Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 315 Naruto VS Nine-tailed Fox Mode

"Hmph, Luduo, do you think you can defeat me now?"

Kyuubi also stood up at this time, staring condescendingly at Naruto with his scarlet eyes.

It was looking forward to this day coming, but that didn't mean it would easily recognize Naruto's power.

"The purpose of my coming this time is to defeat you or gain your approval, and I can definitely succeed!" Naruto thought back to Namikaze Minato and Kushina. They must be looking at him expectantly at this time. ?

Before, Naruto felt that if Xia Li was there if he failed this time, there would be another chance.

But now, Naruto has no such idea at all. He must succeed this time!

"Hmph, kid, then let me see your power!" Kyuubi also noticed the determination in Naruto's tone at this moment, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

At this moment, Naruto stretched out his hands and formed a seal.

"The art of multiple shadow clones!"

The next moment, dozens of Naruto's shadow clones appeared in the entire sealed space.

"That's it, but you can't defeat me!" Kyuubi started roaring the next moment after looking at this scene.

In an instant, Naruto felt the oncoming

Strong wind.

Is just a roar so powerful? No wonder so many people are so afraid of tailed beasts.

Naruto was also a little frightened in his heart, but just like that, it couldn't stop him at all.

When Kyuubi's roar ended, none of the shadow clones were released, which made Kyuubi a little surprised. Then he saw the wind armor on Naruto and immediately understood.

The moment it roared, Naruto once again used a ninjutsu.

"It's about to happen!" Naruto himself shouted, and immediately got the response of all the shadow clones, and rushed towards Kyuubi.

While rushing out, all the shadow clones had an extra chakra ball in their hands.


"Hmph!" Jiuwei snorted coldly, and then Jiuwei behind him

The tail swept directly across, instantly destroying several shadow clones.

However, there were still several shadow clones that managed to hit Kyuubi with the Rasengan.

However, facing the size of the Kyuubi, the effect achieved by the Rasengan was not ideal. The Kyuubi that was hit only moved back a few meters.

"Don't underestimate me! With such a small power, are you tickling me?" Kyuubi mocked at this time, and then, the nine tails closed at the same time, and then, on Kyuubi's head, there were countless substantial blue Condensing with black chakra balls.

"This is... the tailed beast tama!" Namikaze Minato and Kushina's expressions changed after seeing this. They knew the horror of the tailed beast tama.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Xia Li just watched calmly. Instead of worrying about whether Naruto would be hit by the tailed beast jade, he should worry about whether the sealed space could withstand the power of the tailed beast jade.

Thinking about it, it should be possible. The sealed space in Naruto's body is not only the seal of Namikaze Minato, but also the power of the Six Paths. After all, Naruto is the reincarnation of Asura, and it is just a Tailed Beast Jade. It should not be able to break through the power of the Six Paths. .

Hearing what Xia Li said, Namikaze Minato and Kushina could only continue to watch with peace of mind, but it could be seen that Kushina's hand holding Namikaze Minato's clothes was already squeezed very tightly.

Naruto, who was on the battlefield, was not nervous when he saw this scene. No matter how powerful it was, if it couldn't hit, it would have no effect.

Naruto felt the changes in his body, and a smile slowly appeared on his lips. Sure enough, his body had been in a still state at this time.

Therefore, Naruto's eyes have golden eye shadow and toad horizontal stripes, which is the sage mode of Mt. Myoboku!

Finally, the tailed beast jade beside Kyuubi's mouth condensed, but the next moment, the tailed beast jade suddenly became very small, and Kyuubi opened its bloody mouth and swallowed the tailed beast jade in one gulp. The tailed beast jade becomes smaller.

Then Kyuubi's cheeks began to swell, as if they were being stretched by something.

At this time, Naruto moved and rushed towards Kyuubi with the remaining shadow clones.

When Kyuubi saw this scene, he did not hesitate and opened his mouth. The next moment, a jet of black energy spurted out from Kyuubi's mouth, directly covering Naruto and his shadow clone.

