Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 425: All Bankai are gone!

"It's been a long time since anyone pointed a Zanpakutō at me..." Unohana said as she looked at the Zanpakutō in front of her that was longer than an ordinary shallow strike.

"Oh? Now we have it." Xia Li said casually.

"Now that I have taken back my Zanpakutō, I can still pretend that nothing happened." Unohana's tone became slightly more dangerous, and her eyes became a bit gloomy.

"Well, now that I have issued a challenge, I will not stop." Xia Li felt the attitude of Mao Zhihua and said a little seriously.

"Humph..." Uozhihua suddenly laughed, with a slightly crazy tone, completely different from her usual gentle appearance, and said with an extremely dangerous tone, "Let me say it first In a word, if you can't satisfy me, you will die."

"Huh?" Xia Li's eyes showed a hint of amusement, and then she said, "Don't worry, you will be satisfied."

"Well, come with me." Uozhihua changed her usual gentle and virtuous attitude and said sharply, and then she took steps towards the venue where the next fight would take place.

Xia Li looked at Mao Zhihua's back, showed a smile, and followed her.

Then, on the way there, they also met some Shinigami. They originally wanted to say hello to Unohana, but after seeing Unohana's eyes, they were frightened and froze in place, unable to move.

It is conceivable that after today, there will probably be another version of the rumors about the Flower of Uzumaki.

After a long time, Mao Zhihua brought Xia Li to a place.

"This is the Zhenyang Underground Prison?" Xia Li was a little confused. It was just a battle. What were you doing here?

But Uozhihua didn't answer and walked directly in, and the guards didn't seem to mean to stop her.

Xia Li was a little strange but still followed. In the end, Xia Li followed Mao Zhihua directly to the eighth floor underground.

The most ferocious enemies were locked up here, but Uzhihua obviously did not have the key to unlock those locks, and Uzhihua finally stayed under a very huge space.

"This place should be called Wujian, right? I didn't expect that there would be such a large open space." Xia Li looked at the endless open space and was a little surprised.

Uzhihua had turned around at this time, and the braid that was originally tied to her chest had been untied and now hung loosely on her back.

When Xia Li looked at Mao Zhihua's chest, her eyes shrank because there was an unusually hideous scar there.

Maozhihua stroked the scar and said, "This is the scar he left on me at that time. It's a pity..."

Uzhihua did not continue speaking, as if she was lost in memories.

Soon, Unohana spoke again and said, "If my vice-captain dies here, no one will find out."

With that said, Unohana finally pulled out her Zanpakuto, which was also a sword similar to Asata.

Xia Li has seen Mao Zhihua's Shijie, which is a biological type with healing ability and no fighting ability, so the one Mao Zhihua holds is a real shallow attack.

"Don't worry, you can't kill me." Xia Li said casually, and then asked, "I remember that one of the basic requirements for becoming a captain is to know the swastika, right? So you don't use the swastika?"

"Then it depends on whether you are qualified to let me use Uzuki!" Uzuki said, holding the hilt of the sword.

"This won't take long."

Xia Li also held the hilt of the sword tightly. There was no referee or witness in this battle, and no one would announce the start of the battle for them.

However, at a certain moment, the two figures rushed towards each other at the same time, waving the swords in their hands, and collided.

Bang! !

It was just the first collision, and Xia Li and Mao Zhihua smiled at the same time.

Because just this sword can determine the opponent's level, and this kind of slashing is called combat.

The spiritual pressure, the strength, the angle of swinging the sword...

This kind of hacking is fun!

The two of them had a tacit understanding not to use any skills, as if they were two primitive people who only knew how to slash at each other with a weapon.

However, if we really want to regard them as primitive people, then the swords in their hands are absolutely sharp, and each sword can kill anyone who has no idea of ​​their own strength.

The two people's swords collided countless times, and finally dispersed after one collision.

"You're not bad." Xia Li said with happiness from the bottom of her heart.

Uzhihua also looked at her sword a little blankly, and then suddenly a beautiful and weird smile appeared on her face, and she said 'gently'.

"You're not bad either."

Uzhihua did not expect that in this world, besides that man, there was a second person who could please her.

