Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 389 The Ultimate Secret of Space and Time VS the Expansion of the Dao-Seeking Jade!

Above the sky.

Xia Li, who seemed to be burning with blood-red flames, was standing there looking at the land in the space of the origin ball below.

Under the bombardment of the five evening elephants just now, the entire altitude of this piece of land has been bombarded to a very low level, and the soil has been pressed very solid by the air cannon.

And on this extremely solid land, there is a human-shaped pit, which is where Kaguya Otsutsuki fell after being hit.


Xia Li was also breathing deeply at this moment. The last death gate opened by the Eight Gates of Ninja is worthy of being a gate that burns life. Even Xia Li now feels a little overwhelmed.

However, compared with the power of the Eight Gates of Ninja, Xia Li feels that such consumption may be normal.

Because the power of the Eight Gates of Ninja after opening the eight gates to form the Eight Gates of Ninja has exceeded Xia Li's imagination, and it can actually beat Kaguya Otsutsuki without any power to fight back for a while.

Of course, Xia Li also clearly knew that the power of the Eight Gates of Dunjia formation is actually different for different people, or more precisely, different for the physical strength of the person using it.

For example, Might Guy could only use the fourth-speed Twilight Elephant even if he tried his best, but Might Guy could not only use the fifth-speed Twilight Elephant, but also go a step further and use his own ultimate secret technique - Night Guy.

Even if Might Guy used all his strength, he would not be able to use this move at the beginning.

Xia Li's situation is much better than Might Guy's, and his physical strength is definitely higher than Might Guy's.

It's not because Xia Li is more diligent in physical skills than Might Guy, nor is he more talented than Might Guy in this regard, but because after Xia Li completed the fusion of the three immortal modes in the dragon vein, his physical fitness has undergone another transformation.

Strength and recovery ability are bug-level if not compared with the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki. Unfortunately, after Xia Li broke through, he basically encountered all the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki, so his physical strength was not fully reflected.

In fact, after the breakthrough, Xia Li's physical strength has exceeded Might Guy's seven gates, but it is still not as good as Might Guy's eight gates. Of course... if it is compared with Might Guy's eight gates, it is more than enough.

Xia Li also sighed a little. It's not that he didn't practice physical skills, but he was not as desperate as Might Guy. Every time he practiced to the limit that his body could bear, he would stop.

Might Guy and Xiao Li obviously practiced too much. Although they can exchange for a higher level, the time they can stay at the peak is greatly shortened.

So, if it weren't for several transformations, his physical strength might not be as good as Xiao Li, but two transformations allowed him to surpass directly.

This is not cheating, because this is Xia Li's talent. He just practiced successfully. If someone can replicate Xia Li's path, they can also have the same physical strength as Xia Li.

But even with this bug-level physical strength, it is still very difficult for Xia Li to bear the Eight Gates Formation.

This is because the strength of the Eight Gates is unlimited. The stronger his body is, the more powerful the Eight Gates will be. The more powerful the Eight Gates will be, the stronger the body's endurance will be...

The result of this repeated improvement is that no matter what level of existence, it is impossible to use the Eight Gates!

"After this battle, I can send Xiao Li and Might Guy to the super gravity space to practice..." Xia Li had an idea in his mind at this moment.

At this point, whether it is him, Xiao Li or Might Guy, it is actually very difficult for them to practice physical skills to achieve the effect of training, and the super gravity space can obviously compress this time.

As for how to get here, he can feel the Flying Thunder God mark in the original world here, so he can definitely feel these spaces in Tianzhiyu in the original world.

It can be said that except for the acid sea space, all other spaces are engraved with the Flying Thunder God mark by Xia Li.

Xia Li was thinking, but the blood-red aura around his body became stronger and stronger. He was also preparing for the next move. Due to the consumption of the Eight Gates Formation, he had no time to waste on thinking.

At this moment, in Xia Li's eyes, countless spatial fluctuations had already emerged, and he could clearly feel that in the state of the Eight Gates Formation, if he went all out, his fist could even break the space!

Just like now...

Xia Li smiled, and with a punch, a stream of energy broke through the air and smashed into the human-shaped pit below.

At this time, Kaguya Otsutsuki was already very embarrassed, and her clothes also had many traces of being torn. At this time, she no longer had the invincible momentum when she first came out.

