Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 44 Fireworks, Psychicism and Targets

Xia Li and Ino walked side by side on the road.

"It turns out to be Xia Li. I almost didn't recognize you at first." Ino said and stole a glance at Xia Li. Xia Li must have worn clothes specially for the New Year today. He looked much more handsome than usual.

"Well, didn't I recognize him after all?" Xia Li was a little helpless.

Although he agreed to Sina, he actually didn't have any thoughts about Ino. As I said before, the other party was too young. If Xia Li had any thoughts about that, he would feel guilty.

"Do you want to play or eat anything?" Xia Li asked.

"Well, that." After hearing this, Ino pointed to the takoyaki over there. She wanted to eat it originally, but unfortunately her family didn't let her. At this time, after Xia Li asked, she said it directly and looked at Xia Li with some expectation.

"Then you wait here, I'll go buy it for you." Xia Li looked at the stalls with a long line, and said that he walked to the end of the line.

Ino found a stool and sat down, then put her hands on her chin and looked at Xia Li in line, with a smile on her face.

It turns out that Xia Li is so handsome after dressing up, and he is so outstanding. The most important thing is that he usually doesn't pay much attention to other girls, only to himself, right?

The girl fell into a wonderful fantasy, and her face turned red.

If Xia Li knew Ino's thoughts, he would tell her that she was overthinking. If he hadn't met her when buying flowers before, he would probably treat Ino like other classmates.

However, since they all know each other, it is really not appropriate to ignore her. In fact, Xia Li didn't make any special arrangements. He usually pays attention to people he knows.

But the problem is that among the people Xia Li knows, the only girls are Ino and Hinata. Hinata is a little known to Naruto when Naruto was bullied before, but with her personality, it is impossible for her to take the initiative to find Xia Li, and she is also focused on Naruto, so it is even more impossible for her to find Xia Li.

So, it leads to the current situation. In Ino's eyes, he seems to only pay attention to her, a girl.

The stall owner was very quick, and it didn't take too long for the line to be long. Xia Li came to Ino, who was still thinking about something, with a box of takoyaki.

"What are you thinking about? So absent-minded?" Xia Li patted Ino's head and asked when he saw that he had come to his senses.

"No, nothing." Ino blushed for a moment, and didn't tell the other party that he was just thinking about the other party. After taking the takoyaki, he felt that his taste buds started to work, and he wanted to put one into his mouth with a skewer.

"Be careful of the heat." Xia Li reminded him when he saw this scene, but his reminder seemed to be a little late.

Ino had been burned, and her mouth kept blowing hot air, trying to blow out the heat. Even if it was like this, she was unwilling to spit out the takoyaki.

Xia Li was a little speechless and said, "Eat slowly, no one will snatch it from you."

Ino nodded, and finally waited for the takoyaki in her mouth to cool down before starting to eat. Suddenly, Ino's eyes lit up, and at this time she thought of Xia Li's words and asked.

"Xia Li doesn't want to eat?"

"I don't eat these." Xia Li said so.

"Well, okay, how much is it, I'll give it to you."

"No, it's just an octopus ball, I can still afford it." Xia Li didn't mean to take the money, and it wasn't expensive.

"Well, I'll give it to you. My mother gave me the money. If you don't believe me, look." Ino opened her small wallet, and the amount of money inside made Xia Li a little speechless. The other party seemed to be a little rich.

But even so, Xia Li didn't mean to take it, and said, "This is my treat for you, so I won't ask for your money. Don't think too much, just eat well, the fireworks should be set off soon, I'll take you to find a good place."

"Okay." Ino finally nodded, put away the wallet and started to eat the octopus ball in small bites.

And Xia Li was thinking about where there was a place that was not so crowded and could see the fireworks. Fortunately, Xia Li went to many places when he was a child. After thinking for a while, Xia Li really thought of a good place, not far from where he usually exercises.

"I'm done eating." After a while, Ino said.