It's... awesome!

Although she appeared a little late, as long as she is still alive, she can still wield the sword and fight with him...

Then it's not too late!

No matter how many years she waits for such an opponent... it will be worth it!

"Aren't you going to use the Uzumaki yet?" Xia Li asked softly. He was also excited, but he wanted to watch the Uzumaki flower become stronger, so cutting it like this... would be more interesting!

"Haha, didn't you use any ability? You didn't even use your real power." Maozhihua said.

"Good eyesight." Xia Li nodded. After all, the opponent's Shijie did not add combat power, so Xia Li did not use Ming Jing Zhishui's power and only relied on his own strength to fight.

"So, use more power to please me! If it can make me happy, swastika is also possible!" Maozhihua said loudly, holding up the sword.

"Then, be careful." Xia Li warned, which made Mao Zhihua extremely excited... and at the same time extremely wary.

The battle with Xia Li kept her distracted, but this state was what she had been pursuing!

At this moment, the sound of thunder seemed to come from Xia Li's sword.

"The pattern of one - a flash of thunder."

The next moment, Xia Li's figure suddenly disappeared, and what was left was endless thunder and lightning flashing around, and rushing towards Maozhihua at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

Uzhihua squinted her eyes and looked at the flashing thunder and lightning in front of her. This was a sword without any flashiness. Although it was accompanied by thunder and lightning, its essence was the most extreme speed and the most precise slashing.

However, trying to defeat her with this kind of slash is tantamount to... a fool's errand.

The moment Mao Zhihua held the sword with both hands and was about to strike down Xia Li's sword, Xia Li's figure suddenly disappeared.

Uzhihua was also a little sluggish at this moment. How could anyone be able to change direction directly at such extreme speed?

Uozhihua looked around at the constant sounds of footsteps trampling on the land, the walls above, and the trees...

In the end, these footsteps and thunder were mixed together, and they seemed to sound from all directions at the same time.

This made Mao Zhihua unable to determine the direction in which Xia Li was, and this also made Mao Zhihua feel a sense of crisis in her heart. She lost the opponent's exact position during the battle. What does this mean... It goes without saying. Metaphor.


A roar suddenly sounded, and the fastest thunder and lightning strike so far came towards Uzuki Flower.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it is also the best opportunity that Xia Li has found after searching for so long.


Blood sprayed in the sky, but there was also the sound of the clash of swords.

Xia Li looked at Ming Jing Zhishui who was finally stopped by Uozhihua's sword, and was a little surprised that he could react at the last moment.

Then Xia Li also showed excitement on his face. This is what is called fighting. If Mao Zhihua was defeated by the sword just now, he would be very bored.

"I caught you!" Mao Zhihua looked at Xia Li and smiled dangerously. She would not let Xia Li distance herself again to use the extreme speed that she could not solve.

The next moment, the two swords separated, Mao Zhihua waved his sword and slashed straight towards Xia Li. The sword light poured towards Xia Li as if it was airtight, not only stabbing Xia Li, but also blocking Xia Li. direction of departure.

Unfortunately, Xia Li had no intention of leaving. The sword he was staring at Maozhihua clearly only had one sword, but he swung out several sword shadows.

Xia Li held the sword in both hands and took a deep breath. Then the Ming Jing Zhishui in his hand turned into several sword shadows and kept colliding with Uozhihua's sword.

Perhaps, they thought together that the moment they got close was the best time to swing the sword. If anyone couldn't react, a merciless attack would be waiting for him.

"The second type - the eighth crown!"

If the first type is the most extreme speed and the most precise slashing to seize the opportunity, then the second type is the sword type that maximizes the speed of swinging the sword.

It is also the most suitable sword type under such conditions.

Xia Li's sword and Mao Zhihua's sword had collided countless times at this moment, but no one could do anything to the other.

When it comes to skills, Mao Zhihua is indeed better. After all, Xia Li's sword swinging time is still too short, but there is one thing that Xia Li is stronger than Mao Zhihua, and that is the speed of swinging the sword!

Therefore, under the ebb and flow of one and the other, the two swords continued to collide. Even though Mao Zhihua discovered the vacancy in Xia Li's sword shape, she had no way to use it, because as long as she dared to use this vacancy, her own Swords can also develop holes.

