Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 205: Reincarnation

Sasuke looked at Xia Li's figure heading towards Sakura, and slowly turned his eyes to the sky.

The three-magatama Sharingan slowly faded, turning back into the dark pupils, and he was thinking about something.

Perhaps it was related to Xia Li's conversation just now, or it was related to how he should go in the future.

"How is the situation?" Xia Li had come to Sakura and Chiyo and asked, "Do you need help?"

"It's the final recovery stage, and the rest is left to the body to recover on its own." Sakura replied.


Xia Li didn't say anything more after learning about the situation. As for Chiyo, Xia Li had heard Tsunade's complaints before, and he didn't have much good feelings for her.

Soon, Sakura's treatment was completed, and everyone gathered together.

Chiyo finally looked at Xia Li seriously at this time, the Konoha ninja who was also famous enough in their Sand Village.

Although the other party seemed very relaxed and posed no threat, the former generation's eyes shrank. From Xia Li, she seemed to see the figure of that person.

But... how is this possible?

The first generation of Hokage was so powerful, how could such a powerful ninja be born in this world? And it happened to be a ninja from Konoha?

At this time, Chiyo couldn't help but look at Xia Li again, and the feeling that made her palpitate suddenly disappeared.

So, was the feeling just now really an illusion?

Chiyo breathed a sigh of relief. Although the Sand Ninja and Konoha are now allies, this relationship is just a piece of paper. When it comes to the real moment, who will care about this kind of paper treaty?

Xia Li glanced at Chiyo at this time, and he could see the other party's movement of looking at him clearly.

However, if Chiyo does it again, don't blame him for not knowing how to respect the old and love the young, but fortunately, the other party did not move afterwards.

"Hold hands, and don't resist." Xia Li said.

As soon as Xia Li finished speaking, Sakura's eyes lit up, and then she quickly rushed to Sasuke's side and stretched out her hand.

Sasuke was silent for a while, but since Xia Li said so, he couldn't refuse, so he stretched out his hand and shook it with Sakura.

Although he originally wanted to hold it only a little bit, it was obvious that Sakura didn't mean that, and the other party would not waste such a great opportunity.

At this time, Sakura's inner consciousness was already shouting there, cheering for Xia Li, this ninjutsu was really great!

Xia Li looked at Sasuke and Sakura, and couldn't help shaking his head. He actually wanted to say that he had two hands, so Sakura could hold it with Chiyo, and Sasuke and Chouwu could hold it together.

However, it was obvious that if Xia Li said this again, Sakura would offend Sakura to death, so he was too lazy to say it.

After seeing that they were all pulled together, Xia Li also touched Chouwu and said again, "Don't resist."

As Xia Li's voice fell, the figures of the five people all disappeared in this valley, leaving only countless broken limbs and arms.

The wind seemed to be sad, gently blowing the red short hair on the head of the Red Sand Scorpion that fell on the ground.


Next to a deep pit several kilometers in size, Xia Li and several others also appeared here.

"Is this the Flying Thunder God?" Sasuke thought to himself at this time, feeling the feeling just now, and then... there was no feeling, even if he used the Sharingan at that time, he couldn't copy it at all.

"Is this... the technique of the Fourth Hokage?! As expected, the legend is right, Shendaochuan Xia Li, this guy really mastered that technique!" Chiyo was still thinking about what to do with her hand, but now after seeing the surrounding environment, her eyes shrank.

Others don't know, but doesn't she know the horror of Flying Thunder God? The Fourth Hokage, who would scare the enemy as long as he appeared on the battlefield, she knew it very well!

Moreover, Chiyo looked at the deep pit over there, she didn't remember that there was such a terrain near the Sand Village, so how did it appear?

As for Sasuke, Sasuke wanted to pull out his hand at this time, but unfortunately he didn't succeed.

Then, Karin came over here with a dark flame coming out of her body, grabbed Sasuke's other hand, and looked at Sakura.

In response, Sasuke could only sigh deeply, feeling so troubled.

"Xia Li! There are Sakura and Sasuke!" Naruto's eyes lit up at this time, and after seeing the people who suddenly appeared, he shouted, and then his mood quickly fell again.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Xia Li was also a little confused.

"Ino said that Gaara's vitality has been fading, and it can't be stopped." Naruto said depressedly.


Suddenly, Chiyo was startled and looked at Gaara who was still lying on the ground, while Xia Li frowned and came to Gaara.

"Xia Li, Gaara doesn't have many injuries, but his vitality has been fading." Ino also quickly told Xia Li about Gaara's situation.

