Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 383 Six Paths Sage

Xia Li looked at the towering tree in front of him, thought for a while, came to the front of the trunk, and pressed one hand on it.

"Hehe, it's useless. It's too late for you to stop the chakra from flowing into your mother's body now." After seeing Xia Li's action, Black Zetsu laughed sinisterly.

Black Zetsu naturally thought that Xia Li was trying to hinder his mother's resurrection, but the amount of chakra that had been condensed now was enough for his mother to be resurrected. Even if Xia Li really had the ability to break this connection, it would be useless!

However, Xia Li ignored Black Zetsu. He slowly closed his eyes, feeling the chakra of countless creatures in it, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, the trunk of the sacred tree closest to Kaguya Otsutsuki was like a connector connecting everything in the world, and the chakra of all creatures was included in it.

And this... is what Xia Li wants. What he wants to do is to feel the essence of their respective lives through these chakras!

After seeing this scene, Black Zetsu also showed a thoughtful expression on his face, and he also had a bad premonition in his heart, but just as Xia Li could not prevent Kaguya Otsutsuki from resurrecting, he could not prevent Xia Li from doing so.

At this moment, he could only keep hypnotizing himself. As long as his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki was resurrected, everything would be cleared up, even if Xia Li was just a mantis trying to stop a chariot in front of his mother.

But, even so, the bad feeling became stronger and stronger.

Xia Li was actually a little hesitant in his heart at this time, because before Kaguya Otsutsuki was resurrected, he could actually do one thing.

And if this thing was really done, it would undoubtedly leave a bottom line for the subsequent battle with Kaguya Otsutsuki, but whether to have this bottom line was what made Xia Li hesitate.

Xia Li wanted to rely on Kaguya Otsutsuki's pressure to break through the last barrier, but...

Xia Li also had to consider what would happen if he failed. This time, Kaguya Otsutsuki would probably not keep some living people like in ancient times, but would turn all humans into White Zetsu.

If that time really comes, even if the Six Paths Sage is reborn, he probably won't be able to change it all.

Xia Li was thinking, and there was another question, if he defeated Kaguya Otsutsuki, could he still go to see the Six Paths Sage?

After all, the power left by the Six Paths Sage was for future generations to seal Kaguya Otsutsuki, not for those who defeated Kaguya Otsutsuki...

Moreover, this power was originally reserved for the reincarnations of Ashura and Indra.

If Xia Li really went to see the Six Paths Sage again after the end, the other party probably wouldn't give him the power, and Xia Li obviously didn't want to see such a huge amount of chakra that had not been converted in the future world.

So, Xia Li felt his hesitation and laughed at himself. At this time, what was hesitating about?

Soon, without Black Zetsu feeling it at all, Xia Li handed over the control of his body to the secondary soul for the first time, and his main soul came to a quiet place with the help of Yin Dun.

Here, it seems that there is nothing, only chaos.

"You are here, Shendaochuan Xia Li." At this time, a voice sounded in Xia Li's ears.

"Well, long time no see, the legendary Six Paths Sage." Xia Li looked at the old man who suddenly appeared there, sitting cross-legged on the nine seeking jades and floating there.

"This is the first time I and you meet like this, right?" The Six Paths Sage opened his eyes at this moment and looked at Xia Li.

"No, when I was in Myoboku Mountain, although I was not awake at that time, I could feel that you had investigated me." Xia Li said so.

"Haha, it's really a keen perception." The Six Paths Sage looked at Xia Li, especially the mark on his forehead, and sighed a little.

Not only the Six Paths Sage, in fact, Xia Li also knew what this mark represented a long time ago.

In fact, there is nothing special, it is just a mark that appears after embarking on the natural way. If someone takes this path in the future, as long as the level is deep enough, this mark will also appear.

Even if eye shadow appears in the Sage Mode, the symbol of the Way of Nature is this mark called the ‘Mark of Nature’.

“When I saw you, I was just wondering that in such an era, there would be people who would take this path. I was a little curious, and I never thought that you would come to this point today.” The Six Paths Sage sighed.

“To be honest, I didn’t expect it myself.” Xia Li said.

