Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 437: The Void of Death

Later, in order to understand the specific details of the virtualization of the Masked Army.

Xia Li also chose to communicate with them. Except for the captains, the others were...

Hiyori Sarukaki, the former deputy captain of the 12th Division and the head of the Research Office of the Technology Development Bureau, looks very unruly and unruly at a casual glance, and even looks a bit draggy if you look closely.

The former vice-captain of the eighth division, Lisa Yatomaru, is also the girl warrior with braided braids and sailor uniform and lustful glasses!

The former deputy ghost Taoist leader of the ghost Taoist community was Zhaotian Boxuan, who looked like a fat uncle and looked very gentle.

The former vice-captain of Division 9, Kunan Haku, is a little girl who dresses like an innocent Kamen Rider and looks...a bit silly.

Xia Li looked at Yusho Tian Hao Xuan, and sure enough, there was a ghost master in the Masked Army. It was estimated that his realm above Shu Dao was very close to that of Giryo Tessai.

Otherwise, after so many years, Xia Li would not have been able to discover that there was such a large special space under the house here. It must have been hidden by the other party's ghost.

Therefore, this is very bad. There are too many ghosts and props that hide spiritual power in the Shinigami, which makes his perception function much smaller.

"So, you must have been forced to become invisible, right? Can you tell me what happened specifically? I'm very curious." Xia Li stared at Hirako Mako and asked.

Among them, except for some rough and tumble people, Mako Hirako seems to be a little more normal...

"Xia Li, do you know Aizen Sosuke?" Hirako Mako asked knowingly.

"Of course, he tried his best to get me to join his squad when I graduated, but I had no interest in work, so I didn't join." Xia Li said, looking at Hirako Mako, and asked, "You mean? Is Aizen the mastermind behind this?"

Immediately, Hirako Mako was also surprised. He didn't expect Aizen to have invited Xia Li.

At this time, Hirako Mako was also a little lucky that Xia Li did not join. If Xia Li was added to Aizen's side, with Xia Li's strength, Hirako Mako could not imagine how desperate they would be at that time.

Hirako Mako calmed down, then nodded and said, "Yes, he was originally my vice-captain. Even when I chose him to be my vice-captain, I found something was wrong with him, but I didn't expect that he was actually there. Conducting experiments on the avatar of death secretly.”

Then Hirako Mako also told Xia Li about their virtualization process. The whole process can be said to be an infection process.

At the beginning, Rukuka Kensai was attacked by Tosen, Aizen's subordinate and the current captain of the 9th division, using the swastika to sneak attack, and his body was stabbed by the opponent's Zanpakutō, and the opponent's Zanpakutō should be smeared with something that could The material that the god of death dematerialized.

As a result, Rokukaru Kensai was the first one to become insubstantial, and then the insubstantial Rokukaru Kensai infected Sarugaki Hiyori who came to support, and then one after another came to support and was infected...

Then, almost all the people who came to support, except Urahara Kisuke and Gribi Tessai, were wiped out and were infected by the Hollow.

Xia Li nodded. This ability to infect should come from Bengyu.

To be honest, Xia Li is still a little interested in Bengyu, but unfortunately he is not a researcher and cannot make one by himself. He remembers that one of Urahara Ki's assistants also has a Bengyu. It seems that neither of them is a finished product?

And Xia Li didn't think that Urahara Kisuke or Aizen would be willing to lend Bengyoku to him for fun.

"I would like to ask, did you look like what you are now after being transformed by Lan Ran?" Xia Li remembered that this was not the case, but also forgot the specific situation.

Mako Hirako shook his head and said that they were not much different from the real Hollows at the beginning. Perhaps the difference was that they were stronger and retained their previous combat experience.

However, in general, they are still as violent as Hollow. Later, they became what they are now through Urahara Kisuke's treatment, able to use the original Shinigami's abilities and the Hollow's ability.

Xia Li nodded, this is the normal process. If there really is no such process, then wouldn't it be a hundred benefits and no harm?

The other party will not be wanted and hide in the real world. Even Central Room 46 has to consider the consequences of dealing with so many enhanced captains at once, right?

