Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 428: Challenge the Eleventh Division!

Originally, Shiba Tou's matter did not attract too much attention from Xia Li.

After all, Xia Li and Shiba Tou only met once, and their relationship was not that close.

Even if there was a problem with the Hollow in Shiba Tou's body, it would be handled by the captain of the 13th Division, Ukitake Jushiro, and Xia Li would not be found.

Xia Li was not wrong. The fact that Shiba Tou had a Hollow in his body also caused some turmoil in the Gotei 13.

Some people believed that since Shiba Tou had been devoured by the Hollow, there was no need to treat him, so it would be better to kill him immediately to eliminate the trouble.

Of course, this statement was also strongly opposed by another group of people.

For example, the captain of the 13th Division, Ukitake Jushiro, and the captain of the 12th Division, Kurotsuchi Mayuri.

Ukitake Jushiro was easy to understand. Kurotsuchi Mayuri refused so harshly because Shiba Tou's situation was very rare. How could Kurotsuchi Mayuri allow such a research subject to die like this?

So, the two sides started arguing.

In the end, it was Ukitake Jushiro who guaranteed his life to let the matter pass.

Originally, things were normal up to this point, after all, it is very normal to have different voices in an organization.

However, the abnormal thing is...

Not long after that, Shiba Tou strangely became a vegetable, and was chopped by the Death God of the 12th Division. The opponent's sword directly killed the hollow in Shiba Tou's body.

If there were not so many people paying attention to Shiba Tou, Shiba Tou would probably die on the spot, but even so, the spirits that were devoured could not come back with the death of the hollow.

So, Shiba Tou became a vegetable, and the possibility of regaining consciousness was very small.

For this matter, the captain of the 12th Division, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, was furious and interrogated the unknown person in the most cruel way.

However, no matter how he interrogated, the answers he got were very strange.

The other party said that he just found a hollow that broke into the 12th Division, and then he chased the hollow all the way and finally killed it.

But not long after, he was captured, and then the Hollow in front of him became Shiba Tou...

Such words obviously could not satisfy Kurotsuchi Mayuri, nor could they be recognized by the 13th Division, so for a while, the atmosphere between the 13th Division and the 12th Division was a bit tense when they met.

After hearing about this, Xia Li felt a little sorry for Shiba Tou.

After understanding the course of events, Xia Li frowned, because there were many things in this matter that were unclear.

Even if it was for his own experiment, Kurotsuchi Mayuri could not have a reason to kill Shiba Tou, not to mention that in such a short time, Kurotsuchi Mayuri probably did not even collect all the information about Shiba Tou.

So, there was indeed something wrong with the Shinigami of the 12th Division, and the reasons given by the other party were completely untenable and full of loopholes.

But, what if what the other party said was true?

What happened in the eyes of the Shinigami was exactly as he said.

Xia Li looked at the sky, and kept recalling the plot of the Shinigami in his mind. Although the memory was a little scattered, Xia Li still knew that Aizen could create hollows and had an illusion of Zanpakuto.

At first, Xia Li couldn't connect this matter with Aizen, but after knowing these, Xia Li was almost sure that this matter was related to Aizen.

That Hollow might be a special product created by Aizen. If Xia Li hadn't participated, this Hollow would only control Shiba's body and would definitely die in the end.

But with Xia Li's participation, the Hollow was not able to directly devour Shiba's spirit or control Shiba's body, but was sent to the 12th Division in the name of research.

So, it is estimated that Aizen also had a headache. If this Hollow was researched, it would be troublesome, so he could only ignore the rationality and let a Death God of the 12th Division kill the Hollow in Shiba's body.

Perhaps compared to this matter, it is more troublesome for the 12th Division to research that there is a problem with the Hollow.

However, Xia Li remembered that in the previous debate, Aizen seemed to stand on the side of the 13th Division and was one of the few captains who disagreed with the direct execution of Shiba.

"This damn character setting." Xia Li couldn't help but laugh. It was probably that Aizen had a headache at the time, thinking about how to kill Shibato, and on the surface he had to stop all this for the sake of the character setting.

"What is Aizen's purpose?" Xia Li murmured. He really couldn't remember Aizen's ultimate goal.

In fact, even if Xia Li didn't forget, it would probably be a bit difficult to understand Aizen's ultimate goal. After all, Aizen's purpose in the original work was a bit vague. Perhaps only when Aizen really achieved it would he know. Unfortunately, as the enemy of the protagonist, his goal is obviously difficult to achieve.

Xia Li stretched his waist, stopped thinking about it, and walked towards the 11th Division.