"Well, wipe it off." Xia Li said, taking out the tissue from the stall from his pocket and handing it to Ino.

Ino realized that her mouth was probably full of oil, and her face turned red. She quickly took the tissue and wiped it.

"I thought of a good position, you have to follow me." Xia Li said at this time, and then stood up and set off towards the destination.

"Oh, okay." Ino nodded and followed Xia Li.

But these two little ones are really inconspicuous in such a crowd. There were several times when others passed between Ino and Xia Li, and Ino almost didn't catch up with Xia Li. It would be bad if she got lost.

In the end, Xia Li chose to hold Ino's hand and continue to move towards the destination, so that he would not be afraid of being passed by those blind people.

However, Ino looked at the palms that Xia Li and he held together, and his face turned red, but a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.

Soon, Xia Li took Ino to a place with fewer people. The terrain here was relatively high, and it was not far from the street, so the fireworks could be seen. Although there were not many people here, some people had already occupied their seats.

Sure enough, he was not the only one who thought of this location. Xia Li nodded and took Ino to a lawn to sit down.

"Ino, after watching the fireworks, let's go back." At this time, Xia Li said.

"Oh, okay." Ino was already very satisfied. After hearing Xia Li's words, he nodded and agreed.

At this time, a beam of light bloomed from the night sky, and the sea of ​​fireworks also began under the night sky, attracting all of Ino's attention there. His eyes flashed with light and he was very happy.

Xia Li also looked at the fireworks in the sky. When he was a child in his previous life, he could often see fireworks during festivals, but unfortunately, he rarely saw them after he grew up and banned the use of fireworks.

At this time, Xia Li saw such dazzling fireworks and couldn't help but watch them for a while, and then turned his eyes back and looked at Ino who was watching the fireworks intently next to him.

To be honest, when Ino was a child, her face was round and looked a bit chubby, which was quite cute. Xia Li wanted to poke her, but it was a pity that such an action was too intimate, so Xia Li gave up.

He still remembered that he actually wanted a daughter in his previous life, and it would be best if she was the kind of daughter who would not grow up. After all, daughters when they were young were all very cute, and it would be even better if they were obedient.

There are many advantages to not growing up. You can always be your father's little cotton-padded jacket, and you don't have to worry about being disliked when you grow up, let alone suddenly bringing a young boy home when you grow up.

It's just a pity that it's impossible not to grow up, but he didn't even have a girlfriend in his previous life, so it seems useless to think so much.

"What are you thinking about?" Ino also found Xia Li staring at her at this time, and couldn't help asking curiously.

"Oh, I'm thinking that it would be nice to have a daughter like Ino in the future." Xia Li answered subconsciously.

Suddenly, Ino's face became even redder, but at the same time, there were some doubts in his heart. Why did he want a daughter, why not a girlfriend?

"Okay, let's go back." Xia Li also found that the fireworks were over at this time, and said.

"Okay." Ino nodded, and when she walked to a crowded place, she took the initiative to hold Xia Li's hand, and did not let go even after she walked out of the crowd.


After the New Year, on the training ground, Xia Li still trained as usual.

However, while training, Xia Li was thinking about what happened at that time. After walking out of the crowd, he forgot to let go, causing Sina and the Yamanaka couple to see that scene.

Then, Xia Li had to face Yamanaka Haiyi's murderous eyes and the satisfied eyes of Mrs. Yamanaka and her mother.

Especially Sina, who kept looking at Xia Li with a look of "I didn't see that you are really good."

The key is that Xia Li couldn't explain anything. Did Ino take the initiative? And did she not let go? Xia Li couldn't say such words, so he could only remain silent.

However, I remember that Ino's face was very red at that time. Could it be that the other party really had such an idea?

After thinking for a while, Xia Li felt that it was possible. The characters in Naruto matured too early. However, this should also be related to the average life span of ninjas. After all, the average life span of ninjas is too short. If it is really like his previous world, where people marry and have children late...

