Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 32 Conflict

Chapter 32 Conflict

Recently, Xia Li felt a little overwhelmed because Naruto's progress was too fast. With his guidance, he made full use of his strong recovery ability.

Each exercise basically had to break through a limit before stopping, and this led to Naruto's rapid progress in physique.

Xia Li looked at Naruto's progress and thought, could he have accidentally released a monster?

However, Naruto's progress soon slowed down. It should be because the effect of the previous few times was too good. After all aspects of the body came up, the effect was good, but the speed of improvement was not that great.

Having said that, even if it slowed down, it was much faster than ordinary people.

Naruto's physical condition is much better than Xiao Li. Xia Li smacked his mouth and felt that if it continued like this, Naruto would only be a little strong in physical skills.

Thinking of this, Xia Li couldn't help but want to look at Naruto, and then saw the empty seat next to him. He was almost used to it. It was estimated that Naruto would be late again. In terms of being late, Naruto is already a habitual offender.

Suddenly, a figure rushed into the classroom and ran straight towards Xia Li.

"Ino, what's wrong?" Xia Li looked at the panting Ino and couldn't help but be a little surprised. Usually, Ino was quite "ladylike", which was completely different from the one in front of her who was holding the table with both hands and panting.

"Xia... Xia Li, it's bad. I just went to the bathroom and found that Naruto was bullied by the seniors." Ino said breathlessly.

Xia Li's face changed. He was in the state of shadow clone and basically couldn't help, but he still asked, "Tell me the location."

"In the grove behind the school playground." Ino also answered quickly.

There? Xia Li was a little confused. Why did Naruto appear in that place, and then suddenly realized that it was probably Naruto who was going to be late again, and wanted to take a shortcut to come here and was discovered by those students.

"Xia Li, should we go find the teacher?" Ino suddenly remembered at this time that she hadn't told the teacher yet. The first moment she saw this scene, she thought of Xia Li and ran over.

"Well, go find Mr. Iruka." Xia Li thought about it and said, then stood up and rushed out of the classroom.

At this time, Ino also thought about where Mr. Iruka should be. The first class is not Mr. Iruka's class, but he should still be in the office, right?

Thinking of this, Ino ran to the office again.

Shikamaru also stood up from lying on the table at this time, and frowned. He naturally heard what Ino said. Naruto was bullied?

And he was bullied by seniors, which is a bit troublesome.

However, fortunately, Ino had gone to find Mr. Iruka. Now, Shikamaru frowned and sighed. Sure enough, he had to go over to take a look.

"Choci, Kiba, our classmates were bullied." Shikamaru shouted to Choci and Kiba next to him.

Dingci was eating snacks there, and there was no movement, but Kiba, who had a bad temper, slammed the table and yelled, "What?! Someone dared to bully my classmate? Where is it? Who was bullied?"

"It should be over there in the playground. It seems that Naruto was bullied." Shikamaru said calmly.

"Naruto..." Suddenly, Kiba hesitated for a moment. He seemed to have nothing to do with him, and his family had reminded him to stay away from him.

"Oh, you don't seem to have a good relationship with that guy." Shikamaru said in a somewhat irritating tone.

"Even if the relationship is not good, you can't let that guy be bullied by outsiders! Let's go!" Kiba was stimulated, and suddenly his mind was much clearer. He shouted and rushed out first.

Shikamaru glanced at the classroom again and said with a click of his tongue. Kiba's loud voice had almost spread throughout the classroom, but at this time, few people were willing to stand up and follow. Most people looked like it was none of their business after hearing that it was Naruto.

Shikamaru sighed. The plan was a small success. He originally wanted to use Kiba to encourage more people, but it seemed that it would not work. However, at least Kiba was still there.

"Choci, let's follow him too." Shikamaru said and dragged Choci outside.

Choci did not resist much. He had no ill feelings towards Naruto, and he often accompanied him to stand in punishment. He should help him, but Naruto was mostly punished for being late, and Choci was because he ate snacks in class...

What Shikamaru didn't know was that when they walked out, Sasuke also looked at the seat behind him, thought for a while, and put his hands in his pockets, and walked out of the class slowly.

Not only Sasuke, but Shino, who was wearing sunglasses and half of his face covered by clothes, also followed silently.

"Naruto-kun..." Hinata Hyuga's two index fingers were entangled. She was also very worried about Naruto's situation. She looked around and it seemed that no one noticed her, so she stood up and ran towards the playground through the classroom like a little transparent.

Xia Li naturally didn't know these. The moment he rushed out of the classroom, he released his shadow clone and sent the news that Naruto was bullied back to his main body.

Although Xia Li chose a training place not far from the school in order to transmit more chakra back after the shadow clone contact, it still took some time.

Fortunately, Xia Li clenched his fists and his eyes flashed. He had just finished warming up and had not yet exercised to the point of exhaustion. His combat power was at its peak.

Dare to bully his good son... no, good friend, it's simply courting death, Xia Li ran towards the school at a very fast speed.


After exercising all night yesterday, Naruto also felt a little tired and sleepy. When he woke up, he found that it was already very late.

This made Naruto hang up a piece of bread and drink a few mouthfuls of milk and run towards the school.

But just like that, he couldn't avoid the fate of being late, so he had to take a shortcut, and just when he was about to reach the school and broke through the grove and rushed to the main road, he almost hit someone.

Although he didn't hit him, it also scared Naruto and the other party.

"Sorry." Naruto apologized first, and then thought that time was running out and wanted to leave directly.

And the person who was almost hit patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. He was almost hit, and when he saw the familiar figure of the other party, he immediately became timid.

"What? I thought it was someone rampaging here. It turns out to be you, a monster. That's not surprising."

Suddenly, Naruto stopped in his tracks, turned back and stared at the man, anger in his eyes, "I'm not a monster!"

"Haha, it would be strange if you weren't a monster. Didn't you see that the adults all called you a monster?" the man continued, and couldn't help laughing.

And his companions had obviously heard of this kind of thing, and they all laughed.

Monster, monster...

The smiles on those people's faces and the words in their mouths made Naruto grit his teeth very tightly. Maybe he shouldn't do it, but he couldn't help it.

Even if he was late, even if he was beaten again, he couldn't swallow this breath if he didn't do it!

So Naruto rushed up, but he was alone, and he was not even older than the other party.

Even though Naruto had been training for a few days under Xia Li's teaching, it was impossible for him to surpass the senior students who had grown two or three years more than him.

He was knocked to the ground in a short while and was surrounded and laughed at.

"So this is all you can do as a monster? You're not that great!"

"Everyone, come and see, this is the monster in our village, I defeated him~"

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