Naruto in Infinity

Chapter 97 Mission completed and leaving the team

"Beautiful attack, Mo Ying." Tianzang also put away his ninjutsu at this time. Many of the branches that had grown forcibly retracted to the ground again, and many of them just remained on the ground. For Ninja's sake, Contributed to the greening of the world ~

"It's all done by the captain. I'm just making up for it." Xia Li also said.

"Not necessarily. Even without me, you still have a chance to kill him." Tianzang said with a sigh. If he faced Xia Li for the first time and had no information in advance, even he might not be able to react at all.

At the beginning, they thought this ability was some kind of unique teleportation technique, but Tenzou later went to the ANBU database to check it, and with his authority, he was able to find a lot of useful information.

So he also successfully found a record from the database that was very similar to the technique used by Xia Li.

However, that jutsu is the legendary person's ninjutsu. If Xia Li really knows that jutsu, then Xia Li's identity is definitely not as simple as he imagined before. A child of a big family is not worthy of it. he……

Moreover, the legendary ninja seems to have a spherical ninjutsu that condenses chakra. Maybe the relationship between them is even closer, but I don't know, but the hair color is not right, right?

After finding out this, Tenzo thought about the identity of the other party, and finally chose not to tell the hyena and fox. Anyway, there was nothing wrong with just treating him as a descendant of a big family.

"No, it's still a long way off." Xia Li didn't think so. Even if he was a jounin from the Mist Ninja Village, if he was in a state of full strength, his Rasengan would probably not be able to hit him so effectively, even if it could seriously injure him. , but it is not certain whether it can be killed later.

After all, the Thunder Release Kunai, Flying Thunder God and Rasengan also consumed most of Xia Li's chakra.

Tianzang couldn't help but pause for a moment. He felt that Xia Li was good at everything, but he was too serious. He was obviously very powerful at this age...

"Let's go back, I'll lead the way." Xia Li said and poured out another soldier food pill from the bottle given by the fox. He lifted up a little of the mask and put it into his mouth to chew. The taste of this stuff was really unpleasant. Okay, can't those medical ninjas study more about taste?

"Captain, the fox gave it to you, do you want it?" Xia Li threw the bottle to Tianzang.

"Fox's? There will be a charge later." Tianzang said after taking the bottle.

Suddenly, Xia Li's body froze. Can he spit it out now without charge? There probably won't be any more battles later, so he was... wasted?

"Haha, don't worry. The contribution you can get by killing a Jonin is very high, so just feel free to eat." Tianzang couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene. The other person's family background didn't seem to be that good. , should really not be a child of a big family.

"That's not my contribution alone. Most of the contribution should be the captain's." Xia Li shook his head.

"Why do I need so much contribution? It's better to just keep it. After're leaving soon, right?" Tianzang paused for a moment before continuing.

Hearing this, Xia Li was silent. Had everything been guessed?

Xia Li's silence also confirmed Tianzang's guess, which made Tianzang a little disappointed, but he still managed to cheer up and said, "So, just think of it as my last gift to you as the captain. I hope you can do it in the future." Furthermore, if possible, don’t forget that you were once a member of Tenzo’s team.”

Xia Li nodded silently, feeling a somewhat sentimental atmosphere, and immediately said, "Of course I won't forget it, captain, you can watch. It won't be long before you can show off to other ANBU that I was once in your team." Team members.”

Xia Li's confident tone made Tian Zang startled, and then he couldn't help but laugh and said, "Then I'll look forward to it."

Soon, Xia Li took Tianzang back to where Master Craftsman was. Seeing that stable order had been restored here, Xia Li was startled. Those three genin were quite capable, weren't they?

Then, Xia Li discovered that it was their captain who had also come over and started directing them to do things. No wonder.

When the three genin saw Xia Li, their bodies froze and they did not choose to stop him and Tenzo.

"Captain, Mo Ying!" Fox and Hyena shouted excitedly after seeing Tianzang and Xia Li.

Although they all believed in the strength of Tianzang and Xia Li, there were unforeseen circumstances and they were always a little worried when there was no guarantee.

"You also did a good job." Tianzang looked around and said.

"Hey, has everything been resolved, Captain?" The hyena scratched his head and asked.

"It's all solved. Mo Ying killed them all, including that jounin." Tianzang said directly without hiding anything.

Suddenly, both the fox and the hyena took a breath of air and looked at Xia Li as if they were looking at monsters. He was only twelve or thirteen years old, right? At this age, they can kill jounin. What are they doing at this age? It seems like you were catching cats and playing with dogs not long after you graduated?

"Don't listen to the captain. The captain has already beaten that guy to a pulp. I'm just giving him one last blow." Xia Li said.

"It's your skill to be able to hit last. If it were us, we wouldn't dare to approach!" Hyena gasped again after receiving Xia Li's confirmation.

At this time, the leading chuunin also heard the conversation here. Looking at the figure who was about the same age as his team members, he couldn't help but feel in a daze. He... maybe he heard it wrong?

