Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 318 Loulan! Changes in time and space

Xia Li leaned back in his chair, thinking, why should he become stronger?

When he first came to this world, he was also full of confusion. At that time, he not only did not think about becoming stronger, but he did not even think about living in this world.

Then Sinai slowly helped Xia Li find a reason to live, just for that strong mother, he could not die easily.

When he began to seriously consider how to survive in this dangerous world with various abilities and bloodlines, he came to the conclusion that he needed to become stronger and take his life into his own hands.

For this reason, he not only worked very hard in training, but also always calculated how to pass on his performance to the Third Hokage.

After all, in such a class, there are Naruto and many descendants of the family. As long as he performs much better than others, it is difficult not to be noticed by the Third Hokage.

Then take advantage of the fact that the Third Hokage is old. The other party is no longer the ninja hero who dominated the ninja world before. Old people usually miss people when they see things, and make decisions that they would never make when they were young.

Not to mention the Sandaime Hokage, who was originally very soft-hearted.

He had a clean background and lacked training resources, but his talent was better than any of the children of those families.

He was able to perform so well under such a lack of training resources, which only proved that Xia Li's talent was by no means ordinary. With training, he would at least be an excellent jonin, and even a ninja like the three ninjas would be likely to become one.

So Xia Li also successfully attracted the attention and investment of the Sandaime Hokage.

However, his plan at that time was still to replace Sakura and become a member of Team 7. After all, although he had thought about whether he could become a disciple of the three ninjas, it was really a bit too ambitious.

Moreover, given the situation of the three ninjas at that time, Xia Li actually did not think that they would return to the village to accept him as a disciple.

So in order to get better resources, his target could only be Sakura, but plans could not keep up with changes, and he unexpectedly became Jiraiya's disciple.

Although it seems that Jiraiya didn't teach Xia Li anything, this identity also made Xia Li's road less obstructed from then on, and things that he couldn't do before could now be done openly.

Therefore, Xia Li never complained about Jiraiya's "partiality". After all, the most important thing for Xia Li was the identity of Jiraiya's apprentice.

Even if Jiraiya was willing to teach, Xia Li himself might not be willing to learn, because he had his own arrangements and plans!

After that, Xia Li's strength has been getting stronger. Now, with his strength, he no longer needs to worry about survival.

Even before those monsters came out, Xia Li was now the strongest existence in the ninja world. Only Naruto in the fairy fox mode could compete with Xia Li, but Xia Li still did not give up the pace of becoming stronger.

Not only because of the enemies in the future, but also a very important point is that there are too few interesting toys in this world that can provide Xia Li.

So much so that Xia Li's greatest pleasure now is to feel his strength getting stronger little by little.

After all, getting stronger itself is a kind of fun for Xia Li.

Moreover, Xia Li also thought that if he could reach a strength that no one before him had reached, could he gain the ability to travel through the world? In this way, he might be able to return to his own world to take a look.

Even if there are countless worlds, it doesn't matter if he can't find his previous world. When that time comes, it will be fun to go to other worlds to play.

As for worrying about future enemies, Xia Li is no longer worried now. Naruto has now reached the strongest state before the Six Paths Naruto. Is there still a possibility of mistakes?

Even if Xia Li's plan did not succeed, it would not be worse than the ending of the original work, so Xia Li has completely put his mind at ease.

At this time, Xia Li slowly walked to the window and looked at the sky in the distance.

Sometimes he also felt a little bored, so he had to find something interesting.

At this time, Nara Shikaku came in with a scroll, and Xia Li returned to his seat again.

"What happened again?" Xia Li asked and took the scroll from Nara Shikaku.

"Hokage-sama, it's a request from the Sand Village. A traitor named Baizu appeared in the Sand Village. Now the Sand Village is also chasing him, but unfortunately he hides every time." Nara Shikaku roughly said.

"So, the Sand Ninja wants to ask us to help them arrest the traitor in the name of the alliance?" Xia Li asked.

"Yes." Nara Shikaku nodded.

"The other party's level will be charged according to the standard." Xia Li said casually, even if it is an ally, it is impossible to help the other party for free.

"Yes." Nara Shikaku responded, and then he would arrange someone to deal with it. As long as the task of arranging ninjas is not a high-level task, Xia Li will hand it over.

At this moment, Xia Li paused, because he saw the details on the scroll. The other party disappeared in the extinct country of Loulan?

Suddenly, Xia Li narrowed his eyes, and his heart was suddenly in turmoil.

"Wait a minute!" Xia Li called Nara Shikaku.

"Is there anything else you need me to do, Lord Hokage?" Nara Shikaku was a little surprised. In his opinion, this was just an ordinary task.

If this mission was not requested by the ally Suna Ninja Village, then Nara Shikaku might not have reported this matter to the Hokage.

