Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 74 The Great Toad Immortal

"Old woman, what did you say? Grandpa-sama is awake?" Fukasaku Sennin was surprised, and then he suddenly came to his senses and said, "Old woman, you must respect Grandpa-sama a little more."

"What does it matter? He's just an old fool." Shima Sennin said nonchalantly.

Fukasaku Sennin twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard this, and couldn't say anything else.

"By the way, do you want to take Xiao Xia Li over to see Grandpa?" Shijian Sennin asked.

"Of course." Fukasaku Sennin nodded. Although it was unlikely, Fukasaku Sennin still wanted to try whether Xia Li could be the prophesied child.

After all, Xia Li also had many conditions that met the prophecies at that time, and this talented Shenzaku Immortal was used to being surprised. In his opinion, no one should be more talented than Xia Li, right? Perhaps the talent in a certain aspect can surpass him, but in terms of overall talent, Xia Li is the strongest in its opinion.

"Big Toad Immortal?" Xia Li was also a little curious about this one. This was the only toad he hadn't seen since coming to Miaomu Mountain. A toad that was active earlier than the Six Paths Immortal!

He didn't know if the other party would give him a prophecy, and Xia Li was also very curious about his appearance.

"Yes, Xiao Xia Li, follow me." Fukasaku Sennin nodded, and seriously led Xia Li to a very tall door, and slowly opened it, revealing an empty and tall hall. Sitting on the throne was a very huge old toad.

"Grandpa, I am Fukasaku, and I have brought little Jiraiya's apprentice here." Fukasaku Sage shouted.

"Who is coming?" The Great Toad Immortal asked vaguely with his eyes open.

Immediately, Fukasaku Sage felt a little helpless. It was interesting to have to do this every time, but he still repeated, "I am Fukasaku, and I am bringing little Jiraiya's apprentice here to see the great grandfather."

"Who is little Jiraiya?" Big Toad Sage's words silenced Fukasaku Sage and also silenced Xia Li. There seemed to be such a scene in his memory, and he had almost forgotten it.

"This old fool, little Jirai is the one you gave him the prophecy at that time!" Sennin Shima couldn't help it anymore and said bluntly and loudly.

"Oh, it's little Jiraiya..." The big toad sage's eyes moved, as if he didn't see anyone familiar, so he couldn't help but said, "Little Jiraiya doesn't seem to be here?"

"It's not Jiraiya-chan, it's Jiraiya-chan's apprentice! Natsuki-chan!" said Shima Sage. If Fukasaku Sage next to him hadn't been pulling it, it would probably have wanted to hit it with a punch. It was too hard. spoke.

"Little...Xia Li?" The Great Toad Immortal was a little confused, and finally his half-closed eyes fell on Xia Li. The next moment, the Great Toad Immortal opened his eyes slightly and made a confused voice.

"Shouldn't you be dead already?"

Suddenly, the expressions of Xia Li, Fukasaku Sennin and Shima Sennin all changed!

"Old fool, really old fool! Isn't he standing properly in front of you? Why is he already dead?!" Immortal Shijian retorted unceremoniously. In her opinion, if Xiao Xia Li died, If so, who else would praise her craftsmanship every day?

She has been really happy in the past three years. She can hear all kinds of compliments from Xiao Xia Li every day, unlike others who eat without making any move.

"Oh...oh, he's not dead, it seems so." The Great Toad Immortal said in confusion and closed his eyes.

After waiting for a while, the two toads and Xia Li realized that the big toad fairy seemed to have fallen asleep again, and they were speechless.

Shima Sennin couldn't bear it any longer and almost made a move, but was stopped by Fukasaku Sennin, who had sharp eyes and quick hands, "Don't be impulsive."

It seems that this is not the first time that Shima Sennin wants to take action, and it is not the first time that Fukasaku Sennin has stopped him, both of them are very skillful in their movements.

However, Xia Li suspected that if Fukasaku Sennin didn't stop him, Shima Sennin would really dare to take action...

It is impossible that Xia Li's heart was not shaken by what the Great Toad Immortal just said. But after thinking about it carefully, he realized that he should indeed be dead. If he hadn't traveled through time into Sinai's belly, the original Xia Li and Sinai would have been dead. Can you survive?

Finally, the Great Toad Immortal opened his eyes again. This time he looked at Xia Li, and his expression became a little serious.

"Xiao Xia Li, right?"

"Yes, Great Toad Immortal."

"Well, although I can't understand your destiny, it seems that your destiny was interrupted once when you were born. Why was it reconnected..." The Great Toad Immortal was also a little confused as he spoke.

And Xia Li sighed in his heart. Sure enough, as he thought, it was one corpse and two lives.

Shima Sennin heard him muttering about being an old fool again, while Fukasaku Sennin was persuading Shima Sennin while also having some doubts in his heart. He didn't understand why the great grandfather said that.

After being puzzled, the Great Toad Immortal didn't think much and continued, "I saw very little from you, only a few blurry fragments, but each fragment has the same background."

Xia Li looked at the Great Toad Immortal with some curiosity, wanting to know what the fragment the Great Toad Immortal saw looked like.

This time, perhaps the Great Toad Immortal was also a little curious about Xia Li, so he did not continue to doze off and said directly, "Xia Li, you will definitely cause a bloody storm in the entire ninja world, but I can't see that there is a good thing in it. ...It’s still a bad thing.”

Although the Great Toad Immortal said this, the heart of the Immortal Shen Zuo still sank. No matter what, bloody storm is not a good word.

At the same time, the Immortal Shen Zuo was a little bit unbelievable, because in his three years of getting along, he felt that Xia Li was actually a very gentle person, and basically nothing could shake him.

Well, of course, eating insects does not count. His old partner actually tried to replace fruits with insects on the way, but it didn't work once.

So, how could such a person be related to bloody storm?

The Immortal Shen Zuo sighed a little unconvinced. Since the great grandfather did not mention the matter of the son of prophecy, it proved that Xia Li should not be the son of prophecy.

This is a pity.

As for Xia Li, he was a little surprised by the prediction of the Great Toad Immortal, but not so surprised. He knew himself. If necessary, it would not be a bad idea to stir up bloody storm.

However, Xia Li would not completely believe this prophecy. Since it was a prophecy, there was a possibility of failure. Even if the prediction of the Great Toad Immortal was reliable, it was still the case. Moreover, Xia Li did not like those destined destinies.

The son of prophecy? Bloody storm?

Xia Li smiled. He could just walk his own path. Why bother about so many things? Should he be trapped by a prophecy for so many years like Jiraiya?

Moreover, did Jiraiya believe it from the beginning? This was one of the reasons for embarking on this path, but it was not the only reason!

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