Today, he was going to the 11th Division to find Kenpachi Zaraki to try his sword, and to see what level Kenpachi Zaraki, who was so optimistic about Unohana, was.

Soon, Xia Li came to the 11th Division.

When the people in the 11th Division saw Xia Li, they were like mice seeing a cat. They were all trembling with fear, thinking that Xia Li came to stand up for the people in the 4th Division again.

After all, in the past, the people in the 11th Division had the worst personalities and bullied the people in the 4th Division the most.

However, soon, someone reacted.

This is the 11th Division, and they also have their own captain to support them!

"Xia Li? Why are you here?" Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded.

Xia Li looked in the direction of the voice and saw Abarai Renji with sweat on his forehead. It seemed that the other party had just finished practicing the slashing technique.

"Renji? When did you transfer to the 11th Division?" Xia Li remembered that Renji was not accepted by Aizen to the 5th Division?

"Hey, don't mention it." Renji waved his hand and said, "Captain Aizen said that I am more suitable for a combat division, so he sent me to the 11th Division in the second year. However, to be honest, it is indeed more comfortable in the 11th Division than in the 5th Division."

Xia Li nodded, then looked at Renji, thinking that you seem to have to follow Kuchiki Byakuya in the future, so it is highly likely that you will not stay in the 11th Division forever.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Xia Li asked.

"You are already the vice-captain, how can I look for you?" Lianci curled his lips and looked at Xia Li with envy. Although he was only the vice-captain of the medical team, he had gone from ordinary to vice-captain in such a short time...

No, that's not right. Lianci was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that Xia Li had been the third seat when he just joined the team, and then he was promoted to vice-captain.

Sure enough, people can't compare with each other!

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Even if I become the captain in the future, I will still be me." Xia Li said casually.

"Hehe, that's what you said!" Lianci smiled. He must believe that with Xia Li's talent, he can definitely become the captain.

"By the way, why are you coming to the 11th Division..." Lianci wanted to ask Xia Li about the purpose of coming here, but at this time, a voice of picking faults sounded.

"Hey, isn't this the vice-captain of the 4th Division, Shendaochuan Xia Li?"

Then, I saw a bald man coming here with a smile. He received a report from the death god of the 11th Division, saying that the vice-captain of the 4th Division came to challenge.

Suddenly, Ikkaku Madarame was unhappy. In the past, it was indeed their 11th Division that was wrong, and he couldn't say much, but this time you came to challenge them, which was definitely unreasonable.

"Who are you?" Xia Li raised his eyebrows, and also felt that the other party was not friendly.

"Ikkaku Madarame, the third seat of the 11th Division!" Ikkaku Madarame replied.

"Third seat?" Xia Li nodded. He had also heard that the 11th Division was a bit strange. First of all, Kenpachi Zaraki was the only captain among so many captains who didn't know Bankai. Of course, his strength was unquestionable.

Moreover, the vice-captain of the 11th Division was a bit special, so the third seat could generally be regarded as the vice-captain of the 11th Division...

"This time, our people didn't bully the people of the 4th Division?" Ikkaku Madarame asked.

"No." Xia Li was a little puzzled.

"So, are you really here to challenge them?!" Ikkaku Madarame suddenly opened his eyes wide and said fiercely.

"..." Xia Li was a little speechless, then he looked around at the people of the 11th Division, and probably understood that he was probably not welcome here, so it was estimated that after he came, some people started to exaggerate.

However, Xia Li was originally looking for the captain of the other side to fight, so if you insist on saying that he was challenging him, it would be reasonable.

"No, no..." Lianci next to him opened his eyes wide and hurriedly tried to help Xia Li explain.

"Yes, I am here to challenge him." However, at this time, Xia Li said directly.

Suddenly, Lianci was stunned, and then looked at Xia Li as if he was looking at an alien, and finally gave up on himself. Forget it, he didn't care.

"Huh, straightforward, then we will go over there." A corner of Madarame showed a smile.

"But, I am here to find your captain." Xia Li raised his eyebrows and said.

Suddenly, a cross appeared on Madarame Ikkaku's forehead, and he yelled, "You guy, do you look down on me!"

"Well, a plate of appetizers before the meal seems to be good." Xia Li said after thinking for a while.

"Hmph! I want to see how strong you are. It will be embarrassing if you are defeated by my "appetizers"!" Madarame Ikkaku was completely angry and pointed his Zanpakutō at Xia Li.

"Don't worry, you can't do it with your strength." Xia Li continued to provoke, and then he also grasped the handle of his Zanpakutō.

