growth of a genius also requires sufficient teaching, and for the bond of the village, Jiraiya and Tsunade are undoubtedly very suitable candidates, but...

The third generation handed the letter to a toad and sighed deeply.


The next day, in the Hokage's office, the third generation looked at the crystal ball in front of the table.

The crystal ball showed Xia Li's training scene. After watching for a while, the third generation moved the scene to the inside of the ninja school, but the protagonist of the scene was still Xia Li.

But this time, the third generation was stunned for a while, because he saw Naruto next to Xia Li, and it seemed that they had a good relationship.

Seeing this, the third generation couldn't help but think about it. In the end, he felt that this combination was not bad. If Xia Li was strong enough, he would be able to help when the tailed beast was out of control in the future, and he might even be able to awaken Naruto because of the bond...

Xia Li naturally didn't know that he was being spied on by the third generation with the telescope technique. Even if he knew, Xia Li didn't care much, and he didn't have any secrets.

Later, Xia Li successfully got a library card from Iruka and went to the strictly guarded library to try to borrow.

The result was gratifying. He was even able to borrow B-level knowledge directly. Although ninjutsu was not allowed to be borrowed, it was completely enough for Xia Li.

With his current chakra, he didn't want to learn any ninjutsu.

And this library card was obviously not something that Iruka, a Chunin, could do, not to mention that it was for someone else, so Xia Li quickly realized that he had been noticed by the third generation, and it also gave him great convenience.

Xia Li was already satisfied with this. He had never thought that he would be able to obtain the Flying Thunder God Technique after being noticed. That was something that only happened in dreams.

Although Flying Thunder God was not a must-learn in Xia Li's plan, it was given a very high priority. After all, this ninjutsu was too famous in the hands of the Fourth Hokage.

The most important thing was that its consumption of chakra should not be very high, because the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze did not have a bloodline, and the amount of chakra could not be comparable to those monsters, so even if Xia Li's chakra was not enough now, it would be enough for Flying Thunder God in the future.

However, learning Flying Thunder God also requires talent, not only the talent of time and space, but also sufficient reaction and combat talent.

With Flying Thunder God, the Fourth Hokage was able to become a ninja that frightened the enemy ninjas, just because without a certain level of strength, it was too difficult to face Flying Thunder God.

But some powerful ones, such as the Third Raikage, are probably not that scared of the Fourth Raikage's Flying Thunder God. After all, it is difficult for the Fourth Raikage to break through the Third Raikage's defense, and even if he breaks through, it is difficult to inflict fatal damage.

If it is really a bloody fight without allowing escape, it is hard to say who will win and who will lose.

Thinking of this, Xia Li was a little surprised. The third generation Raikage was also a leader among ordinary people, but the fourth generation was even more regrettable, dying too early.

Otherwise, with the talent of the fourth generation, he could basically create Rasengan Shuriken or similar powerful ninjutsu, so as to make up for the fourth generation's lack of attack power "compared to other aspects". At that time, why worry about the third generation Raikage?

Moreover, according to Xia Li's speculation, the negative impact of Rasengan Shuriken will not even affect the fourth generation, no, it should be said that it will not affect the ninja who can fly Thunder God.

Because at the moment when the Rasengan Shuriken explodes, the fourth generation can use Flying Thunder God to directly leave the explosion range, and the hit rate is higher than that of the fairy technique, but the power is not as good as the Rasengan Shuriken condensed by the fairy technique.

In addition, the Fourth Hokage also knows Senjutsu. Although he is not very proficient, he still needs a lot of time to accumulate natural energy. The accumulated amount can be used for a short time. In short, it is not very practical. But at the critical moment, he can use Senjutsu Rasengan Shuriken, and then Flying Thunder God can sneak a shot at those Ten-Tails Jinchuriki. It is estimated that...

It is also quite sour~

Xia Li narrowed his eyes and decided that he would complete the legacy of the Fourth Hokage in the future! (Fourth Hokage: I don’t have this legacy...)

Xia Li was a little worried about whether he had the talent to learn Flying Thunder God. After all, even Obito or Kakashi who have Kamui seem to have such ability only because of blood inheritance, but they still don’t have the talent to learn.

From beginning to end, only the Second Hokage and the Fourth Hokage, who are the creators, learned Flying Thunder God.

Blood inheritance is blood inheritance, and the talent of blood inheritance does not represent the talent itself!

So the harshness of learning Flying Thunder God is really very high, but Xia Li also showed determination in his eyes, and he could only believe that his talent is enough.

And now, I will continue to work hard. I will add the knowledge in the library to my current plan. I feel fulfilled and happy, because it feels really good to be able to clearly feel that I am getting stronger little by little. The increasing amount of chakra every day can prove everything!

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