Just when the straight energy shock wave was about to hit Naruto, Naruto's shadow clone grabbed Naruto and then threw Naruto to the ceiling with force.

Immediately, Naruto and half of his shadow clones were on the ceiling and continued to rush towards Kyuubi.

The remaining half of the shadow clones were released the moment the Tailed Beast Tama was about to touch them, returning the remaining chakra to Naruto's body.

Seeing this scene, Kyuubi slowly raised his head, and the shock wave was also approaching in Naruto's direction.

However, instead of shortening the distance between the shock wave and Naruto, it became farther and farther.

Because, in the sage mode, Naruto's qualities in all aspects have been greatly improved, including speed.

Soon, as Naruto approached Kyuubi, Naruto jumped from the ceiling to Kyuubi while his other hand began to gather ninjutsu behind his back.

"That's..." The Kyuubi Tailed Beast Jade's energy has been exhausted at this time. Looking at the huge energy ball in the sky, his eyes can't help but be horrified. Although it is not as powerful as the Tailed Beast Jade, it is something that Naruto can Is it condensed?

"Super large jade rasengan!"

Naruto shouted, and then he and several shadow clones simultaneously pressed the super-large jade rasengan in their hands on the nine tails.

After all, with a body as big as the Kyuubi, it is completely impossible to escape in the not too vast sealed space.

At this time, Kyuubi could only choose to protect the nine tails in front of him and withstand the sudden burst of power from the other party.

"This kind of power..."

Kyuubi was surprised, and then he couldn't hold on any longer and was knocked away by Naruto's super-large jade rasengan.

For an instant, it looked so incredible that Kyuubi's huge body flew backwards.

And this was not over yet. After Naruto took a deep breath, the next step was the last move. Naruto stretched out his hand, and then a huge amount of Senjutsu Chakra began to condense on Naruto's hand.

At this time, Naruto recalled scenes from the past, and all those experiences appeared in Naruto's mind.

And, most importantly, Naruto closed his eyes and thought of Namikaze Minato and Kushina again. This time he could only succeed and not fail.

The moment Naruto opened his eyes, the harsh hissing sound was heard in his ears, and a spiral shuriken filled with white light appeared in his hand.

"Did it succeed?" Naruto murmured, his eyes brightening.

At this time, the shadow clones around him also dispersed as the chakra was consumed by the use of the super-large Jade Rasengan.

Naruto also realized at this time that he did not have much chakra left. In the past, he would not have worried about this because he still had the chakra of Kyuubi, but at this moment, his opponent was Kyuubi.

Therefore, it is impossible for the Kyuubi to lend Chakra to Naruto to use to beat itself.

But it doesn't matter anymore, because this is the final blow.

The next moment, carrying the Rasen Shuriken that exuded terrifying power fluctuations, Naruto rushed towards Kyuubi.

"Immortal Technique - Wind Release - Spiral Shuriken!"

After the Kyuubi was knocked away, he was lying there. Now he raised his head and saw Naruto and the Rasen Shuriken in his hand.

"That's... the ninjutsu that Naruto has been practicing, right? The practice is complete..." Nine-tails also heard the scream of the Rasenshuriken, even it was shocked by this power. .

That is the power called magic.

It turns out that the boy under his nose has mastered such a powerful power at this time?

It's not that I can't agree with this kind of power.

A smile slowly appeared on the face of the nine-tailed fox. Facing such a powerful spiral shuriken, it had no intention of avoiding it. It slowly closed its eyes and waited for the final moment.

However, the pain he imagined did not come. Instead, the whining in his ears slowly disappeared.

When Kyuubi opened its eyes, it saw Naruto standing in front of it.

At this time, Naruto looked at Kyuubi, then stretched out his hand and said, "I succeeded."

"Hmph, kid, why don't you continue?" Kyuubi snorted coldly.

"Because I don't want to hurt you." Naruto smiled, stared at Kyuubi, and continued, "Thank you so much for your help. Please continue to help me in the future."

"Hmph! I don't want to help you, but since you defeated me, you can use my power if you want." Kyuubi said, already turning his body and lying there.