"Loulan, have you heard of this place?" Xia Li asked at this time.

After Nara Shikaku thought for a while, he said, "Of course I have heard of it. That place was famous for having a dragon vein before, but it seems that the power of the dragon vein has disappeared from a certain point on.

I remember that Konoha also had a mission about Loulan before. At that time, those who went to Loulan to carry out the mission included Akimichi Dingza, Aburame Shiwei and the Yondaime who had not yet become the Yondaime Hokage. "

Xia Li nodded, then stood up and walked towards the archives room.

Although Nara Shikaku didn't quite understand why Xia Li was suddenly interested in Loulan, he didn't ask any more questions and followed Xia Li into the archives room.

Soon, Xia Li found the mission scroll left by the Fourth Hokage at that time, which recorded the situation at that time.

"There really is..." Xia Li took the scroll, patted the dust on it, and opened it.

Soon, Xia Li read through the mission records above. As expected, there was nothing special about it, and no one from the future was mentioned.

Xia Li couldn't help but rub his temples at this time. He originally thought that there was no such mission, but now it seems that it is not that there is no such mission, but something happened during the process that he did not expect.

Otherwise, with Xia Li's character, he would definitely come into contact with this task and leave traces that he could discover now.

However, Xia Li has not found any traces from the past until now, which is why Xia Li thinks there is no such mission.

Xia Li narrowed his eyes. No matter what, he would join this mission and try to go back to the past. He would also try to see if he could change the past.

Because, how could such an interesting thing be without him?

After Xia Li returned to the office, she also began to think about who should be arranged to go there. Remember that in the original work, this task was probably carried out by the seventh team, right?

In the original work, Team 7 at this time should be Yamato, Naruto, Sakura and Sai.

The arrangement in the original work is not suitable here, after all, Tenzo Sai and Naruto and Sakura are not familiar with them.

Xia Li from Saoi also listened to Tianzang's report, and slowly began to recover human emotions, but sometimes behaved a little strangely.

But Xia Li felt that Tianzang was not actually qualified to criticize Sai, because he himself was in the same situation. He could only say that it was all Danzo's fault for forcing such a good young man to be like this.

Among them, Saai and Tenzo are probably in relatively mild condition...

After thinking for a while, Xia Li said, "Let Kakashi lead the team for this mission, and the team members will be Naruto and Sakura."

In fact, Xia Li also wanted to add Sasuke, but Sasuke probably doesn't have time to do tasks recently. His eyes have not recovered yet, and he is still practicing sage mode.

Therefore, Xia Li could only remove Sasuke from the list.

Nara Shikaku was a little surprised. He looked at Xia Li and couldn't help but ask, "Hokage-sama, is it a bit overkill to send Naruto out for this mission?"

After all, Nara Shikaku knows Naruto's current strength. Is this task so difficult? Need Naruto to take action?

"Well, that's a bit. Then tell Naruto when notifying him that he is not allowed to use the power of the Nine-Tails at will unless he encounters a critical situation." Xia Li said after thinking for a while.

Nara Shikaku was a little speechless. After confirming that Xia Li was not joking, he had no choice but to leave.

Nara Shikaku was also thinking that Xia Li should have a reason for doing this, right?

Soon, this task was arranged by Nara Shikaku, and Nara Shikaku also told Naruto the requirements of the task according to Xia Li's instructions.

After hearing this, Naruto immediately understood. Is this to practice his physical skills? I agreed without much thought.

After the three of Naruto set off, Xia Li's true self followed quietly. Naruto naturally couldn't find Xia Li unless he entered the fairy fox mode.

A day or two later, Kakashi led Naruto and Sakura to Loulan, but the specific location of Baizu still needed to be explored.

Xia Li, who was following them, sensed subtle chakra fluctuations, and couldn't help but look at everything around him. They were all sand ninja's unique puppet techniques, and the chakra Xia Li sensed was naturally used to manipulate these. Chakra strings needed for puppets.

It seems that both Kakashi and Sakura are aware of it, but...

Xia Li looked at Naruto walking carelessly in front and couldn't help but cover his head. Suddenly, he felt that it was really good for Naruto to master such a powerful ability in Fairy Fox Mode?

Obviously, Naruto's current experience does not match his current strength at all...

Xia Li thought for a while, and sure enough, he still had to arrange a task for Kakashi, which was to watch Naruto accept the task.

What Naruto needs to do is to do a lot of tasks without using Fairy Fox Mode to improve his experience. However, in order for Naruto not to be used, Kakashi must watch in secret.

Otherwise, in Xia Li's view, Naruto is now like a child holding a Desert Eagle. He has the power to pull the trigger, but he may hurt himself and his companions...

In order to avoid this, Naruto must continue to grow.