Moreover, Kaguya Otsutsuki no longer had the idea of ​​continuing to fight. A black space hole appeared above her, and she wanted to avoid Xia Li by constantly shuttling through the space hole.

Because, just like what Black Zetsu said, the opponent will die after the Eight Gates of the Ninjutsu ends, so there is no need for her to stay here.

This... is definitely not escaping or running away!

Kaguya Otsutsuki coughed up blood again at this moment, and her body wanted to go up through the space hole.

However, the next moment, Kaguya Otsutsuki's eyes widened, because the black space hole was shattered in front of her eyes, and it was only a qi that destroyed the space hole.

Kaguya Otsutsuki looked at Xia Li who was swinging a punch above her. At this moment, she also understood that she had been completely locked in. Even if she wanted to use Yomi Hirasaka, she would be directly defeated.

Moreover, she could feel that Xia Li's momentum was getting stronger and stronger. The opponent... was obviously gathering some terrifying moves.

"Are there actually... a higher level of attack?"

Kaguya Otsutsuki's voice became a little bitter. At this moment, even her dog-headed military advisor Black Zetsu was a little silent. The best way he could think of was to escape.

However, if you want to escape, you must use Yomi Hirasaka. However, the scene just now told them that Xia Li did not give them the possibility of using Yomi Hirasaka to escape.

"Why can humans create such a powerful ninjutsu?" Kaguya Otsutsuki's voice carried a strong sense of confusion. She also knew that she could not escape and could only fly out of this pit.

Xia Li seemed to have heard this question, and smiled, saying, "Because, the humans in this world definitely have too many shortcomings compared to you. They can't compare with you in terms of physical strength, mental strength, and ability, but there is one thing... that is the same or even better."

"What is it?" Kaguya Otsutsuki looked at Xia Li and asked.

"That is... creativity!" Xia Li said in a hard voice.

There are too many types of ninjutsu in this world, and there are many of them that exceed the abilities of the Otsutsuki clan. Xia Li also believes that if it weren't for the limited height that the humans in this world can reach, they can definitely create many ninjutsu that will make the Otsutsuki clan stunned and willing to bow down.

And even if the height is limited, they have created too many useful ninjutsu, such as Shadow Clone, Flying Thunder God and Eight Gates Ninjutsu, etc.

Flying Thunder God may not be as good as Yomi Hirasaka, Kamui or Tenshou in many aspects, but it has a very special advantage, that is, it consumes less and can be cast instantly!

Of course, the Sky Hand Force can also be used instantly, but its consumption... those who understand it will understand.

Of course, the limitation of Flying Thunder God is that in this level of battle, it is basically impossible to throw Flying Thunder God Kunai to the enemy's side. It can only be thrown at various positions on the ground to avoid use.

"Creativity?" Kaguya Otsutsuki murmured this word. Her abilities are almost innate, so she is very unfamiliar with this word.

Xia Li didn't say anything more. All his preparations have been completed. The blood-red flame on his body seems to have permeated the entire space at this moment.

At this time, what emerged in his mind was the final ultimate move of Night Guy used by Might Guy in the original work. Xia Li can definitely replicate it now.


"A space ninja should look like a space ninja." Xia Li murmured, his eyes fixed on Kaguya Otsutsuki, and the endless power of time and space permeated in front of his eyes.


Suddenly, Xia Li snapped his fingers, and the next moment, countless space-time forces seemed to boil, distorting the surroundings of Xia Li and Kaguya Otsutsuki.

"This is..." Kaguya Otsutsuki looked at the distorted space around her, and she subconsciously used Yomi Hirasaka, but the black space hole was swallowed by the distorted space around her as soon as it appeared, and it was directly distorted and decomposed.

"The space here has been locked, come on, take my last move head-on." Xia Li's calm voice resounded in Kaguya Otsutsuki's ears.

At this time, Kaguya Otsutsuki's last hope of escape was gone, and she could only take the next move head-on, and go head-on!

Kaguya Otsutsuki gritted her teeth at this moment, and then her body suddenly swelled up.

"Mom, do you want to use that move?" Black Zetsu was first shocked by Kaguya Otsutsuki's change, and then he reacted. If it was this move, maybe it could be used...