The next moment, Madarame Ikkaku attacked directly with anger.

However, facing Madarame Ikkaku's attack, Xia Li seemed to be idle and casually dealt with Madarame Ikkaku's attack.

But, even so, Madarame Ikkaku couldn't break through Xia Li's sword, let alone hurt Xia Li.

"Not bad." Xia Li said after repelling Madarame Ikkaku.

However, Xia Li's words sounded more like sarcasm to Ikkaku Madarame. His attack just now did not make the opponent take it seriously at all, and he did not even take a step back, but the opponent said it was good?

What else could this be but a mockery? !

"Then you have to be careful!" Ikkaku Madarame gritted his teeth, then he tightened his grip on the hilt and roared, "Stretch it out! Kizumaru!"

Then, the Zanpakutō turned into a spear, and the spiritual pressure on Ikkaku Madarame also rose to a higher level.

Xia Li looked at this scene and did not say much, but the spiritual pressure on his body also simulated Ikkaku Madarame at this moment and reached the same level.

"Aren't you going to perform the Shikai?" Ikkaku Madarame stared at Xia Li and asked, he did not believe that Xia Li had not yet asked me to perform the Shikai.

"This is my Shikai." Xia Li looked at Ming Jing Shisui. Although he did not use the ability of Shikai, the sword body was indeed the sword body after his Shikai.

"In that case, you have to be careful!"

As he said that, Madarame Ikkaku swung the spear and stabbed Xia Li. In Xia Li's eyes, the spear seemed to have turned into several spear shadows that stabbed him continuously.

However, this speed was not worth mentioning for Xia Li.

After Xia Li swung his sword and touched the first spear, he drew a circle and blocked Madarame Ikkaku's attack, easily and freely.

"Break it! Kizumaru!"

However, at this time, Madarame Ikkaku roared again, and with Madarame Ikkaku's roar, the spear turned into a three-section staff, and two of the ends instantly swung towards Xia Li.


Xia Li was a little surprised. The next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared in front of Madarame Ikkaku and retreated to the distance.

"Not bad." Xia Li praised. In fact, even if he didn't dodge with instant steps, Xia Li was able to block Madarame Ikkaku's surprise attack, but the speed he used was definitely beyond the limited range, which was a bit of bullying Madarame Ikkaku.

"But it still didn't hit you." Madarame Ikkaku looked at Xia Li and laughed. At this time, he had forgotten all the previous unhappiness.

He felt Xia Li's strength, perhaps far beyond him, but it didn't matter. Fighting never loses its fun because of facing a strong person, and it is impossible to surrender directly because of this!

On the contrary, the more pressure he felt, the more Madarame Ikkaku felt... excited!

At this time, a figure slowly walked over here. When the death god next to him saw this figure, he couldn't help but give up his position, because he was the captain of the 11th Division, Kenpachi Zaraki.

Kenpachi Zaraki stood there and looked at the two people in the field. He didn't disturb them directly, but looking at his excited expression, he knew that he couldn't wait and wanted to fight.

"It seems that the captain can't wait any longer, so let's decide the outcome with one strike." Ikkaku Madarame also noticed the arrival of Kenpachi Zaraki and said immediately.

"Hmm? You haven't used your full strength yet, have you?" Xia Li frowned at Ikkaku Madarame, as the opponent's spiritual pressure could obviously be higher.

Ikkaku Madarame didn't say anything, nor did he think of releasing further strength.

"Although I don't know why you don't want to use stronger power, it would be a bit stupid to lose the battle because of this." Xia Li said, and he didn't force the opponent anymore.

Then, Xia Li gently raised the Mingjing Shisui, which seemed to have a thunderous sound at this moment.

"Go, Kizumaru!" At this time, Ikkaku Madarame also used his greatest strength and stabbed Xia Li with a shot.

However, he only heard the sound of thunder and lightning in his ears, and then Xia Li's figure disappeared from Ikkaku Madarame's sight. When he appeared again, Ikkaku Madarame had already seen his broken spear and the strange Zanpakutō on his neck.

"The first form - Thunderbolt Flash!"

At this time, Ikkaku Madarame was very clear about Xia Li's voice. This was a sword without any fancy moves but extremely sharp.

"I lost." Ikkaku Madarame said with mixed feelings, but there was nothing wrong with admitting that he lost the battle convincingly.

"You have to be careful, our captain... is not that easy to deal with." Ikkaku Madarame reminded at this time.

"Of course I know." Xia Li turned around and looked at the figure who was walking towards him like a demon with a strong fighting spirit, and said with a smile. (End of this chapter)

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