“Hahahaha.” Facing Xia Li’s frankness, the Six Paths Sage also laughed a few times, and then said, “But it’s good this way. Your appearance may bring new possibilities to the ninja world, at least…”

The Six Paths Sage looked at the dark sky and said, “Your guess may be correct. In addition to my mother, there are other people who are spying on this world.”

The Six Paths Sage actually understood that the first chakra has an upper limit. Even if he distributed the chakra to all the humans in this world, he still didn’t think that any human could really surpass him.

In this case, it is indeed a bit difficult for the humans who take the first chakra in this world to resist the existence of his mother, but the appearance of Xia Li made him see other possibilities.

At this time, the Immortal of Six Paths was also glad that when his mother swallowed the fruit of the divine tree, the divine tree had not yet swallowed up all the natural energy in the world. Otherwise, whether it was the immortal mode or the natural path that Xia Li followed, The way will cease to exist.

Even without the immortal mode, it was unclear whether he could seal his mother at that time.

Now that Six Paths Immortal thinks of these things, he can only lament that this may be the world's last struggle to protect itself...

Immortal Six Paths came back to his senses, looked at Xia Li in front of him, and said, "Actually, I also know your purpose of coming this time, and it's not like I can't give you my power."

"But?" Xia Li was a little surprised. Are there still conditions?

"But I hope you can try not to use my power. You have your own path to follow, and don't give up on your own path at the last moment." The Immortal of Six Paths said seriously.

"It's natural. I never thought about using your power, it was just a guarantee." Xia Li said nonchalantly.

"That's right." Immortal Six Paths nodded with satisfaction, then thought for a while and said, "I have another request. If possible, can you share this power with the reincarnations of my two children? Now that we are here In this life, their grudges are finally over."

The Sage of Six Paths also smiled as he spoke. In fact, he had been paying attention to Naruto and Sasuke, and he was naturally aware of everything they had experienced.

The Six Paths Sage originally thought that even if the reincarnations of Asura and Indra Chakra of this generation were not like Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, they would still have to fight in the end to end it.

As a result, what the Sage of Six Paths didn't expect was that...the grudge was actually over after Sasuke understood his own path.

Because, after Sasuke found his true path, not only him, but also the chakra belonging to Indra who was reincarnated in him also knew his own path, so there was no need to fight Asura anymore.

In this process, the person who played the most critical role was naturally Xia Li. Immortal Six Paths looked at Xia Li with kindness in his eyes.

"Naruto and Sasuke?" Xia Li asked knowingly.

The Sage of Six Paths nodded and said, "Sasuke Uchiha has the reincarnation of the chakra of my eldest son Indra, while Naruto Uzumaki has the reincarnation of the chakra of my second son Asura."

Later, the Sage of Six Paths also told Xia Li his story. At that time, he chose Asura as the successor of the Ninja Sect and gave all his power to Asura.

But this time, the Sage of Six Paths wanted to divide his power into two and hand over the Yang Release to Uzumaki Naruto and the Yin Release to Uchiha Sasuke.

However, after hearing this, Xia Li shook his head and said, "I think it's better not to divide the Yin and Yang Dun, and just divide it equally between Naruto and Sasuke."

"Why?" asked the Immortal of Six Paths.

"Because if it is divided into Yin and Yang escapes, you can indeed create two strong men at the Sixth Path level in a short time with the power you have left, but when they exhaust your power, they will return to their own level again. Among them." Xia Li said.

"And, actually, I have no intention of letting Naruto and Sasuke fully accept your power. They also have their own paths to follow. For them, your power can only be regarded as a reference at best in my opinion."

"As a reference, if it is still divided into Yin Dun and Yang Dun, then there will be a fatal shortcoming. This is something I don't want to see."

"In this case, you have to think clearly. When my mother's tribe invades this world in the future, maybe the two of them cannot reach a higher level and cannot help you." The Immortal of Six Paths looked at Xia Li Li, he naturally understood that what Xia Li said was a better path for Naruto and Sasuke.

