Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 81 Codename and Captain

"Transformation Technique!"

As Naruto finished the seal, a white smoke rose.

When the smoke fell, Xia Li saw 'himself' standing opposite him. At this time, he couldn't help but take a closer look, nodded and said, "Not bad, but the details need to be improved."

Naruto scratched his head and looked at his hands again. It seemed that he was indeed a little relieved. As expected, Xia Li would not deceive him!

The excited Naruto started to seal again, this time it was...

"Clone Technique!"

However, this time Naruto's clone was a little deformed, and it was possible to distinguish which was the original and which was the clone at a glance.

But Naruto was excited when he saw his clone, because although it was a little deformed, he finally used it successfully, unlike the previous clones that were gray and white and lay on the ground even if he used all his strength.

Now, as long as he keeps working hard, he feels that he has hope of learning it!

Xia Li nodded when he saw this scene. He certainly knew what level Naruto was at before, and it can be said that his progress was very obvious. In the future, as Naruto's physique improves, he will come over a few more times.

This will be of great benefit to Naruto, and Xia Li can also quickly understand the Eight Diagrams Seal and the Four Symbols Seal, which is perfect!

As for whether this will prevent Naruto from getting the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique? That is impossible. After all, Naruto is basically the only one who can use that thing in Konoha now, and the Third Generation will definitely find a reason to give it to Naruto.

Moreover, this may also deepen the relationship between the Third Generation and Naruto, so he will not steal the Third Generation's work. Besides, it is not very good for him to teach Naruto Shadow Clone. It is okay to pass on ninjutsu from family, and generally the higher-ups will not care.

But if the two people have no special relationship, such as family, master and apprentice, then they still cannot pass it on casually, otherwise it will be a mess.

"Xia Li!" Naruto looked at Xia Li at this time, and then he looked like he wanted to cry, and his nose and tears were about to come out.

"I'm telling you, don't rush over." Xia Li didn't want to be smeared with the other's snot and tears.

"Yeah, yeah... Xia Li, I'll treat you to Ichiraku Ramen!" Naruto didn't know how to thank him. After thinking for a long time, he could only say, "Xia Li, eat as much as you want, I can pay!"

"Yeah, that's what you said." Xia Li nodded and smiled. He has a big appetite.

Then Xia Li looked at the excited Naruto and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to rub Naruto's slightly prickly golden short hair, saying, "Come on, try to surpass Sasuke."

"Okay! I'll work hard!" Naruto also answered with full energy after hearing it.

"By the way, Naruto, don't tell others this trick." Xia Li said at this time.

"Yeah, I know Xia Li! If you tell it, everyone will come to Xia Li, and you will be very annoyed haha." Naruto scratched his head and laughed.

Walking out of the door, Xia Li felt the gazes from the surroundings and couldn't help but sneer. The words of the Anbu were okay, neither he nor Naruto had any ill will.

The words of the Root were different. Xia Li could clearly feel that the other party was staring at him with some impoliteness. Even in Naruto's house, these guys wanted to observe him. If he didn't draw the curtains, he would probably continue to stare.

But Xia Li had no choice now, he could only pretend that he didn't sense it and followed Naruto away.


In the evening, after parting with Naruto, Xia Li also returned home, and then he saw a table of sumptuous dinner, and looked at the unnatural smile on his mother's face.

"Xiao Xia Li, I won't say more, but you must come back safely, please..." Sinai smiled at Xia Li, tears flashing in his eyes and said.

As for Xia Li, although he had eaten some ramen, he nodded silently after seeing his mother's appearance at this time, and then silently walked to the table and sat down, and moved his chopsticks.

Sinai looked at Xia Li. When Xia Li told her that he had graduated, she was really a little panicked. The news of her husband's death kept playing in her mind. She was really afraid. She was afraid that she would receive that kind of news again at home. Xia Li was her last support in this world...

But, Sinai also knew that her son would definitely achieve great success. He was the apprentice of the three ninjas and the grandson of the third generation of Hokage. She couldn't delay her son's future because of herself, so she couldn't cry in front of her son. She had to work hard and smile...

Even if she was panicked and scared, Sinai would not stop it. She would stay here silently in this house, waiting for her son to complete the mission and return. She also believed that her son would definitely come back every time.

Because that was all her pride and sustenance for the rest of her life!

The next day, Xia Li also received a notice from the Anbu and came to the Hokage's office.

"Xia Li, your team has been arranged." The third generation looked at Xia Li who came in and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Grandpa Sandai." Xia Li's eyes lit up as he thanked him, then he saw the mask and... a knife on the table.

"Well, this is the mask and weapon I picked for you, try them out." Sandai also noticed that Xia Li had noticed these, and he stroked his beard and said.

"Okay." Xia Li took the mask and looked at it carefully. There was basically nothing special about it, and there was no color at all. If it was worn on the head, it would be like a faceless man.

Xia Li attached the mask to his face and then fixed it with chakra. Xia Li thought that the position of the eyes would block some of his vision, but in fact, with the blessing of chakra, the vision was not blocked at all. It seems that this mask is also specially made.

Looking at this knife again, compared with the traditional samurai sword, its blade has no arc, but the cold light shows that it is absolutely sharp. Xia Li stroked the blade and felt a little happy.

"Do you like it?" Sandai said with a smile. This was specially picked by him. Ordinary Anbu can't get this kind of weapon. It's usually just a standard weapon.

"I like it. Thank you, Grandpa Sandai." Xia Li put the knife back into the scabbard and put it on his back.

"As long as you like it." The third generation was even happier after hearing this. After thinking for a while, he asked again, "Xia Li, have you thought of your code name? Generally, it's some animal code name, of course, other codes are fine."

"Then let's call it 'Mo Ying'." Xia Li said casually. The name is fine.

"Okay." After the third generation nodded, he knocked on the table without any nonsense. The next moment, a figure pushed open the door of the office and walked in.

"Tian Zang, this is your new team member, Mo Ying." The third generation said after seeing Tian Zang walk in, "Mo Ying, this is your future captain, Tian Zang."

"Yes, Lord Hokage." Tian Zang and Xia Li replied at the same time.

At the same time, Tian Zang and Xia Li also looked at each other.

When Tian Zang saw Xia Li, he felt a little cold in his heart. This person looked like a child. Did he let him take care of the child?

His team was quite efficient. At this time, a child was stuffed in. Was he from a big family who came in to gain experience? To be honest, Tian Zang was a little reluctant.

If the young master of a big family who came here to train like this gets into trouble in his team, then his team will be finished!

But the order of the Hokage cannot be disobeyed, and he can only take care of him carefully. If it really doesn't work, let him stay behind.

Tianzang was thinking, and his first impression of Xia Li was a bit bad.

And Xia Li was also thinking, he seemed to have some memory of the name Tianzang, but he forgot who it was. However, since he had some impression, he should be a ninja who survived to the later period, so his strength is probably good, and he should be a good captain.

PS: Thank you for the 500 starting coins from Meijiu Sweet Potato I Love

Thank you for the 100 starting coins from Zhou Tiandi in recent days

I will continue to work hard, thank you~

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