The other party killed the jonin? How is that possible! The gap between people is too big!

"What do you want?" At this time, Tianzang turned around and looked at the chunin.

The chunin came back to his senses and told his purpose. He wanted to ask what to do next? The captain of the transport team ran away at some point. Now the rest are just some ordinary people. Should they continue the mission and send them to the Iron Country, or give up?

At this time, Xia Li thought about it and told them what he had heard before, including the matter of meteorite iron.

"Meteorite iron?" After Master Craftsmanship came out, he also heard what Xia Li said. After all, they didn't communicate behind Master Craftsmanship's back. "I know this, but didn't they say that meteorite iron would be transported later..."

As he said this, Master Craftsmanship's face slowly turned livid as if he had thought of something.

Finally, Tianzang looked at the map. This place was not far from the Iron Country, and he decided to continue the mission. After all, even if he went back at this time, it would not be safe. He couldn't really leave all these people here, right? Still have to send it back...

Then, Tianzang and Xia Li whispered something, and then walked into the dark, and Xia Li also started to move.

Soon Xia Li led some horses that had been separated before back, and Tianzang made a lot of simple wooden carts, which made the Chunin stunned. Where did these come from? So fast?

The next journey was not difficult to walk, but very stable. After all, the Jonin of the Mist Village was defeated here, and it was not appropriate to continue to send people.

However, Xia Li guessed that the other party might have received news of the real meteorite, so the situation has been explained. The meteorite is not here, and this is just a trick.

In this case, it is understandable that those "samurai" are so vulnerable. The elite are not here at all. They have deceived the Mist Ninja and Konoha...

I hope so. Xia Li's mouth curled up a smile, because if so, then those guys will be unlucky, and the Mist Ninja will definitely vent all their anger there.

Xia Li didn't have a good impression of these people. This is the price of deceiving them!

"Brother Mo Ying, please come to me more often in the future. I will definitely make the best weapon for you!"

In the Iron Country, when they parted, Jian Xin Che also waved to Xia Li and shouted reluctantly.

"How old are you?" Xia Li asked.

"Twelve years old, what's wrong?" Jian Xin Che also asked with some confusion.

"Then don't call me big brother, I'm younger than you." Xia Li replied.

All of a sudden, the three people in the Tianzang team couldn't help but look over. If it was so certain, it meant that Xia Li was not yet 12 years old... Why did it feel more and more outrageous?

Jian Xin Che was also stunned. The other party's handsomeness and strength made him subconsciously think that the other party was older than himself, but... not even older than himself?

However, some things have nothing to do with age. Jian Xin Che also shook his head and said, "Then I will call you boss! It doesn't matter!"

"Well, okay, then I look forward to you making the most powerful weapon for me." Xia Li also smiled and said.

"Well! It's settled! I will definitely work hard to learn the art of forging!" Master Takumi nodded vigorously and waved his hand, "Goodbye, Boss!"

"Goodbye." Xia Li waved his hand without looking back.

Master Takumi smiled at this scene. It would be a win-win situation for Xiao Che to build a good relationship with such a ninja. It was a mutually beneficial thing.


Without the restrictions of ordinary people, Tianzang and his party quickly returned to Konoha and dispersed.

Xia Li also came to the merit exchange place of the Anbu and selected swordsmanship. These were not expensive, at least far less precious than ninjutsu, so Xia Li did not spend much merit to exchange for what he wanted.

From basic sword moves to more sophisticated sword styles, everything is available. Unfortunately, there are no more sophisticated ones, but Xia Li thinks that it is enough for him to practice for a while.

In the following time, Xia Li did not leave the team directly, but continued to do some tasks, while practicing his swordsmanship so that it can be better combined with ninjutsu.

It must be said that with the deepening of swordsmanship, the use of ninja swords has become more and more handy.

And on this day, Xia Li finally mentioned his intention to leave to Tian Zang.

This also made Tian Zang and the other two a little reluctant. They all knew that Xia Li would not stay in this team for a long time, but they did not expect it to be so soon. It has only been half a year!

However, no one proposed to retain him. They all knew that it would be a waste for Xia Li to stay here with his talent.

"You should be able to guess what I am talking about. I am from the Inuzuka family. If you have a chance in the future, you can come to my place and sit down." Hyena patted his partner Hui Fang and laughed.

"You can buy things from me if you need them in the future, or you can go to the medical headquarters to mention the Tian Zang team. I will be there." Fox also said.

"Thank you..." Xia Li nodded and looked at Tian Zang.

Tian Zang looked at Xia Li, sighed, and said, "I won't say much. After all, everything I have is here in the Anbu, but if there is something that cannot be solved, you can come to the Anbu to find me."

"Okay, then, Captain, Senior Hyena and Senior Fox, I'm leaving." Xia Li did not refuse. After thanking them, he turned around and left this team that had occupied a considerable time in his life. After all, he was only ten years old this year.

Everyone in the Tianzang team looked at Xia Li's back, and for a moment they felt a little sad and sighed. They seemed to have really witnessed the rise of a genius!

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