Xia Li rubbed his forehead. This was the difference between Naruto and Sasuke. If it was Sasuke, Xia Li wouldn't have to worry about this.

Soon, the centipede also attacked Kakashi and the other two.

Kakashi performed as well as usual, but he seemed to understand Xia Li's intention and wanted to give Naruto and Sakura experience, so he didn't do anything.

Sakura's performance was also excellent. She quickly realized that those were puppets from the Sand Village, and she had specially brought a chakra sword when she learned about the mission.

It was a weapon that could assist ninjas to use chakra to condense on the sword and easily cut off the chakra line.

Compared with Sakura, Naruto's experience was much worse. After all, Naruto was protected too well before. Although he was very powerful, he didn't know how to use it. Facing these puppets in front of him, he chose to rush up and do it hard.

The result is predictable. Naruto feels pain, but puppets don't. Even if they are smashed, as long as the key parts are not damaged, they can still move and attack...

In the end, Naruto was "saved" by Kakashi.

At this time, Kakashi also roughly saw Naruto's problem, and understood more and more why Xia Li arranged it this way.

As for Kakashi's idea, Xia Li could only say that it was just a coincidence, and it just happened to hit the most lacking part of Naruto now.

At this moment, Kakashi suddenly rolled his eyes, because he suddenly had a hunch that Xia Li, who now knew about Naruto's shortcomings, would probably find ways to make up for Naruto's shortcomings.

As Naruto's instructor, Kakashi felt that the task of helping Naruto make up for his shortcomings was most likely to be given to him...

This gave Kakashi a headache. After all, Naruto was really torturous in this regard, even worse than Sakura.

In this way, although Naruto had the power to easily kill Centipede, he was still escaped by Centipede to the ruins of Loulan, and the other party found the seal of the dragon vein.

"That is... the teacher's Flying Thunder God Kunai!" Kakashi also shrank his eyes at this time, and finally recalled the matter of Loulan. He had come here to do a mission before!

Kakashi frowned. He thought that a Centipede had no ability to remove the seal of his teacher, but nothing is absolute, so Kakashi shouted directly.

"Naruto, Sakura, stop him from breaking the seal!"

"Hehe, it's too late, the legendary copy ninja Kakashi." At this time, Centipede had already placed one hand on the Flying Thunder God Kunai of the Fourth Hokage.

"You don't have the ability to remove the teacher's seal." Kakashi said directly.

"Indeed, I really don't have the ability to remove the seal of the Fourth Hokage, but I have never wanted to remove his seal!" Centipede laughed, and then a large number of spells suddenly appeared on his body.

"This is... not good, Naruto, retreat!" Kakashi shouted at this time, because Naruto rushed the fastest and was closest to the centipede.

However, it was too late for Kakashi to shout Naruto at this time. A strong white light suddenly emerged from the centipede, and this light quickly spread to the surroundings, and soon enveloped Naruto.

At this time, Naruto also quickly used the fairy fox mode, but what surprised Naruto was that this white light seemed... not to hurt.

"Naruto!!" Kakashi frowned at this moment, and rushed into the light without hesitation.

At the end, Sakura looked at the constantly broken road, and like Kakashi, she did not hesitate and rushed into the light.

What they didn't realize was that above the light, a figure quietly entered the light at the first time.

After Xia Li entered the light, he had a strange feeling, which seemed to be a bit similar to the process of fighting with Otsutsuki Urashiki. Is this... the fluctuation of time?

Xia Li was thinking, and slowly opened his eyes, and saw a wonderful space. Is this space a space that allows people to travel through time and space?

At this time, Xia Li seemed to feel a familiar breath vaguely, and there seemed to be a Flying Thunder God mark around this familiar breath.

Xia Li felt that he seemed to be able to use Flying Thunder God with this mark.

But what would be the result of using Flying Thunder God in this space? Xia Li didn't know.

If he didn't use Flying Thunder God, the final result would probably be that he and Naruto or Baizu arrived at the same time.

However, it is obvious that using Flying Thunder God might be... more interesting.

Because unknown challenges are a bit interesting. Even if he went back to the past with Naruto, it was a known thing. Although Xia Li was also looking forward to changing something, there was no new unknown thing that was more interesting.

So, after hesitating for a while, Xia Li's chakra suddenly burst out, grasped that feeling, and used Flying Thunder God.

During the use, Xia Li was also very surprised, because this was the most chakra-consuming Flying Thunder God in his life. His current chakra amount was not comparable to the Nine-Tails, but it was still comparable to the Eight-Tails.

Even so, his chakra was almost not enough, which can show how terrible the consumption of Flying Thunder God was this time.

But because of this, Xia Li also became a little excited, nervous, and excited.

The next moment, Xia Li's figure disappeared in this special space.

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