Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 55 Jiraiya and the Test

The Hokage's office, unlike before, the guard did not block Xia Li's entry this time. It seemed that he had been ordered in advance.

The moment Xia Li stepped into the office, a voice reached his ears.

"What, old man, you called me back more than a dozen times just for this kid? He doesn't look that good." It was a voice full of uncle's feeling, and it sounded that he was not young.

Xia Li couldn't help but look at the person who made the voice. When he heard the voice, he had a little guess, but when he really saw it, he couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

I saw a tall middle-aged ninja with a forehead protector with the word "oil" on his head, white messy long hair down to the waist, a red mark under the eyes, and a red coat.

There is no doubt that this is one of the three ninjas, Jiraiya!

Xia Li didn't expect to see Jiraiya here at all, and Xia Li could guess what Jiraiya's appearance here meant. While he was excited, he couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Sure enough, the Flying Thunder God given by the Third Generation was not so easy to get. Even if his life experience was innocent and he should have shown enough ties with his family and friends, it was probably not enough in the eyes of the Third Generation.

Of course, Xia Li could not give up the possibility of becoming a disciple because of this. After all, that was Jiraiya, one of the Three Ninjas, the common teacher of the Fourth Generation and the Seventh Generation.

"Third Generation." Xia Li was shocked, but he did not forget to salute the Third Generation.

"Well, Xia Li, from the way you looked just now, do you know the person next to me?" The Third Generation said gently.

"Yes, the legendary Jiraiya, one of the Three Ninjas. I didn't expect to see him here. I heard that Jiraiya has not been active in the village for a long time." Xia Li also answered truthfully.

"Hahaha, it seems that my reputation in Konoha is still very big~" Jiraiya couldn't help but open his mouth and laugh after hearing Xia Li's words. He didn't feel restrained at all, which made the Third Generation a little headache.

However, Xia Li could also see that although he had a headache, the Third Generation was probably in the most relaxed state at this time.

After all, with Jiraiya here, he could put down some of his worries.

"Okay, Xia Li, you should be ready, right?" The Third Generation interrupted Jiraiya's laughter and asked.

"Yes, I'm ready." Xia Li said and handed the Flying Thunder God Kunai to the Third Generation.

Jiraiya next to him couldn't help but restrain his smile after seeing this kunai, and a look of reminiscence appeared on his face. He thought of the figure with golden hair and looked at Xia Li again.

It must be said that in terms of appearance, they are basically on par, but Minato is indeed more sunny.

While Jiraiya was reminiscing, the Third Generation had already taken the kunai and said with a smile.

"Xia Li, you have always been very mature, so you must be able to guess why Jiraiya is here, right?"

"Well, of course, I am willing to take Jiraiya as my teacher." Xia Li's eyes lit up, and then he showed an 'ecstatic' look and said directly.

Seeing Xia Li like this, the third generation couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

"Boy, it's not that easy to become my disciple. The third generation called me back more than a dozen times because he said that you have a very high talent, so I came back to take a look. If you don't pass this test, it proves that your talent is just so-so, and I will naturally not accept you as my disciple." Jiraiya also came back to his senses and said seriously at this time.

He actually had no intention of accepting a disciple. After all, his mind was focused on traveling and collecting materials and finding the child of destiny, but the third generation kept sending him messages, which annoyed him. He was also afraid that something would happen to Konoha, and the other party was his teacher, so he couldn't block the third generation.

This annoyed Jiraiya, and he couldn't help but become curious about Xia Li, who was said by the Third Hokage to be as talented as Minato. After knowing the Third Hokage's test, he finally rushed back.

"I will pass the test." Xia Li just said so, with a strong confidence in his tone.

And this confidence also made Jiraiya stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but grin.

"Then I look forward to being able to accept another disciple!"

"Um, Third Hokage, Jiraiya, I want to ask, what is the specific content of the assessment?" Xia Li waited for a while and found that neither the Third Hokage nor Jiraiya explained the content of the test to him, so he couldn't help but take the initiative to ask.

"Well, the content of the test is actually very simple, Xia Li, you just need to use the summoning technique given to you before to summon the Flying Thunder God Kunai." The Third Hokage said with a smile.

Jiraiya couldn't help rolling his eyes after hearing this. Is his teacher bullying people? But he just said this requirement, the real requirement is much lower than this.

However, Xia Li was stunned. What kind of request was this? To summon a kunai... was it that difficult?

Xia Li did not understand, but if that was all, then the Flying Thunder God would be...

The next moment, Xia Li paused, because he suddenly discovered that in his perception, he seemed to have lost the connection with the Flying Thunder God Kunai that he had established for a long time.

Suddenly, Xia Li's face showed a look of astonishment.

The third generation nodded at this scene. It was found so quickly, it was really good, so he spoke again, "As for time, it will be fine if it can be completed before tomorrow. Jiraiya, you watch from the side."

As he said, the third generation picked up the file next to him and started reading. In his opinion, it would not be so easy for Xia Li to achieve this goal.

"I knew I would watch." Jiraiya yawned and looked at the third generation, then said to Xia Li casually, "Boy, if it doesn't work, give up quickly. This immortal still has to go to collect light. I haven't been back to Konoha for many years. I must see more!"

Xia Li did not answer. He had already calmed down and focused all his attention on perception.

After a while, Xia Li still felt that trace of connection, but it was almost vague, so what did the third generation and Jiraiya do? Why could he make the kunai, which he had established a deep connection with, seem to have no connection?

Although Xia Li was a little confused, this connection should not be enough to communicate with the spirit, so should he use the previously established technique?

But the connection was almost cut off. Is the technique really useful?

Xia Li was confused, but he no longer hesitated. Anyway, it was still early until tomorrow, so he would try it first.

The next moment, Xia Li bit his finger and formed a seal of the summoning technique.

Hmm? Although Jiraiya seemed to be indifferent, his attention was actually on Xia Li, and Xia Li's seal-forming speed surprised him. Such a fast seal-forming speed? He must have practiced a lot, right? At this time, even if it was just this scene, Jiraiya slowly believed that what the third generation said in the letter about the other party's efforts was true.

However, Jiraiya shook his head when he looked at the other party's summoning technique. This would not work.

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