Suddenly, Xia Li paused and thought of herself. Maybe, maybe Central Room 46 really wouldn't consider this...

At this time, Hirako Mako looked at Xia Li a little hesitantly, but finally asked, "Are you...interested in the ability of virtualization?"

Xia Li looked at Hirako Mako, not surprised, after all, he did seem a bit obvious, so he nodded directly.

Immediately, Hirako Mako fell silent, and then said, "Xuu's power is not a good thing."

"Power is just power. The most important thing is the person who controls them." Xia Li looked at Hirako Mako and continued, "Just like you don't attack humans like ordinary Hollows now?"

"We are different!" Liuche Quanxi couldn't help but say from the side.

"Is there really any difference?" Xia Li glanced at Liuche Quanxi.

"However, one thing you can rest assured is that although I pursue power, I am not as unscrupulous as Aizen, nor will I seek refuge with Aizen for the sake of becoming a Hollow. Also, when you find an opportunity, you can go to Urahara Kisuke, Just let him inform me."

Having said that, Xia Li left the territory of the Masked Army, leaving a group of people looking at each other in bewilderment.

"Hey, Mako, is that guy really reliable?" Hiyori still looked unhappy at this time.

It seems that... this guy may not be really unhappy, but he is born with a sarcastic face.

"I don't know, but at present, the other party's words should still be believed. After all, if he wants to kill us now, he can do it." Hirako Mako sighed.

In fact, he couldn't figure it out. The other party was already so powerful, why did he risk his life for power? The power of the Hollow is really not so easy to control. It took them so many years to barely master it.

"So, what should we do next?" Hiyori asked.

"I will go to Urahara Kisuke to explain the situation first, and then take it one step at a time." Hirako Mako said after thinking for a while.

By the way, let Urahara Kisuke take good care of his Hogyoku, maybe Xia Li will find Urahara Kisuke later.

Others could only nod, as if that was the only way.

After leaving the Masked Army, Xia Li also returned to the lake behind his residence. He now likes to stand in the center of the lake when thinking about things.

It must be said that today's experience still brought Xia Li a lot of inspiration.

The situation of the Masked Army, and the source of power of Ichigo Kurosaki, the protagonist of the God of Death, which he saw with his own eyes.

The power of the Hollow, the power of the God of Death can be perfectly integrated, but Xia Li probably can't get the power of Ichigo Kurosaki's Quincy, which is not a power that can be obtained at will.

The power of Ichigo Kurosaki's Hollow is quite peculiar. I heard from Isshin Kurosaki that it was a Hollow that could be transferred.

After the original body of the Hollow was destroyed by Masaki, it was transferred to Masaki's body. This is why Isshin Kurosaki needs to use his power of the God of Death to help Masaki suppress the Hollow.

"So do I need to find a Hollow to put in my body now?" Xia Li murmured, and then his eyes jumped.

Why does this setting feel so familiar? If he really does this, then wouldn't he become the human pillar of the Hollow?

After thinking about it, Xia Li shook his head again.

It's still different, because Jinchūriki is a human, and Tailed Beast is a Tailed Beast, they are still two in essence, while Kurosaki Ichigo and Hollow are obviously one.

And it's definitely not possible to just find a Hollow and put it into the body. Not to mention that Xia Li doesn't like to put things into his body, there are probably not many Hollows in this world that Xia Li can take a fancy to.

Besides, the principle has not been figured out yet, and it may go wrong if you just put it in.

It's just like... Shibato, there is also an extra Hollow in the other party's body, but the other party's power is too weak, and it is directly swallowed by the Hollow, just like Masaki, if the other party's power is strong, maybe it can achieve the same result as the Masked Army?

It seems that it still doesn't work. After all, the Masked Army relies on Urahara Kisuke, and it should be Urahara Kisuke who uses the power of the Collapsing Jade to form such a result.

Can the power of the Collapsing Jade only be broken by the Collapsing Jade?

Xia Li looked at the sky. Is he going to find Urahara Kisuke? But why does the other party agree to such a thing?