However, the Immortals of the Six Paths also understand the difficulty of this road. Even with their own strength as a reference, it is extremely difficult for them to grow to the level of the Six Paths. The greater possibility is to be trapped before the Six Paths all their lives. level.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. Rather, I still hope that they will come. If not, if I can defeat Kaguya Otsutsuki, then wouldn't my future life be too boring?" Xia Li said with a smile. .

"Yes." The Immortal of Six Paths looked at Xia Li and nodded after understanding the other person's thoughts.

In fact, the Immortal of Six Paths didn't think that those extraterrestrial visitors would really be stronger than his mother, and...

Even if he is stronger, Xia Li won't stand still when the time comes, right?

Immortal Six Paths looked at Xia Li and couldn't help but smile.

So, what's there to worry about?

Since Xia Li is willing to bear all this alone, then the Immortal of Six Paths has nothing to say.

I have to say that because the Sage of Six Paths paid too much attention to Naruto and Sasuke, he also trusted Xia Li more than ordinary people.

"In that case, then come forward." The Immortal of Six Paths said seriously.

Xia Li nodded and approached the Six Paths Immortal. He was not worried that the Six Paths Immortal would be detrimental to him, because he still had a backup plan, but the Six Paths Immortal did not have any.

Because even if it was the Six Paths Sage, he would not be able to exert much strength after losing his body, and he still had a body, so when the Six Paths Sage really wanted to take action, then Xia Li's secondary soul would control the body to let the Six Paths Sage understand what it meant to be arrogant with a body!

And in the final analysis, the Six Paths Sage had no reason to be against him.

So, when Xia Li approached, the Six Paths Sage looked at the boy in front of him who was also less than 18 years old. From the perspective of Naruto and Sasuke, he also knew Xia Li's growth along the way, and also understood how powerful this boy was.

Luck, thoughts, abilities and courage were all good, so it was perhaps inevitable that he could reach this step.

Although in his opinion, Xia Li was still a little behind him, that was in terms of comprehensive strength. Looking at the power of Yin Dun alone, Xia Li's Yin Dun was not even weaker than his.

So, continue to create your own story, boy!

The Six Paths Sage did not hesitate and put his palm together with Xia Li's palm.

In an instant, this dark world suddenly shone brightly due to the surge of power. It was the power of the Six Paths, and it was not just the power of the initial Six Paths.

The Six Paths Sage's strength was undoubtedly among the top of the Six Paths, so his inheritance was naturally very powerful.

Xia Li also felt the power of Yang and Yin escape from the Six Paths Sage at this time, and he was sighing in his heart. It was indeed worthy of the legendary Six Paths Sage. If he was still alive, it would probably be a difficult gap to cross.

However, according to the words of the Six Paths Sage, his power was not as good as that of Kaguya Otsutsuki, so... was he going to fight Kaguya Otsutsuki next?

The question came again. Xia Li seemed to remember that the Six Paths Sage in the original work said that the power of the Six Paths Madara had surpassed him...

However, this explanation is actually very simple. The Six Paths Madara who absorbed the sacred tree may really be only inferior to Kaguya Otsutsuki in terms of comprehensive attributes.

However, strength is not only about comprehensive attributes, but also about various abilities, such as ninjutsu, eye techniques, etc.

Although Six Paths Madara is already the best in the world, the time left for him to develop the Six Paths ability is actually very short, so the power he can exert is not too much.

But the Six Paths Naruto and Six Paths Sasuke in the original work are unreasonable. One is a pure attribute, but if it is only Six Paths Naruto, it would be fine, but there is also a Sasuke with very special abilities next to him, which makes up for the lack of Six Paths Naruto in this regard.

So, the suppression of Six Paths Madara by Six Paths Naruto and Six Paths Sasuke is unreasonable.

If it is just one of them, it is not easy to fight against Six Paths Madara, but the two of them together are absolutely suppressed!

It can only be said that Six Paths Madara's luck is really bad.

The inheritance of this power did not last too long.

Xia Li looked at the marks of the sun and the moon on the palms of his hands, feeling the majestic power of the Six Paths Sage.

The power of the Six Paths Sage-get! (End of this chapter)

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