Soon, in front of Xia Li, Kaguya Otsutsuki's body expanded directly into its original appearance, a huge white sphere, on which there were still the struggling figures of the nine tailed beasts and a rabbit head with a blood-colored nine-magatama Samsara Sharingan.

Then, the skin on the surface of this huge white sphere seemed to fade quickly, and a huge black sphere emerged from the middle.

After forming the black sphere that was still expanding, Kaguya Otsutsuki's figure emerged again, looking at Xia Li above.

"Shinto River Xia Li, the power of the nine tailed beasts has stabilized. This is Mom's Seeking Truth Jade, the expanding Seeking Truth Jade that concentrates all the properties of wind, fire, earth, water, thunder, yin and yang! A brand new space is about to be built!" Black Zetsu smiled and shouted.

"Shinto Chuan Xia Li, no matter how strong your creativity is, it is useless in front of absolute power!!!"

As if the expansion seeking jade gave Black Zetsu courage, he shouted loudly at this moment.

However, Xia Li only glanced at Black Zetsu, and then set his sights on the expansion seeking jade. In fact, he had no way to prevent the appearance of this expansion seeking jade.

His final secret has not been fully condensed. If he uses it in advance and fails to kill or defeat Kaguya Otsutsuki, then he will be in danger, because he probably won't be able to use the final secret again!

Moreover, Xia Li looked at the Expanding Truth-Seeking Jade. This thing is actually the same as the ordinary Truth-Seeking Jade, but if you want to use this level of Expanding Truth-Seeking Jade, you must have the Bloodline Net.

It's not that Xia Li can't use the Expanding Truth-Seeking Jade now, but it's impossible to use it so much, because Kaguya Otsutsuki's Expanding Truth-Seeking Jade condenses the chakra of a world, how can his chakra be compared with it.

What's more, Xia Li didn't think of using the Expanding Truth-Seeking Jade to collide with it.

At this moment, Xia Li has concentrated all his strength on his legs. At this time, Xia Li also feels that his leg bones seem to be crying, telling his dissatisfaction and pain.

However, Xia Li didn't respond, because the next... maybe it's the last blow!

Xia Li took a deep breath at this moment, and then suddenly opened his eyes wide, and countless spaces rushed towards Xia Li's body like turbulence, wrapping around Xia Li and condensing.

It is not difficult to imagine that if someone dared to approach Xia Li at this moment, he would definitely be shattered by this spatial turbulence, even if he was a six-path-level existence!

Then, in the eyes of Kaguya Otsutsuki and Black Zetsu, this piece of space seemed to be completely emptied and completely locked...

As far as they could see, there was only the place where Xia Li was, like the scorching sun in the spatial turbulence, and finally formed a giant dragon that was not inferior to the size of the expansion seeking jade, which was composed of the power of the blood-red Eight Gates Ninja Array and the white space power and roared there!

Xia Li's eyes had already been staring at Kaguya Otsutsuki and Black Zetsu. Kaguya Otsutsuki was also shocked at this time, and his body immediately merged into the expansion seeking jade, and he quickly went to the other side of the expansion seeking jade, wanting the expansion seeking jade to hit Xia Li's next move.

Xia Li didn't care. At this moment, his body seemed to be collapsing, and blood was flowing, and this blood evaporated at a very fast speed and merged into the body of the dragon.

Then, Xia Li stepped into the air, and actually broke the space directly, rushing towards the expanding Dao-seeking Jade, and the blood-colored and white space-time dragon also rushed towards the expanding Dao-seeking Jade with Xia Li.

In this process, wherever Xia Li went, the space could no longer withstand the power of time and space, and it was constantly twisted and broken, and those broken space-time fragments once again merged into the space-time dragon.

Making the dragon's figure more ferocious and huge!

Finally, Xia Li took the last step, from top to bottom, kicking towards the expanding Dao-seeking Jade in a knight's kicking posture, and the space-time dragon also opened its huge mouth at this moment, and roared and rushed down without fear as Xia Li kicked down.

"The ultimate mystery of space-time - eternal silence!"

In this space where Xia Li had already drained all the power of space-time, under this white dragon, the enemy will surely be greeted by eternal annihilation! (End of this chapter)

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