Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 261 Three Generations of Letters

After figuring out the Sage Mode of the Wet Bone Forest, Xia Li had no intention of leaving the Wet Bone Forest.

His original body had nothing else to do, and now the affairs of the Hokage in Konoha had been resolved after that proposal.

The Sage Art Spiritualization Shadow Clone was able to handle all the things there alone, and there was even time to practice together there.

Therefore, Xia Li’s original body did not need to go back. He planned to stay in the Wet Bone Forest and master the Sage Mode of the Wet Bone Forest to perfection.

After mastering it, Xia Li still had other experiments to conduct.

For example, can the Sage Mode of Myoboku Mountain and the Sage Mode of the Wet Bone Forest be used at the same time?

If not, can they be integrated and evolved into a new Sage Mode? Can the advantages of the two Sage Modes be retained?

This is also Xia Li’s plan for the future, and it is also a topic that requires him to spend a lot of energy to study.

After this, of course, there is also the Sage Mode of Ryuchi Cave.

However, the Sage Mode of Ryuchi Cave is relatively simple.

After all, it is not like the Sage Mode of the Wet Bone Forest, where no one can use it among the existing people. Sasuke can barely use the Sage Mode of the Ryuchi Cave with the help of the curse seal.

Moreover, even if Sasuke does not use his body to experience the Sage Mode of the Ryuchi Cave, he has helped Sasuke condense it before, and he probably understands the Sage Mode of the Ryuchi Cave, and it will not take too long to figure it out.

The highlight of the Sage Mode of the Ryuchi Cave is perception. If the advantages of the Sage Mode of the three holy places are combined, it will be perfect from basically any angle.

At that time, even if facing the existence of the Six Paths level, it will probably not be too weak, right?

Xia Li is also guessing, and now he can only take one step at a time.

Xia Li thought and entered the state of practice again.


Konoha, in the Hokage's office.

At this time, Nara Shikaku has returned to the office after Hinata Hiashi left.

"I didn't expect that the Hokage would actually interfere in Hinata's affairs." Shikaku also sighed.

"Well, I just don't like it, and I don't need to really do anything, just leave a seed." Xia Li smiled.

Nara Shikaku also nodded, and was looking forward to what kind of changes this seed would cause in the future, hoping not to disappoint the expectations of the Hokage.

He also knew something about the Hyuga family, and Nara Shikaku didn't have much good feelings for the Hyuga clan.

These years are okay, but in the past, the Hyuga clan was no less arrogant than the Uchiha clan.

Nara Shikaku felt that the Hyuga clan might have seen the ending of the Uchiha clan, so they slowly put down their arrogance and chose to slowly integrate into the village.

Now most of the Hyuga clan members can get along well with their companions in the village, and everything is moving in a good direction.

Nara Shikaku was also clear about Xia Li's way of dealing with the Hyuga clan. If the genius boy named Hyuga Neji could really do it, then it would be a good thing for the village or the Hyuga clan.

Nara Shikaku thought about it, and then looked at Xia Li. This kind of thing was probably something that only Xia Li could do.

The more things he did for Xia Li, the more Nara Shikaku could feel how correct Xia Li's words were at that time.

In the final analysis, this world still respects strength.

In many places, Nara Shikaku can see concrete results. It is obvious that the other party's rights have increased compared to before.

However, they did not further use these rights to seek more benefits for themselves, but restrained themselves a lot.

And the reason for this result is naturally because they are worried that Xia Li will settle accounts with them.

After all, Xia Li can even execute someone as high as Danzo. Once he has a reason to execute them, who can stop him?

But it's good this way. At least his things are much easier, and he has time to drink with his old friends again.

Xia Li naturally doesn't know what Nara Shikaku is thinking. He is dealing with some routine affairs at this time. It's not troublesome and he can probably finish it in a while.

But at this time, someone who Xia Li didn't expect came to the office.

"Hiruzen-sama, why are you here?" Nara Shikaku asked in surprise.

Xia Li then raised his head. He knew someone was here, but he didn't expect it to be the third generation. There was confusion on his face.

"Hehe, I came to see and help deliver a letter." The third generation looked at Xia Li and Nara Shikaku who were still busy and said with a smile.

The third generation is now very happy for the first time in a long time. He also found that since Danzo passed away, there are fewer things he needs to worry about.

In the past, he always thought about Danzo's affairs, and knew Xia Li's attitude towards Danzo, so he was always worried and didn't want to see that scene happen.

However, when that scene really happened in front of him, although he couldn't accept it at the time, he felt a little relieved afterwards.

After no longer worrying about Danzo, all he had to do was teach his grandson ninjutsu and take a look at the development of the village.

Not to mention, although Xia Li took over not long ago, he could still see the changes in Konoha.

The changes in the position of Hokage don’t matter to the Third Generation, as long as the Hokage’s basic foundation does not collapse.

Compared to this, he cares more about the hopeful expressions on the faces of the villagers when he walks in the village.

This comforted the Third Generation, and gradually some complaints that arose because of Danzo's affairs slowly dissipated.

Not only Danzo, if he can exchange his life for the prosperity of Konoha, it may be worth it.

The Third Generation couldn't help but think of his life at this moment. He can be said to have endured for a lifetime, but what can he do?

When the teacher passed the position of Hokage to him before his death, Konoha was also in a precarious state at that time. What can he do if he can't endure it?

Then, Konoha seemed to be prosperous after all the hard work, and he also passed the position to Minato Namikaze, but he didn't expect that he would have to return to the position of Hokage again a year later.

And how much better can the situation this time be than the first time? There are worries about Hyuga and Uchiha inside, and the three wars outside have not yet ended. At this time, he endured again.

So, this endurance lasted for a lifetime.

It can be said that the title of Ninja Hero is the most suitable for the third generation.

There are only wrong names, but no wrong nicknames.

Now, although there is a threat from the Akatsuki organization outside, the third generation once again sees the hope of Konoha's rise, which makes him feel very happy.

At this moment, he also wants to continue to live for a while, not to survive, but just to see the moment of Konoha's rise.

Of course, it is also to be able to watch Konohamaru grow up smoothly.

After that, the third generation smiled. At that time, even if he died, he would have no regrets at all.

After handing the letter to Xia Li, the third generation did not stay too much and left soon.

Xia Li also opened the letter from the third generation at this time, and then his face changed a little.

"Hokage-sama, is there anything?" Nara Shikaku saw the change in Xia Li's face and couldn't help but become curious.

What exactly made Xia Li like this?

Xia Li did not hide it and handed the letter to Nara Shikaku, and then Nara Shikaku's face also changed.

Because this letter was actually from the Akatsuki organization, or more precisely, a letter from Itachi to the Third Hokage, and its purpose was obvious.

It was for Sasuke. Itachi's body should have been on the verge of collapse, and he had no time to plan anything. Besides, Konoha's current strength made Itachi somewhat at a loss.

In the end, Itachi could only choose to contact the Third Hokage in a hidden way for a long time, and then ask the Third Hokage to do him one last favor.

It would not work to let the Third Hokage hand it over to Sasuke directly, so Itachi's letter was written to Xia Li.

"Do you need me to go to the Uchiha clan to call Sasuke over?" Shikaku asked.

Xia Li shook his head, put the letter back into the envelope, and said.

"I'll go there directly, and you can help me deal with the rest of the things here, they are not too important." Xia Li said, "You can go home after you deal with it."

"Okay." Shikaku also smiled. Sure enough, compared with the past, the current work is simply easier.

In the past, Shikaku never thought of leaving get off work so early.

Xia Li nodded and disappeared in the Hokage's office.

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