Mao Zhihua believes that Xia Li will not miss such an opportunity. Maybe she will be the one who gets chopped first in the end...

The figures of the two are constantly intertwining, and their spirits are tense at this moment.

Under this extreme confrontation, as long as one party's spirit slows down a little, inevitable mistakes will occur!

The swords of the two people turned into the most dangerous weapons, and they were competing!

This time the attack lasted for a long time, and during this period, neither of them made any mistakes.


Xia Li couldn't help shouting, and then poured more strength into it, and collided with Mao Zhihua's sword again, and the two finally separated through this collision.

"You are very powerful." Maozhihua did not expect that Xia Li would be so strong, and she did not want to think about why Xia Li was so strong not long after she came to Soul Society. She only knew that she was very happy now.

And this is enough!

Xia Li also smiled. His most enjoyable game so far was undoubtedly the final battle with Naruto, and now he was facing Death, even though he couldn't fight with what he was best at.

However, the pleasure of sword fighting is enough.

Just like that, Xia Li was already sure that her coming to this world was not in vain!

The next moment, Xia Li's figure disappeared from Mao Zhihua's eyes again.

"Not good!" Mao Zhihua said secretly, and then saw the sword light falling like a tide above.

"Three Types - Wild Rain Slash!"

If Xia Li used the Wild Rain Slash at the graduation party, the sword light turned into just light rain, then what fell towards the Maozhihua at this time was undoubtedly a heavy rain, and it was a heavy rain that could bring about waterlogging!

"Binding Dao - Duan Kong!"

A huge defensive wall appeared above Maozhihua. Even she couldn't ignore the Wild Rain Slash. If it was just the light rain before, then she only needed to swing her sword to resist it.

However, Xia Li obviously did not use all his strength at that time. At this moment, is the real power of Huangyu Zhan!

It is never against a group, but is the most extreme sword type against a small range. When this range expands, the amount of rain will decrease and the power will also decrease.

Of course, even if the power is reduced, it is not a sword type that an ordinary god of death can resist.

Soon, the bound path where the Mao Zhihua had no time to sing the chant was penetrated by the downpour like a flood, and then it fell towards the Mao Zhihua like the Milky Way falling from the sky.

"It's really... amazing!" Maozhihua sighed. At this moment, her spiritual pressure suddenly increased, and the sword in her hand turned into countless sword shadows, as if she had cut out the entire falling Milky Way. Kouzi.

However, Maozhihua's sword still did not reach the point of completely erasing the sword light. The sword light was like rain... all-pervasive.

In the end, there were still a few rays of sword light that passed through Mao Zhihua's sword and dripped on Mao Zhihua's body.

In just an instant, several scars appeared on Uozhihua's body, and blood dyed Uozhihua's clothes red.

This 'rain' finally dispersed.

Xia Li looked at the Mao Zhihua and asked, "Aren't you still using the Maojie? If you don't use it, you will have no chance."

Feeling the pain coming from her body, Uzhihua couldn't help laughing loudly, and then said, "I didn't expect that one day I would be forced to this step, and I also didn't expect that I would use it on another person. Swastika!”

Xia Li held Mingjing Shisui and looked at Uozhihua with respect in his eyes. If it was just a swordsmanship competition, he actually lost, but he won because his basic attributes were better than Uozuka. few.

This attribute is enough to make up for the gap in their swordsmanship, and even more!

Uzhihua looked at Xia Li with a smile on her face. She saw her holding the hilt of the sword with one hand, holding her Zanpakutō horizontally, and placing her other hand on the front of the blade.

The next moment, that hand held the blade of the sword, and the blood slowly wrapped the Zanpakutō. Then Unohana's hand traced along the blade to the end, and her blood also wrapped the entire Zanpakutō. .

Moreover, the appearance of Unohana's Zanpakutō seemed to have changed at this moment. It was a blood-stained scimitar.

In an instant, Xia Li felt that everything in front of her was changing, and a cold voice came from Xia Li's ears.

"Swastika - all gone!!" (End of this chapter)

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