Or he can directly transform into a Hollow and gain the power of Hollow?

"I still feel something is wrong." Xia Li had a headache. He still had too little information and too many original works he had forgotten.

At this time, Xia Li's eyes suddenly glanced at Ming Jing Shisui on his waist.

Then Xia Li's eyes focused, and he suddenly thought of the original work of Bleach. There should be a Zanpakuto materialization, right?

And those materialized Zanpakuto have their own consciousness and abilities, and can also kill their original owners in turn...

If Zanpakuto has its own consciousness and soul, does it mean that Zanpakuto can also be hollowed?

So what if the physical Zanpakuto is hollowed?

After all, Zanpakuto is the item that is most closely related to the God of Death, and Ming Jing Shisui's ability was born by absorbing Xia Li's spiritual power.

So, even if he doesn't believe in other Hollows, can't he believe in his own power?

As if sensing Xia Li's thoughts, Ming Jing Shisui's sword body trembled slightly.

"Don't want to?" Xia Li asked softly.

At this time, the woman in palace dress seemed to appear in front of him again. She looked at Xia Li deeply and then shook her head.

Ming Jing Zhi Shui said, "If you want, I can try to become virtual at any time."

Xia Li looked at Ming Jing Zhi Shui at this time, nodded, and said nothing more.

Xia Li was not surprised by Ming Jing Zhi Shui's choice, because the other party evolved according to his ability.

Xia Li's character is to pursue more powerful power, so Ming Jing Zhi Shui will not be an exception.

Xia Li can also understand why Ming Jing Zhi Shui is a little hesitant, because it seems that he doesn't want to put things into his body, and Ming Jing Zhi Shui has the same feeling.

But, unfortunately, from the very beginning, Xia Li and Ming Jing Zhi Shui made one thing clear, that is, he is the master of the sword.

Ming Jing Zhi Shui needs to implement all of Xia Li's decisions.

Therefore, Ming Jing Zhi Shui can only agree, there is no other choice.

"Don't worry, we won't reach that point recently." Xia Li said, he still needs to study how to make the Zanpakutō materialize, and what are the conditions for virtualization.

Only when everything is fully prepared will Xia Li start taking action.

If you find it doesn't work halfway, you can give up.

Ming Jing Zhishui didn't say anything, but his eyes were a little strange.

Because, Xia Li didn't know, but Mingjing Zhishui, as a Zanpakutō, knew one thing...

That is, does virtualization really need to have a physical entity first?

As a Shinigami who uses a Zanpakutō, he actually doesn't know how the Zanpakutō works, but as a Zanpakutō, he has a vague sense of it.

Perhaps, it was...a virtual one from the beginning.

It's just that it has no self-awareness in the past. Only when Xia Li continued to cleanse the Zanpakuto with his spiritual power, he also injected a small part of his soul into it.

Ever since, it had its own consciousness, and with the help of Xia Li's power, it formed its own ability, which is Swastika.

At this moment, Ming Jing Zhishui didn't have much objection to Xia Li's idea after knowing it. It was almost the same as Xu.

The reason why it was a little hesitant was because it didn't know how to return to its original virtual state.

After roughly understanding the future path, Xia Li couldn't help but think about something else, and that was... Arrancar.

These people in the Masked Army were originally gods of death, and then they became empty.

But those Arrancars were originally Hollows and then transformed into gods of death...

It seems to be the complete opposite, and it is uncertain whether the Hollows after the Arrancar can continue to become Hollows. They do have their own consciousness and their own thoughts.

Is there any big difference between those guys at this time and the God of Death?

Perhaps the nature of the power used is different?

But one thing is the same, that is, they have all gained much more power than before!

Xia Li finally shook his head and couldn't figure it out, so he would go to Hueco Mundo when he had time. Maybe he could experiment with those virtual things in Hueco Mundo.

See what happens after using external force to break the opponent's mask.

Thinking like this, Xia Li closed his eyes, and his mind was immersed in Ming Jing Zhishui, and he started fighting with Ming Jing Zhishui again. This was something he did almost every day.

Meanwhile, he was waiting. (End of chapter)

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