Then, Kyuubi glanced at Naruto who still stretched out his hand and refused to leave, curled his lips, and then stretched out his hand as if reluctantly.

Finally, Naruto and Kyuubi's huge fists collided.


In Naruto's mental space, at this moment, Namikaze Minato and Kushina finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Later, Namikaze Minato was also very surprised. The kind of power Naruto used was definitely Sage Mode, and...

Namikaze Minato smiled bitterly, although he could do it, but without Naruto's huge chakra, his sage mode could be maintained for a shorter time.

Therefore, he can only use the immortal mode when he encounters someone who cannot break through his defense, and he must also calculate it perfectly and kill with one hit.

Then, Minato Namikaze also saw Naruto's Wind Release - Rasen Shuriken. Suddenly, Minato Namikaze smiled. Of course he could see that Rasen Shuriken was a ninjutsu derived from the Rasengan.

Naruto completed the ninjutsu that he had not been able to complete during his lifetime, which made Namikaze Minato very happy at this time.

"As expected of the most unexpected ninja." Xia Li murmured, remembering that Naruto said before that his Rasenshuriken was not completely completed, and now he didn't see what Naruto did, but he used it. A perfect spiral shuriken.

"Xia Li, is it okay if I call you this?" Namikaze Minato said suddenly.

"Of course, I am Naruto's friend, and I am also Jiraiya-sensei's apprentice. By the way, Naruto is also Jiraiya-sensei's apprentice." As he said that, Xia Li looked at Namikaze Minato with interest.

"Ahaha..." Namikaze Minato scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed. After all, their father and son were actually brothers in the same sect, so there was something wrong.

Then, Minato Namikaze looked at Xia Li's smiling expression and understood that the other party probably said that on purpose. The purpose was probably to see his embarrassment...

However, Namikaze Minato didn't pay much attention and said, "Xia Li, there is something I want to tell you about what happened the night of the Nine-Tails Rebellion."

"Is it a person wearing a spiral mask and possessing a Sharingan who calls himself Uchiha Madara and controls the Nine-Tails?" Xia Li said casually.

"You know everything?" Namikaze Minato opened his eyes wide.

Xia Li nodded and said, "I have seen the masked man, and I can be sure that he is not Uchiha Madara."

"Really? You have already seen him." Namikaze Minato also nodded, then frowned and asked, "What is his purpose?"

"Their current purpose is to collect the nine tailed beasts, but the purpose after collecting them is still uncertain." Xia Li said.

Suddenly, Namikaze Minato was silent, and he also knew that the other party's purpose of collecting the nine tailed beasts was not simple, and it would definitely cause chaos in the ninja world. Unfortunately, he can't do anything now.

"Okay, don't think so much, I'm here, nothing will happen. You should say goodbye to Naruto next, I'm leaving first." Xia Li said to Namikaze Minato and Kushina.

Namikaze Minato and Kushina also nodded and expressed their gratitude to Xia Li again.

Then, outside, Xia Li opened his eyes.

Naruto's battle with the Nine-Tails went more smoothly than he had imagined. After all, the narrow terrain was not suitable for the Nine-Tails to move.

But it was okay, Xia Li thought, and then saw tears starting to flow from the corners of Naruto's eyes.

At this moment, Xia Li also understood that Minato Namikaze and Kushina's last chakra should have been used up.

Xia Li couldn't help but sigh. It was a pity for the couple. Kushina was already weak during childbirth, and she had to hold the Nine-Tails, which led to a serious physical deficiency.

At that time, even if the Nine-Tails was stuffed back again, it might not be able to save Kushina's life.

However, if it was Xia Li, he would definitely try it, but Minato Namikaze probably didn't know this.

Once Kushina died, Minato Namikaze couldn't live alone. Even if Minato Namikaze had the possibility of resurrection in the Fourth War, he was unwilling to resurrect, just because Kushina was no longer there.

At this time, Xia Li was also thinking about one thing, that is, he remembered that there was a chance to go back to the past, about the mission of Loulan.