Then there are probably fewer people in the ninja world now. After all, many ninjas died on the battlefield at an age when they were probably not even married in their previous lives. How can this be possible?

However, even so, six years old is too early, isn't it?

Moreover, Xia Li sighed. Although his impression of Ino, whether now or in the original work, is still good, Xia Li also thinks she is very cute, but cute is cute, he really has no interest in six-year-old Ino.

So young, what interest can he have? In Xia Li's eyes, those older sisters are indeed more suitable, but unfortunately his body does not allow it.

It seems that he can only take one step at a time.

Xia Li quickly completed today's physical exercise goal, and then sat aside, with lightning jumping on his body. Xia Li had been using the Thunder Release massage, and his body's resistance to lightning was getting higher and higher.

This also caused the arc on Xia Li's body to become thicker.

Xia Li estimated that now other ninjas would use thunder-attributed ninjutsu to attack him, and he would probably resist a lot of damage directly, and his resistance to lightning was still increasing, which was a bit scary. Although there must be a limit, it would be difficult to break his defense with pure thunder-attributed non-physical attacks after reaching the limit!

After the Thunder Release massage, he continued to deepen his proficiency in the state of emptiness.

Now Xia Li not only needs to observe the chakra in his body after entering the state of emptiness, but also needs to perceive in this state. As for what to perceive, it must be the Flying Thunder God Kunai, which Xia Li gave to Sinai to carry.

So in Xia Li's perception, the kunai was constantly moving, and this was exactly what Xia Li wanted. If the kunai did not move, then the perception would not be sure whether it could sense the moving kunai. Although Sinai's moving range was very small, it was enough.

As for why it was placed on Sinai, of course Xia Li could only place it on Sinai. Although it would be more effective on cats and dogs, what if the cats and dogs broke the kunai? Moreover, a special kunai tied to a cat or dog would be too conspicuous and would definitely be discovered by passers-by. Although Xia Li could directly summon it back, what if it was destroyed? Then Xia Li would be in tears.

Therefore, if you want to test the moving kunai, you can only place it on Sinai.

After completing the perception, the proficiency in the state of emptiness ended here. Xia Li opened his eyes instantly, and soon bit his thumb. At the same time, his hands quickly made seals. The next moment, several seals were completed, and Xia Li pressed his hands on the ground.

"Summoning technique!"

Sinai, who was far away in the hotel, felt a lightness on his leg at this moment, and knew that the kunai had been summoned by Xia Li. His face did not change, and he continued to work.

Xia Li looked at the kunai in front of him with a satisfied look on his face. Sure enough, with the help of the residual perception in the state of emptiness, even if the connection has not been fully established, the summoning technique was successfully used, and the kunai was successfully summoned.

Of course, if the previously bound technique is used, it is not necessary to know where the kunai is to be summoned, but Xia Li still prefers to use this method of perception rather than binding the technique, because it can test the depth of the connection and the strength of the perception.

Let's set a small goal first, to reach the level of being able to sense the specific location of the kunai and summon it without the state of emptiness before school starts!

Then, Xia Li continued to infuse his chakra into the kunai, deepening his connection with this special kunai over and over again.

After there was enough chakra left to massage Xiao Li and Sinai, Xia Li stopped, feeling the increasingly clear kunai, with a satisfied look on his face. As long as he continued like this, he believed that the Flying Thunder God ninjutsu would never escape his grasp.

However, it should not be a problem for Flying Thunder God to pass the test, so it is time to think about the next direction, and not let Flying Thunder God occupy all his energy.

At present, he has basically learned the change of chakra form, and even tried a mini version of Rasengan, which is quite powerful, so it should be successful, and it does not need the assistance of the shadow clone.

Of course, this version of Rasengan is just a Rasengan without attributes.

Then try to integrate the wind attribute chakra into the Rasengan, the thunder attribute should be more difficult but it can also be tried, and... the study of property change should also be put on the agenda.

There is a long way to go!

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