"Well, I know." Xia Li also began to check Gaara's body. At this time, Gaara's situation was exactly the situation of the Jinchuriki losing the tailed beast.

Soon, Xia Li discovered the small amount of the One-Tail's chakra left in Gaara's body.

So, even if there is a part of the Tailed Beast's chakra left, it won't work?

Xia Li remembered what Naruto did after losing the Nine-Tails in the original work, but after thinking about it carefully, Gaara might really not be able to do such a thing.

First of all, after Naruto lost half of the Nine-Tails, he still got half of the Nine-Tails, and the magnitude did not change.

If Naruto only got one-ninth of the Nine-Tails after losing half of the Nine-Tails, it might not succeed.

Secondly, Shukaku is not like the Nine-Tails, which has almost endless chakra. Even if it is cut in half, it still has chakra that most tailed beasts can't match. Shukaku's chakra is just average among the tailed beasts. Now that most of it has been extracted, what is left is really pitiful.

Finally, even if Naruto doesn't have the Nine-Tails, he still has the physique of a whirlpool, and Gaara doesn't have such a strong body, so it's really not enough to keep this little chakra of the One-Tails.

Xia Li thought about it, pressed directly on Gaara's body, and then pulled out the One-Tails, and finally formed a mini version of Shukaku on Gaara's body.

"Who are you? How dare you disturb me!" Even though Shukaku was only a little bit, he still had that weird temper and asked directly as soon as he came out.

"Shukaku, let me ask you something. Can you return to your original state? If the Jinchūriki dies, this part of your chakra will also disappear, right?" Xia Li ignored the other party's question and asked directly.

"Humph, why should I tell you?" Shukaku said.

"Why? Can I kill you when you are in your prime?" Xia Li smiled as he said that, and it seemed that endless lightning was jumping in his hands.

Shukaku couldn't help but open his eyes wide when he saw this. This lightning, it felt that it would disappear directly if it touched it with just a touch of its current state. Even if it really returned to its prime, it didn't want to face such a lightning escape.

Moreover, Shukaku looked at the smiling Xia Li, as if he saw the pervert who used the wood escape, and suddenly, its arrogance became visibly lowered.

"It's impossible. I can't recover. What was taken away from me by the other party was not just my chakra, but my will, which was all cut off. It's better to say that I am more like a small clone now, and my real body is on the other side." Shukaku chose to answer Xia Li's question honestly.

"Sure enough, this is troublesome." Xia Li rubbed his temples and had a headache.

"Let me do it..." At this time, Chiyo looked at Xia Li with a complicated expression. She saw the process of the other party threatening Shukaku.

It was the first time she saw that the monster could be threatened like this, and she didn't dare to say much. In addition, the deep pit behind her might have been made by the guy in front of her. She remembered that she did hear an explosion from afar during the battle.

Therefore, Chiyo had no other thoughts at all. She was already an old life, and it was worth using it to exchange for Gaara's life.

Then, Chiyo also wanted to remind their Sand Ninja Kazekage, at least while Xia Li was still alive, not to have other ideas about Konoha.

Suddenly, Chiyo paused, then smiled self-deprecatingly, as if many people in the Sand Ninja had already come to this understanding, but it was just that these old stubborn people had not kept up with the new era.

In this way, she could rest assured, so let this old stubborn person take the lead in expressing her opinion.

"This is not a simple injury, are you sure you can do it?" Xia Li asked knowingly, he remembered that Chiyo had a life-changing ninjutsu, but he couldn't say it directly.

"Well, if it was the kind of neck that was broken, I might have no way at all, but in the state of Lord Kazekage, I happen to have a way." Chiyo's voice was also respectful without knowing when.

That was respect for the strong, regardless of age.

"Okay." Xia Li also made way for Chiyo.

Then, Xia Li stood by, and his perception was also maximized at this moment. He was still very interested in the ninjutsu that Chiyo was going to use next.

Of course, he couldn't use it himself, but if he discovered its principle, he might be able to draw inferences from one instance to another.

Chiyo looked at Gaara in front of her at this time, and a gentleness appeared on her old face, as if she also saw her grandson in Gaara, but unfortunately...

Indeed, she has lived long enough, and now her grandson is gone, and there is no need for her to stay in this world anymore.

Chiyo slowly put her hand on Gaara and smiled.

The future of Sand Village is in your hands, Gaara, the fifth Kazekage.

Forbidden Technique - Reincarnation!

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