So, does this world not have that mission?

Or maybe there is, but Xia Li did not participate in it?

Xia Li felt that if he went back to the past, he would definitely try to change the past and see if the future would change because of it.

I remember that he met Minato Namikaze in that mission, but Xia Li just observed Minato Namikaze, and he did not remember himself.

But this may also be that the other party has erased their memories...

Xia Li rubbed his temples and couldn't figure it out. Maybe there is no mission of Loulan in this world.

At this time, Naruto also slowly opened his eyes.

Naruto still looked a little sad at this time, but he was also a little happy. He was happy that he finally met his parents and knew that his parents really loved him.

This made Naruto feel warm in his heart even now.

"Thank you, Xia Li." Naruto said seriously after seeing Xia Li.

"You're welcome. Do you want to take a rest?" Xia Li asked. The next step is to master the power of the Nine-Tails.

"No, I think I will succeed soon!" Naruto said.

Then, Naruto closed his eyes again and communicated with the Nine-Tails. Soon, a golden light appeared on Naruto's body.

Then, the six whiskers on Naruto's face turned into six vertical lines, and a golden chakra coat appeared around him. On the collar of this coat, several black magatama were engraved.

Inside this coat, there was a black chakra garment, and on its belly, there were two golden circles.

When Naruto opened his eyes, he saw a pair of blood-red eyes, and the pupils were the same vertical lines as the Nine-Tails.

"Did it succeed in one go?" Xia Li was also a little surprised at this time. He thought that even if the other party reconciled with the Nine-Tails, he would need to practice to complete this mode, but he didn't expect that it didn't need to.

Moreover, the Nine-Tails mode is different from the Nine-Tails Chakra mode. Naruto in the Nine-Tails Chakra mode has no cooperation from the Nine-Tails, so it is difficult for him to perfectly control the power of the Nine-Tails for a while.

But with the cooperation of the Nine-Tailed Fox, the owner of the Nine-Tailed Fox mode, there was no difficulty in controlling it.

"Is this the power of me and the Nine-Tailed Fox?" At this time, Naruto stretched out his palm and looked at his palm emitting golden light. There was a black circle on the palm and the back connected by a black horizontal line...

"Humph." The cold snort of the Nine-Tailed Fox also sounded in Naruto's ears, as if it was very dissatisfied with Naruto's doubt of its power.

"So, did I really defeat the Nine-Tailed Fox before?" Naruto was a little incredible. Such power made it difficult for Naruto to believe what he had done before.

"Don't doubt it. This is the power that only the Jinchūriki can use. In fact, if the Nine-Tailed Fox doesn't have you, it can't use this power." Xia Li answered Naruto's doubts at this time.

Naruto suddenly realized, and the Nine-Tailed Fox didn't refute it.

Because Xia Li said the truth, as long as the Jinchūriki doesn't have the tailed beast to mess up, after growing to a certain extent, each one will be much more powerful than a single tailed beast.

"Now continue, try the Sage Mode and let the Nine-Tailed Fox absorb natural energy." Xia Li spoke again.

"Huh? Can this mode coexist with Sage Mode?" Naruto was a little surprised.

"Just give it a try and you'll know?" Xia Li smiled.

Naruto nodded, and then discussed it with the Nine-Tails, who also wanted to see if Naruto could become stronger, so he didn't refuse.

As for absorbing natural energy, it was not difficult for the Nine-Tails at all. It can be said that every tailed beast has the ability to absorb natural energy.

And Naruto soon felt the extra natural energy in his body, and was a little surprised. This was much more than when he absorbed it alone.

While being surprised, Naruto quickly began to combine natural energy with his own chakra.

What shocked Naruto was that it really worked!

When Naruto opened his eyes again, his eyes had become cross eyes, which were the eyes formed by the horizontal stripes of the Sage Mode and the vertical demon pupils of the Nine-Tails Mode overlapping!

On this day, Naruto jumped from the Sage Mode with only five minutes to a powerful existence that could activate the Nine-Tails Sage Mode.

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